Monday, July 25, 2011

Plantation Negro Politics

The Plantation doesn't even bother to engage Plantation Negros in any type of genuine political discourse.  The same principles of mass consumer marketing are used to market political memes to a nation of Negros who vote for issues as silly as "Duh Furs Afwikan Amurikan Pwezident".

The Democratic Party is not even worried about so-called "African-Americans" taking umbrage with the President's illegal and immoral attack on the African nation of Libya.  All they need is a few hundred thousand dollars and a Puff Daddy cartoon to lure emotional Plantation Negros back to the polls to stand with "Pwezidunt Ohbama against duh racist consurvatives who hate him cuz heez bwak!!"


RBGAnonymous...yes that's me said...

hey dv,

who is the artist and name of that painting on the side, fourth image down on the right? there is another image similar to it on your page. it's yellow on top and red on the bottom.


Denmark Vesey said...


Where you been?

Appreciating the aesthetics huh?

Yeah them some hot flicks. Those are knock offs of my boy Rothko.

cadeveo said...

It's all branding and marketing now. That's The Spectacle. That's Identity Politics. Everything is reduced to images. Why go for the reality that makes you uncomfortable when you can choose the image that looks cool, feels good, and that you can project anything you want on to?

cadeveo said...

It's all branding and marketing now. That's The Spectacle. That's Identity Politics. Everything is reduced to images. Why go for the reality that makes you uncomfortable when you can choose the image that looks cool, feels good, and that you can project anything you want on to?