Denmark Vesey said...

Dyson, on the other hand, fails miserably because he is still championing a bankrupt Plantation Negro meme which looks to the government as an agent of salvation. He believes he is not a slave because of an 'amendment' to the Constitution.
As opposed to sourcing his freedom with the creator ... he sources it with a document ... or a government ... or a Civil Rights Act ... or some other man-made (Massa) invention.
Self-Determination is foreign to Plantation Negros. They still seek External-Emancipation.
The Doc said...

The constitution holds technocrats away from their amoralistic new elitist gov't. so it HAS to go. I'm just waiting to see if people are that deeply asleep that they'll let it go without a fight.
Brother DV:
How so?
Mark yours as the 3rd site that made this same point.
It seems that whenever anyone wants to win an argument - to the liking of some - the pointing out of American hypocrisy that was encapsulated in the founding documents always does the trick.
While I agree that the European made the most of his hypocrisy as he codified it into systems of governance - there are shooting wars going on today in nations that can't seem to get off of the ground. Their national founding documents are IRRELEVANT to the conditions on the ground. The people who are suffering are not slaves - in the sense of a formal system - but their sense of security and stability casts them into this lot.
My criticism of Michael Eric Dyson is that - while he is eloquent on his indictments of this nation's past - and indeed there is a great amount to be critical of - his WORDS can't seem to sufficiently transform the areas where they are kindly received - into a productive base of operations for our people.
What we see instead is the use of the indictment of slavery as a cover for the centralized socialistic trek that they seek. This bedeviled CONSTITUTION will become the perfect document once it codifies the "Social Justice" that is in line with Dyson's desires. It no longer would matter that the slavery references left in the constitution remain - by mutual agreement and quid pro quo - he and others would agree to not make such indictments against the hand that now feeds them.
It is any better to switch from a slave to a private property owner over to the government - as measured by no proof of ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT in which your people's standard of living is not of their own skill and ability to deliver it?
Brother DV:
Suppose you (just hypothetical - not hope) lost your job.
You appear to have a healthy family and wife.
You attempt to recover by running through a few enterprises that rely heavily on the CONFIDENCE of your family - that after executing them - they will all be fully recovered.
They relocate for you.
They adjust their living standard.
The leaders in your immediate family provide you with the cover of forbearance, at the sound of any grievances from the others - they redirect them toward a vision forward.
As for you - at every turn you reach disappointment.
You come home after leading the family along that the NEXT VENTURE will be a spring long as we stay united.
* If Blacks were not enslaved in the past - you would have more Black owned businesses to do business ventures with
* If Blacks were not enslaved - you would have more lands in the diaspora to connect up with
* If Blacks were not enslaved - there would be more aggregate wealth for you to tap into as potential business partners.
Brother D.V.!!!
Though the analogy is certainly not perfect - the real question comes AT SOME POINT - WHAT IS WRONG WITH TODAY'S NEGROES that the INFRASTRUCTURE that would have been there - had history not taken its fateful course - IS NOT BEING BUILT TODAY?
Is there a point, Brother DV where that history which is used as an INDICTMENT against some other man is actually a point of OBFUSCATION for the INCOMPETENCIES that have been ensnared by those who are excellent in their elocution and use this gift to lead the Negro forward - but on a path that fails to make our FUTURE any different than our hijacked past?
The sad thing about it all, Brother DV - is that if the Negro with the CONSCIOUSNESS that has been harvested by these same men - calling them:
* The Least Of These
* The Vulnerable Masses
* Histories VICTIMS.......
is ever forced to draw up a CONSTITUTION of its own because the assailant nations have collapsed - their document, written with the most glowing representation of SOCIAL JUSTICE - would one day be used as kindling wood - for they have thus far FAILED to adequately TRANSFORM THE NEGRO.
You will at this point see - that eating processed meats with fillers, drinking milk with hormones or drinking sugar that brought him to the point of diabetes is the LEAST of the Negro's problem - as his very existence as a free standing human being will be at risk - the consciousness that he cleaved to which made him most contented having FAILED to produce a proper grounding.
"Though the analogy is certainly not perfect - the real question comes AT SOME POINT - WHAT IS WRONG WITH TODAY'S NEGROES that the INFRASTRUCTURE that would have been there - had history not taken its fateful course - IS NOT BEING BUILT TODAY?"
Other than the fact that history actually did take its fateful course?
[quote]Other than the fact that history actually did take its fateful course?
Free Boosie:
In places around the world that have suffered bombings at the hand of external tyrants......long after the war:
* There are some who wish to retain the bombed out carcasses of the buildings (their culture) - as a means of reminding the young people who come hence that 'THEY did this to us and this is why YOU are that way".
* There are others who see that THIS BUILDING once housed an important PROCESS, which needs the cover of roof and air conditioning for it to function. Thus they separate the BOMBING from the NEED TO REBUILD - as that the PROCESS might be brought back on line.
Either way, Free Boosie - THEIR CHILDREN are going to be inculcated by some PROCESS as they seek awareness of the world around them..
"You will at this point see - that eating processed meats with fillers, drinking milk with hormones or drinking sugar that brought him to the point of diabetes is the LEAST of the Negro's problem " Constructive Feedback
.. huh?
What greater "problem" can a man have than his colon literally rotting inside his body?
What you don't understand CF .. is that the black man's mind is controlled ... by the control of his diet.
For the record ...
George Will made Dyson look stupid.
George Will is quite genius and will do that a lot....but making someone look stupid isn't the same as being right.
I am a great admirer of Will's prowess with logic and the way he constructs arguments...but I am equally fustrated with his frequent inability to apply arguments to social reality (idiot savant)...I've seen him get focused on some detail he's correct about and miss the game.
Good point Anonymous ...'
I don't know if I'm ready to anoint George Will a 'genius' ... yes, he can string together a coherent sentence ... but he aint no Lil Wayne, Fred The Godson or Biggie Smalls.
Dyson, on the other hand, fails miserably because he is still championing a bankrupt Plantation Negro meme which looks to the government as an agent of salvation.
He believes he is not a slave because of an 'amendment' to the Constitution.
As opposed to sourcing his freedom with the creator ... he sources it with a document ... or a government ... or a Civil Rights Act ... or some other man-made (Massa) invention.
Self-Determination is foreign to Plantation Negros.
They still seek External-Emancipation.
Yeah, maybe I went overboard with "genius"...but he's still a killer.
While the framework of Dyson's discussion is tired, I'd bet he'd disagree that he thinks he's free because of a constitutional amendment. But I know what you mean....
>>>As opposed to sourcing his freedom with the creator ... he sources it with a document ... or a government ... or a Civil Rights Act ... or some other man-made (Massa) invention.
Self-Determination is foreign to Plantation Negros.
They still seek External-Emancipation.<<
Damn, D. Slow down son ya killin' 'em!
This attempt to erode and nullify the Constitution is just all part of the grander plot to move us closer and closer to the globalists' plan for one world government. The TSA running wild molesting people, pigs violating the 4th amendment and the Indiana supreme court telling them they're justified, effectively rendering said amendment void. FEMA camps, the whole nine.
The constitution holds technocrats away from their amoralistic new elitist gov't. so it HAS to go. I'm just waiting to see if people are that deeply asleep that they'll let it go without a fight.
Black folks are still looking for their 40 acres and a mule. Some of are still looking for entitlements to help them. Socialism will destroy the black race.
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