Sunday, October 09, 2011

Occupy Wall St? Now You Talkin' ....

"Beginning from one simple demand – a presidential commission to separate money from politics – we start setting the agenda for a new America." Adbusters


makheru bradley said...

Well now has Mr. Conspiracy Theory himself fallen for a head fake?

Adbusters is funded by several capitalists with a liberal globalist agenda, including George Soros.

I'm surprised you didn't check with Alex Jones before you published this.

Denmark Vesey said...


I hear ya Brother Mak.

The Left v Right dialectic is in full effect.

The devil is an expert at Divide & Conquer.

If he can't beat you, he'll join you.

Sometimes he will even finance you.

Guide you.

Direct you.

Support you.

Defend you.

Until he owns you.

True with the "Occupy Wall Street" "organizers".

True with the "Civil Rights" Negros of yester-year.



I dig these cats because they have better designed memes than the out of step Plantation Negro political "thought leaders" who've been running on a treadmill for 40 years ... still talking that low-level, simple-minded, redundant .... race shit.

black v white

white v black

black v white

white v black

fail to realize it's really

slave v slave

... AND ...

I dig these cats because they at least have enough intellectual horse power to identify the culprits as an international banking cartel .

They don't simply limit their identification of the puppet masters behind this global conspiracy to the intellectually lazy designation of .... "white fowks!".

HotmfWax said...

This sista ain't occupying anything!

HotmfWax said...

Occupy Wall Street protesters are undergoing collectivist zombie training in Atlanta, where a large group was caught on film engaging in a weird sort of “one voice” hypnotic chanting ritual that characterizes the key principles of both Communism and Socialism.

If you study linguistics and human psychology, you can recognize mass hypnosis when you see it.

The mind-numbing call-and-return vocalizations captured in this video reflect the same kind of mind control techniques used in cults, sporting events and even some church revival events.

makheru bradley said...

Right now there is a subterranean battle for the soul of this "movement" and what you like about it today, you may hate tomorrow.

The Doc said...

The problem with OWS, which genuinely started as a real movement was that it had a lot of general principals, but no real goal.

I think it's roots are in a lot of the "chans" sites. I hang out with the crazy, racist, sexist, anti-social ass white boys on and it's Anonymous. Now if you want to know how people really think, go there. Better have thick skin though. It's fascinating, but the things you see there you can't un-see. That was the first time I heard OWS mentioned.

It's rapidly becoming to the left what the Tea Party was to the right. Infiltrators are quickly moving in, rebranding the movement as pro-Obama and since the media are just their lapdogs, they can't wait to make Obama policy talking points the talking points of the movement. Very disturbing, especially when you consider if any of these people were intellectually honest he'd be the primary object of protest.

Denmark Vesey said...

OWS ...


Of course.

Does it matter?


Why not?

Whether people "agree" with OWS, or Ron Paul or Alex Jones or whomever doesn't matter ... THEY MAKE PEOPLE THINK.

Mention "The Federal Reserve" to a Plantation Cracka 5 years ago ... and you might as well have said "Federal Express".

Today your average Plantation Cracka is well versed in the tyranny of the private international banking cartel.

Even a handful of Plantation Negros are starting to adjust their rhetoric to include references to the evil of fiat fascism.




Remember where you heard it first.

Remember where you heard it best.