They operate as if there truly exists advantages for some people in this country ... merely BECAUSE these people happen to have white skin.
Conditioned to obsess about race and to only experience reality through a muddled racial lens these people can be heard parroting memes like: "He was guilty of driving while Black" or "If I had said such-n-such to that cop ... he woulda whipped my ass!" or "See what happens to Black men in America!!" (punk ass Henry Louis Gates Jr)
Even when presented with evidence of white men also suffering the consequences of police brutality ... the Plantation Negro immediately dismisses, minimizes and refuses to consider the implications of this common denominator. Why? Because it would require the Plantation Negro abandon his very IDENTITY - which has devolved to not much more than a victimized Negro oppressed by all powerful whites simply because of his blackness.
The meme of perpetual white advantage and endless black disadvantage is very useful to the Plantation.
1) It permanently pits one group of the peasant class against another group of the peasant class. (divide n conquer)
2) It keeps people fixated on race while ignoring more operative issues like a) Class and b) Status.
This "police officer" assaulted this man in the video not because he was black or white but because this man, like 99% of Americans, is an indentured servant of a corporate dictatorship.
If anything ... there is a "Global System of Fascist Supremacy"
Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion or is it Thomas Watson's Populist Party which lives at DV.net.
America is a Police State, plain and simple. But you are comparing some isolated incidents to 500+ years of systemic race-based physical force.-- LOL
There is no comparison.
When people gathered in Sumner, Ms in 2005 for the 50th observance of the lynching of Emmett Till, a group of young European Americans at the Sumner Courthouse shouted to the gathering "Emmett Till, Emmett Till, we'd kill you still."
On June 26 in Jackson, Ms. James Craig Anderson came face to face with the Sumner mentality and he was brutally murdered.
Amazingly some of the "Big Milam's and Roy Bryant's" involved in the Anderson murder have not even been arrested.
White flash mops commit murder and some of them are not even arrested. Young Afrikan Americans in Philly are arrested for breaking curfew and you believe white supremacy is not a factor. Race blindness is blindness indeed. Way to go Denmark "Obama" Vesey.
If that woulda been a nigger I woulda shot his ass dead.
Ahhh... one day Dv, maybe one day they will know the truth and they will be free.
How do I find this vid on youtube
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