Sunday, October 09, 2011

Ron Paul Is Kicking Barack Obama's Ass


Big Mark 243 said...

... other than whoever making this video using Explosions In The Sky as the musical backdrop, I can't say that I agree with the video. I think Ron Paul is a little too simplistic... but he does have some good ideas nonetheless..!

makheru bradley said...

Since he will not get the Republican nomination, we'll find out if he is serious by running as an independent.

uglyblackjohn said...

Running as an Independent would help Obama get re-elected.

Denmark Vesey said...


Independent of what?



Barack Obama will not be re-elected.

Barack Obama will be re-selected.

The sooner we stop participating in the fake Republican v Democrat dialectic (1 party ... 2 different teams) and the sooner we all stop PRETENDING we have anything close to legitimate political elections in this country the better off we will be.

Ron Paul speaks the OBSERVABLE TRUTH.

Win or Lose ... as long as he is on the screen ... the American people win.

makheru bradley said...

The sooner we stop participating in the fake Republican v Democrat dialectic -- DV

Right, and Paul is a Republican candidate for the presidency, so he's participating in the "fake Republican v Democrat dialectic."

Someone has to break the monopoly the two-party system has on the minds of the American body politic. Paul is not facilitating that process running as a Republican. Perhaps he feels that is his only channel for getting his message out. Thus he hasn't totally broken the monopoly himself. And you're calling that a victory---SMH!

uglyblackjohn said...

But Paul speaks TOO MUCH truth to ever be elected as POTUS.

Denmark Vesey said...

Paul is a "Republican" the way Hillary Clinton is a "New Yorker."

For electoral convenience.

It gets him on television.


The Pkantation conditions Negros to worry about WHO Ron Paul is instead of WHAT Ron Paul represents.

Issues Brother Mak.




Anonymous said...

Paul is a free thinker. How he's classified means little when there is no discernable diff betw right and left and he makes it clear that he lives on an island rather than within the confines of popular conservative or liberal thought.

cadeveo said...

Ron Paul's presence and his message is what is important. Obama was nothing but a marketing campaign, a cute slogan and an image, with no substance behind it. Paul is the anti-Obama: he's not handsome, even by the low-standards of other politicians, he's not the smoothest speaker--he stutters at times. He doesn't talk in soundbites--he treats questions and issues seriously and requires that you actually utilize some sort of attention span to listen, learn and understand.
There's no way the PTB win in the present moment. Ron Paul is not something they've created, his ideas are not under their control and because people are resonating with them DESPITE their efforts to ignore them, then denigrate them, then try to coopt them by giving the go-ahead to their puppets like Romney and Perry to parrot watered-down versions of them, there are too many people who are aware this time and not falling for the okey-doke. If Ron Paul does not get the nomination, it further undermines the system and the system's vetted puppets. If Ron Paul somehow wins the nomination, it undermines the system. The only way the system could win was to allow Paul carte blanche to not only win the nomination and the general election, but also to implement everything he intends and hope it blows up in his face--which is a scenario they absolutely will not abide.
Obama is Zbigniew Brezynski's boy, same as Jimmy Carter was. It's a variation on a theme--they'd run the same game plan if they could. Have him lose to another Reagan, someone that talks a good game but that they utterly control. But this ain't 1980 and that play will not serve to do anything more than further undermine the system further. Perhaps that's the plan--destroy confidence in their own system and then finally propose the global corporatist police state and a global fiat currency as the solution.

makheru bradley said...

It gets him on television. -- DV

That's about as plantation as it gets. The revolution will not be televised.

You sound like the people who supported Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988. Let's ride this symbolism until we run out of track and for Paul that will be next March if not sooner.

What happens to the issues then DV?

Denmark Vesey said...

"The revolution will not be televised." MB


Actually Mak ... the Revolution will be televised.

It will be YouTubed.
The revolution will be Emailed.
The revolution will be on your iPad.

A "Revolution" is a meme.

Memes are distributed via satellite.

Get with the program Mak.

Step up your game.

2011 man.

Not 1971.

makheru bradley said...

the Revolution will be televised.
It will be YouTubed. Twittered.
Facebooked.The revolution will be Emailed.The revolution will be on your iPad.-- DV

If you had ever participated in a real struggle, beyond eating beets and sending tweets you might understand how the national security state works.

When the proverbial shit hits the fan the internet will be shutdown.

If you can manage to bring your game up to COINTELPRO, I will try to elevate you, kicking and screaming, to the Patriot ACT era.

Anonymous said...

rotflmbao@eating beets and sending tweets

Denmark Vesey said...

"If you had ever participated in a real struggle, beyond eating beets and sending tweets ..." MB

Brother Mak.

What greater "struggle" exists ... than the struggle to stop Plantation Negros from eating pork?




Diabetes and cancer will kill more Negros than slavery, crack and the Patriot Act combined.

Cats still channeling Fred Hampton and H Rap Brown harbor romanticized 'Power to Duh Peepuhl!' fantasies of revolution where they lead masses of black people into glorious street battles against the 'pigs'.

Never happens.

Talk shit.

Never pick up guns.

Never take to the streets.

On YouTube and Twitter just like everybody else.