Friday, July 01, 2011

This Will Happen To Every Black Woman Who Eats ANY GMO ... Which Is 95% of Black Women In America ... Intro To Attempted Mass Murder

Denmark Vesey said ...
11:32 AM - Marshalls - Ran into Marshalls to pick up some draws for me and the boys. On the way out I passed a couple of sistas who appeared to be in their late 20's.

Cute faces. Nice smiles. Huge asses, breasts spilling out their braws, over-sized thighs, blotchy skin and most certainly pre-diabetic. 

Their late 20's!

I started to stop them and hollar at them Denmark Vesey style ... 'the dangers of GMO ... the fraud of modern medicine ... Dr. Sebi ... the virtues of non-hybrid God made food and herbs ...'  
But nah.  Let it go.  This war can't be fought two sistas at a time.  We need a weapon of Mass Instruction.


Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ said...

the sisters are beautiful, matter of fact they are the only women on earth who can pull off being obese and sexy.
but enough is enough! diabetes is one of the number one killers in the hood.

we need to get it together
check this out

Big Mark 243 said...

See, Sharif Ali's comment is the essential problem ... being obese is being obese... it is NOT sexy and for those who find it (and there are some that do) is a character trait that is closer to being diagnosed in the DSM than accepted by society and for good reason. IT IS UNHEALTHY. The facts are in and the crap you eat affects the way you think... and these blubbery, rude and ignorant women are being told that their fat is sexy... THAT IS A LIE.

Look, I love full-figured women. There was a time in my life where I had not dated a woman that weighed less than I did. I was an amateur boxer in the heavyweight class at the time!! But the difference were reasonable, a few pounds either way. Now I am 230 and STILL women are bigger than I am!! I don't ask their weight because if I know, then my manager won't make the fight!!

Oppression, media manipulation, social constructs that are designed for failure... eating healthy in many black households are viewed in the same way that intellectual pursuits and looking deep into media memes and tropes is in these same households... with resentment as well as skepticism...

Trying to wean away a sister from GMO, available, cheap, and plentiful, is like trying to keep an heroin addict from getting their smack, methadone be damned!

The thing is, you can be healthy and 'thick'... but that is more like Ashley Graham than Monique lumpy body...

... she and the media memes have us believing that 'thick' is okay... they look at themselves and want to believe in the sexual images that objectifies them by body parts... not even a full image because of the jiggle of their bellies and all that flab on their arms...

If black women thought more of themselves, they would change the way they are seen by first controlling how they look... by eating right and being able to think for themselves...


killbilluminutty said...

It's called weeding out the dumb sheeple.


Reggie said...

Those ladies seem to have an abundance of junk in their trunks.

uglyblackjohn said...

It's even worse here down South.
Bratha's acting like they're shopping for a value pack of meat at Sam's Club but getting tricked into thinking that all that extra fat is just as good as lean meat.

Midnight Marauder said...

Seems as if I'm having this argument all the time that being obese and overweight is not sexy. But Denmark you right. You see these women, and the men as well, with terrible looking skin that's blotchy and marked. Then at times they'll have a million tats trying. What gets me too is the increase in the number of smokers. Man they need help....

Anonymous said...

DV these women literally look like hogs. You are what you eat! But this is not mass murder. No one is forcing them to eat gmo. They choose to eat that poison.

kr said...

^ Agreed. This is voluntary mass suicide.

Why don't you ever see a salad bar in the hood? Nothing but fried chicken shacks, bbq joints and liquor stores. Cuz that's all they'll choose to eat!

Anonymous said...

Anon, that's the Dr. Kevorkian-esque beauty of it. You willingly pay for your own death.

Under the Bush administration the Surgeon General Dr. Carmona said unless we do something about obesity, the magnitude of the dilemma will dwarf 911 or any other terrorist event that you can point out.

Yes they choose to eat but how many people really have a handle on the principle of eating?
The doctors don't tell you.
These medical shows don't tell you. Sure they say over-eating is bad, eat more vegetables, go outside and walk, bust out a few hip/knee/toe reaches, but if that's suppose to be functional expert advice from medical professionals then I got hella back-pay coming.

The meme pumped into your rational is that you get sick, you get medicine and the medicine you get is found in a bottle. You can't engineer children throughout their entire public school experience with reckless eating habits then expect them to eventually mature and turn health conscious.

Heart attacks at age 9?

No, we need DV's to call it mass murder. If enough people define it as such, act on it as such, eventually it will be challenged as such. We're just so accustomed to Holocaust footage of bulldozed dead bodies that anything without a swastika stamp don't even register.

HaitianChick said...

Brothers weren't checking for thin sisters back in the day. Now y'all want a size 3. (And yes, this is a size 3 talking)
