Monday, August 15, 2011

The Blackest Muscadine Grapes On The Planet



Never In Your Life ...

As Long As You Are Black ...

Never Eat Fruit Without A Seed ... 


Anonymous said...

What's up with the seed DV???

RBGAnonymous...yes that's me said...

DV, i am so with you. you know even sometimes when you think you are buying organic there is no seed. or not enough seed. one time i was eating an apple and i noticed it had NO CORE. like NOTHING. not even a half of a seed when naturally you would cut the core out. it was apple all the way through. i threw it away. now i make sure my food has seeds. it's a strange time in the history of man when we even have to even make this distinction.


Denmark Vesey said...


Where you been?

Dem Squares had me surrounded.


You right.

The seed is critical.

The seed is the reproductive organ of the plant.

GMO plants are sterile ...

High in sugar and low in minerals.



Just like many Plantation Negros.

You are what you eat.



Sisters talking about a "shortage of men".

Stop feeding our boys this poison and there will be more men in the years to come.