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Black men from the land of Mu? Thousands of stone engravings, thousands of years old, telling a complex story of an ancient people? Depictions of star maps, comets, men riding dinosaurs, maps of unknown continents, advanced medical operations, telescopes and
people astride polydactyl horses? Known by archeologists but treated as a "hoax" because it invalidated hundreds of years of Darwinian and Creationist theory? Hollywood? Nooooo. Reality. =>
In 1973 Uschuya confirmed that he had forged the stones during an interview with Erich von Däniken, copying the images from comic books, text books and magazines but later recanted that claim during an interview with a German journalist, saying that he had claimed they were a hoax to avoid imprisonment for selling archaeological artifacts. In 1977, during the BBC documentary Pathway to the Gods, Uschuya produced an Ica stone with a dentist's drill and claimed to have produced the patina by baking the stone in cow dung.
The Ica stones achieved popular interest when Cabrera abandoned his medical career and opened a museum to feature several thousand of the stones in 1996.
That same year, another BBC documentary was released with a skeptical analysis of Cabrera's stones, and the newfound attention to the phenomenon prompted Peruvian authorities to arrest Uschuya, as Peruvian law prohibits the sales of archaeological discoveries. Uschuya recanted his claim that he had found them and instead admitted they were hoaxes, saying "Making these stones is easier than farming the land." He also said that he had not made all the stones. He was not punished, and continued to sell similar stones to tourists as trinkets. The stones continued to be made and carved by other artists as forgeries of the original forgeries.
15,000 ... "forgeries".
LOL ... ahhhhh man.
If he carved 1 per day CNu ... oops .. I mean Johnie ... how long would it take for this farmer to carve 15,000 to 20,000 intricate engravings into very hard volcanic andesite rocks?
Every day for over 40 years.
Hell of a "hoax" isn't it?
And some Talented imaginative artistically skilled "farmers".
Plantation Negro Thought police crack me up.
When Massa's Big House catches on fire (Eurocentric history)
The Plantation Negro runs faster than his master to put the fire out.
These cats are actually defending the Darwinian narrative and don't know why.
Instead of checking shit out ... and coming to their own conclusions ... they are simply defending the AUTHORITY of Plantation scholars.
Partisan epistomology.
Or just eye rollin' jigaboo envy.
who is CNu?
If this farmer put a few more subsistence farmers to work for him, they could turn these out by the dozens per day for tourists.
If Erich von Daniken had to put this farmer to the curb (and who had a stronger motive to "keep hoax alive" than mr. chariot of the gods himself?) then this doesn't even rise to the level of crop circle foolery.
DV selling recipes for lames who can't cook, and dummies who can't google.
Amazing information Denmark my mind is literally spinning right now.
I'm a huge fan of Chariot of the Gods and love von Daniken's "ancient astronauts" theory. Johnie has a bit of a point. If von Daniken is dismissing this guy and potential evidence that would actually SUPPORT Daniken's own theories, then its hard to give credence to this artifacts. And those drawings don't require a full day to be drawn. Its not like those images are complax paintings that need weeks to be done. They're simple drawings that my 13 year old could bang out 20 in a day.
That's not "plantation" anything. Its basic common sense.
Yes ... yes Cash. Of course.
And with the right chisel, your 13 year old could crank out the Rosetta stone too huh?
Give her some playdo and she could duplicate the Terra Cotta Warriors of Emperor Qin Shi Huang ... 2 a day ... couldn't she?
Yeah ... give her enough cinder blocks and she could erect the Great Pyramid over her summer vacation.
Come on bra.
Not saying what you said is silly ...
well actually I am.
Because it is.
Peruvian farmers are not carving intricate star maps depicting ancient men interacting with triceratops, stegosaurses, brachiosaurs, pterosaurs, iguandodons, tyrannosaurs, mastodons, pterodactyls and detailed star maps with images of unknown continents ...
Ya'll Negros want to believe muhfuggas hanging outside Home Depot could be hired to carve ancient artifacts.
Listen ....
Peruvian peasants are not carving engravings depicting an ancient civilization ... into extremely hard volcanic rock ... and then varnishing them with a patina that takes 1,000 years of bacteria to create.
... I know you tryin' to win a little "debate" ... but give it up.
Quit defending weak unscientific theories based more on consensus and authority than on actual science.
It was once the "Scientific Consensus that the world was flat".
1) Most of our past is still unknown.
2) Much of what is known is kept from us.
3) There is power in monopolizing knowledge.
Be a devil's advocate ... Cool.
But to call the entire collection
of the Ica Stones "forgeries" because people who are unprepared to deal with the implications of their existence is weak.
1) Research the Ica stones.
2) Examine the engravings (not drawings) carefully.
3) Research the type of stones used to carve these engravings.
4) Research the cosmological and symbolic meanings of what is depicted in these drawings.
5) Consider the varnish on EACH stone that is the result of bacteria and minute organisms which formed a patina that LITERALLY TAKES A THOUSAND years to discolor and coat each stone.
Come on bra ...
Intricate star maps? You know this because.....
My daughter CAN draw dinosaurs. Anybody who's seen Jurassic Park can draw the dinosaurs like on the side of these "artifacts". These ain't Michaelangelos bruh.
Discoloration is the only reason???? REEEEEACH. LOL
My mind is open to any idea. But just because I can listen to other lines of thought the only ones I will accept are the ones that show and prove. These don't. Are the possible? Sure. And its possible that God is actually a large spaghetti monster. Anything is possible.
And all the research on the stones keeps pointing the potential hoax behind them. Why are you ignoring that?
Look, Asians have plenty of thousands of years old painting that depict dragons. Does that mean there were dragons in ancient China? Just saying...
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