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How Is This Man More Likely To Die Of Diabetes Than HIV? |
"Because of the HIV virus that I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers today. I do not have the AIDS disease, I plan on going on living for a long time, bugging you guys like I always have, so you'll see me around. I plan on being with the Lakers and the league for a while and going on with my life." Ervin, Magic Johnson, November 7, 1991
Denmark Vesey said...

I was sitting in a pasta restaurant in St. Thomas, watching the conference on TV. I don't remember what Magic was saying as much as I remember the white boy who owned the spot. He broke down and cried at the bar. I mean sobbed... couldn't catch his breath ... snotty .... jumped on the casket wept.

After Magic Johnson the Myth of Heterosexual AIDS was born and condom sales soared. MTV thought nothing of telling 12 year olds to "wrap it up" and Hip Hop fell right in line with the Jimmy Hat. To have natural sex was suddenly irresponsible. It was now a cultural taboo akin to mainlining heroin.
Since then, the wombs of millions of women around the world have been fed a steady diet of latex proteins, spermicidal chemicals and finishing powders delivered in pretty packages marked Trojan, Lifestyles and Rough Riders.
Interestingly enough, 20 years later AIDS cases have actually increased.

The Plantation does not want certain people reproducing. Eugenics. Hustle Hard.
Sharif Ali said...

