March 4, 1928
A long-forgotten language, giving the history of a hitherto unknown race, has been unearthed in Mexico. Slabs of stone and carved monuments give us at last the history of mankind on the American continent, so long hidden.
These recently discovered tablets have resisted the deciphering efforts of the world’s most famous archaeologists. Through studies of that now sunken continent, the Land of Mu, the Motherland of Man, I have found the key and am able to tell in rough outline the story of a prehistoric race whose possible existence has been so long denied.
Fifty thousand years ago, or more, before the early cave dwellers of Spain had inscribed their records in cavern paintings, and of course long before the first rudiments of civilization appeared in Egypt, a small craft sailed forth from the continent that then existed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It sailed into the rising sun, manned by a crew of blond sailors whose mil-white skin and blue eyes marked them as natives of the Land of Mu, the birthplace of mankind. After sailing for “a moon’s journey” (twenty-eight days) they sighted land – land which we now know as North America, but nameless then with no trace of human beings.
The little crew found a safe landing at the mouth of one of the rivers that flow from the present Mexico territory into the Pacific Ocean. They explored the land, found it fertile, then returned to the Continent of Mu. They sailed eastward again, this time accompanied by a large band of fellow colonizers. From this beginning grew a great nation that flourished until overtaken by the catastrophe I shall describe.
How do we know these things?
Through the splendid archaeological work of William Niven, in Mexico City, over two thousand lava tablets have been found, embedded in pits and quarries near Mexico City. Great astonishment was expressed by world-famous archaeologists when they were confronted with these pieces of stone on which there were inscribed characters to them absolutely indecipherable. They surmised that here was some portentous message which might reveal the story of primitive ancient man in America. But it was still a mystery because they did not have the key.

Did Mu and Atlantis exist or was it Pangaea?
Black John!
The earth is billions of years old.
It has gone through countless transformations, pole shifts and reconfigurations.
Pangea? Mu? Atlantis?
Depends on when we are talking.
The operative point is that the orthodox, conventional, Darwinian, Plantation, 'Out of Africa Only' theory ... is just a THEORY.
With NO more "scientific" evidence or proof than any of the other theories.
All it has is "scientific consensus".
Which means nothing.
It was once the scientific consensus that the earth was flat and vaccines were good for people.
Now look at that.
What's important here is the falsifiable existence of artifacts and ancient maps which place man in what we call America LONG before the 'Out of Africa Only' theory currently championed by the Plantation Negro Thought Police.
And this is true because some dude back in 1928 says it is? 1928???
Also, Pangea is not close to being equated with Atlantis. Pangea is the name of the land mass (supercontinent) of the continents before continental drift shifted them into where they are now. This process continues and is ongoing due to the shifting of the tectonic plates. THIS IS FACT.
I KNOW these are just theories.
The Expanding Earth Theory also seemed viable.
But if Atlantis and Mu DID exist - where would they fit into either the EET or Pangea?
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