Thursday, May 12, 2011

They Don't Teach Negros This Level of Political Analysis In Plantation Schools ...


Cash Rulz said...

Do you really believe that Obama wants to destroy the state of Israel?

Not likely.

And it would be more easier to listen to do dude if he didn't pronounce it Iz-Rah-El.

Denmark Vesey said...

My Man Cash,

Good question.

1) No ... Obama does not want to destroy the "state" of Israel.

2) Yes ... Obama is in the process of destroying Israel.

What does that mean?

The "state" of Israel is a political construct. A memetic fabrication.

A group of European invaders calling themselves "Israel" to justify the theft of land owned by Arabs, Christians and Semitic Jews for centuries.

It has nothing to do with the Israelites.

This cat here ... is right about 80% of what he says. (Including his pronunciation ... Is Rah el)

Israel ... = Is Ra El

It is derived from the ancient Egyptian and means literally "The People of Ra"

The Israelites were ancient Egyptians who practiced monotheism. They worshipped one God during a time when Egypt and most of the world were polytheists.

Their fanatic devotion to ONE God and their covenant with him is the origins of The Promised Land myth.

However, the sad and obvious mistake this character makes is his ignorance to the following warning:

"I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

The "state" of Israel is a lie.

Obama supports the political "state" of Israel.

By waging wars, spreading disinformation and destabilizing that region of the world ... Obama is helping to destroy the real Israel.

makheru bradley said...

Manning pushes the fanatical Christian conservative agenda to the extent that the pro-Zionist Barack Obama--who will prove his allegiance to Israel when he addresses AIPAC on Sunday--is seen as an enemy.

Anything short of Palestinian genocide is unacceptable to Manning and his ilk. The fact is the non-violent Nakba Day demonstrations during which the IDF killed several unarmed Palestinian protesters may satisfy fanatics like Manning, but it poses a serious threat to the Zionist establishment.

makheru bradley said...

If Manning is really serious about Israel he should get from behind that mike and pick up a Uzi like this dude who went from a street gang in LA to the Zionist Gang of Israel.

"Black and Bulletproof: An African-American Warrior in the Israeli Army."

[Marcus Hardie grew up in an African-American community in Los Angeles, where his nickname was "American Thug."

"After I got into college I started talking to a rabbi and he questioned me about why I was interested in Jewish tradition. I told him that I was interested in being a part of the chosen people."]

This dude leaves his own suffering community and travels 7,500 miles to fight the Palestinians in Jenin. Talking about the power of mythology.--SMH