Just like in the United States. I don't know anyone with HIV/AIDS, no family members, friends, nothing. Yet they go on and on about how it has devastated the black community. Well seeing as how I am from the black community I should AT LEAST know of someone who has the virus or who died from it.
It's all a bunch of horse shit!
On point as usual!
One look at Magic and even the most dense person in the room should be able to see that this guy is actually gaining weight and active versus being sickly and bed ridden.
Hell since the announcement Magic has been on tear business wise. He's Wizard Kelly from the Proud Family Cartoons (I watch cartoons, we have four little ones).
If that is what AIDS does to a person I know a lot of people who wouldn't mind having it.
So I'm curious as to what your theory is:
1) Magic went on t.v. and lied? And if so, what did he gain by doing so?
2) Magic was lied to and went on t.v. and repeated the lie his doctors told him?
Brother Sharif!
Man. You aint lyin'.
Magic has been a very lucky beneficiary of all sorts of business opportunities that just seemed to fall in his lap since he announced he had the "HIV ... virus".
I would be interested in seeing the overall sales of condoms just before and just after his announcement. I'm surprised Trojan didn't come out with a "Magic" condom. Shit dude wasn't doing anything else at that point, he might have endorsed the hell outta it.
I remember that day as well, I was watching television with my wife at the time. I was stunned, I didn't know what to say.
Yeah, his ebonics were seriously in effect that night, just like the times he's called NBA games and he'd say some shit like "oh he be feeling it now".
I just hope that pussy was worth it.
How you?
My theory?
Good question.
1) The HIV/AIDS Hypothesis is a conspiracy theory based more upon politics, business and eugenics than science.
It is as farcical as the Bin Laden / 911 conspiracy theory.
Both official theories ... both lies.
2) Magic didn't know what was "wrong" with him. The doctors told him he tests positive for HIV.
They could have told Magic he tested positive for ABC ... 123 ... or DoReMi.
False Positive HIV tests are as common as True Positive HIV tests.
3) Instead of admitting the medical industrial complex was wrong about AIDS & HIV and wrong about Magic Johnson ... it has been determined it is the best interest to shut up about it and to let sleeping dogs lie.
Allowing the illusion to perpetuate that Magic has survived because of expensive retroviral pharmaceuticals is a very profitable illusion to perpetuate.
4) Magic is a GMO eating Negro. He has gotten fat as he has gotten older just like everyone else.
He is in more danger of diabetes and cancer than HIV.
Brother Reggie!
Welcome to the spot. Peeped your blog. Like your style.
Yeah man.
Prior to Magic's announcement, rubbers were to keep girls from getting pregnant.
Cats went through college mastering the "pull out".
Remember that joke?
"What do you call people who practice the rhythm method?
That one always cracked me up.
But yeah.
After the Magic Psy Ops .. condoms became bullet proof vests for cats going into sexual combat.
Required equipment.
I know cats ... who TO THIS DAY ... aint never had sex without a condom.
(How gay is that?)
In retrospect ... now that we know that not only is AIDS not acquired from HIV it is not even acquired through sex.
When the truth about the AIDS Hoax and the African Genocide comes out ...
It will be too late.
Hustle Hard.
Magic & friends would go to Brazil & fuck a bunch of hookers in tents on the beach bareback.
Ok, keeping in mind that Brazil is already a HIV hotbed...and then ur fucking hookers on top of that...with no bag...
No surprise there.
warthog said that like he was in Brazil with Magic and saw him go bareback
I was hoopin when he made that announcement. Mi nombre es Nate by the way...
Brother Nate!
Welcome to the spot.
Be my guest to Habla Claro.
Here on the east coast, there's a white guy cured of 'aids' too and the medical community doesn't give him much play even though he's white, male, and gay.
For any skeptics;
Google Rebecca Culshaw Why I Quit HIV.
Google Dr. Sebi, who has cured HIV/AIDS for years.
Read works by Dr. Scott Whitaker
including his book Medisin.
Check Dr. Sebi for why he says he can cure HIV/AIDS.
That's bullshit about Brazil. I live here and haven't met a single person with HIV/AIDS yet. It's not an epidemic and yet they have posters and billboards talking about how big of a problem it is...
Just like in the United States. I don't know anyone with HIV/AIDS, no family members, friends, nothing. Yet they go on and on about how it has devastated the black community. Well seeing as how I am from the black community I should AT LEAST know of someone who has the virus or who died from it.
It's all a bunch of horse shit!
"Brazil had an adult HIV prevalence between 0.3 and 0.6% at the end of 2009, but, because of its large overall population, this country accounts for nearly half of all people living with HIV in Latin America. In Brazil, heterosexual transmission, injecting drug use and sex between men account for roughly equal numbers of infections."
HIV is obviously overhyped due to the pro-gay liberal media who want hetero funding & support for it - who are otherwise against lifestyle factors that pose the highest risk for it (gay buttsex & IV drug use). The HIV rate is still under 1% overall in Brazil - albeit likely much higher and concentrated amongst sex workers there. So, unless you have many family members who are hookers or drug users - you very well might not have any with HIV in your fam.
According to a few gossip blogs, Magic has a few rumors circling him about hosting and/or attending "gay parties", so maybe it wasn't even hetero sex that he caught hiv from in the first place.
Then of course there's articles like this one.
A key quote:
"I contacted the sports-page assignment editor at the Los Angeles Times, Paul Kupper, who confirmed that there had long been rumors of Johnson engaging in homosexual activities. When I asked if the Times was going to investigate these rumors, he said he didn’t think so. "I don’t know what difference it makes. He has it [HIV] and that’s all there is to it. What does it matter?" What does it matter? It matters because the media have gone crazy ever since Johnson announced he contracted the disease through heterosexual transmission. Because there is a December 9 issue of Newsweek with a huge condom packet on the cover. Because HIV testing clinics are splitting at the seams with terrified heterosexuals. "Doesn’t the truth have an intrinsic value to it?" I asked Kupper.
"Yes," he answered thoughtfully, but didn’t see how that could be relevant to the Johnson story. After all, "heterosexuals do get AIDS, I think that’s more important than how he got it." Soon his answers simply shortened to "So what?"
"Aren’t you concerned that the national media might seem to think it frightfully important how Johnson got AIDS," I said.
"So what?" "
Damn Magic looks like turtle missing his shell.
Great post!
You should watch "House of Numbers" (via YouTube) and post it on your blog for those who have not watched it yet. This documentary changed how I view testing diseases and "treating" it.
P.s. Do you have a new tumblr? If so, could you please tell me the URL so I can follow your blog again? I use to follow your two old tumblr blogs which you deactivated.
Excellent post!!!
What does Magic Johnson have to gain from targeting black communities for condoms, HIV tests and drugs? How about $60 million from Abbott Labs in 2006! How many millions did he get from GlaxoSmithKline, which just paid another $3 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that killed or injured a million Americans?
Magic Johnson is alive not because of the drugs, but because he'll NEVER take the drugs he pushes into the black communities he targets.
A friend is the top spokes person for Victims of HIV. It has devistated the lower income community of folks that use the state/county sponsored free treatment facilities. My question is what are they serving up in those facilities when they get their therapies? STD drugs and mandatory vaccines...
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