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fist tap Makheru Bradley |
- Obama watched assault on compound housing Bin Laden in real time
- Compound was yards from Pakistan's 'Sandhurst' military academy
- DNA tests 99.9 per cent certain man killed WAS Bin Laden
- U.S. embassies on alert over Al Qaeda reprisal attacks
- Obama and George W. Bush both declare: 'Justice has been done'
The Seal then carried out what is known in the military as a ‘double tap’ – shooting him again, probably in the chest, to make certain he was dead.
The footage of the battle in Bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout – which played out like an episode of 24 – is said to show one of his wives acting as a human shield to protect him as he blasted away with an AK47 assault rifle.
She died, along with three other men, including one of Bin Laden’s sons. Within hours, the Al Qaeda leader’s body was buried at sea.
do you actually believe it was him?
A guy hooked up to a dialysis machine used his wife as a human shield? Straight Hollywood B.S. The govt. is already backpedalling away from this particular script.
The man has been dead for 9 years.
A group of proven killers, killing an accused killer.
Still boggles my mind that with helicopters landing and crashing; with gunfire on the lower floors; this man who was a CIA operative and military commander for six years; who was never pictured w/o his AK47; who was the most wanted man on the imperialist hit list, is standing his his bedroom wearing pajamas when the SEALS open his bedroom door.
The man is gunned down in cold blood, but what did he expect--to be taken prisoner to stand trial, even in a military court. Not a chance.
Brother Mak ...
That's the point.
To make you Shake. Your. Head.
This ... meme ... is a complete abstraction.
Whether or not they killed Osama Bin Boogey Man or not ... doesn't matter.
How can 2 planes ... cause 3 buildings ... to collapse in their own footprints?
The "Bin Ladin" attacks are as much a fairytale as the Obama Passport.
But notice ... after they released that obvious forgery ... muhfuggas shut up about it.
Mass hypnosis.
People believe the path of least resistance.
How can a roomful of some of America's most powerful people have watched this man's execution, and yet their official spokesman can't seem to get the story straight, whether or not there was a firefight, whether or not or Osama was armed, whether or not he used his wife as a human shield. So many inconcistencies. William Saletan at Slate sez, if you were a male in that house, you were a dead man.
The point is they did not watch any such "hit" on Osama. The man has been dead. 9 years. Do the research. What they watched was something the specifics of are not really being told to you and I, because we aren't meant to know it. We're just supposed to be in a trance. Even that photo is a suggestion. Hillary with her hand covering her mouth (LMAO, as if now she's squeamish and ever so demure...), the other front men and women in the room all looking in one direction. This photo could have been taken at any point while they were watching any effing thing. However, they have "told" you that the context is watching a hit on Osama. That doesn't mean that's what it is. The same trick was used under Clinton, a photo of some people in Eastern Europe in front of a fence. We were TOLD the context was that they were INSIDE the fence and in a concentration camp, which was the set up for bombing the shit out of Slobodan Milosevic and taking him out of the picture. However, the people in those famous photos were actually OUTSIDE the fence. It was the photographer who was inside it. If they can define the context for you (and make you and I trust that the context they are defining as any resemblance to reality), then they can get you to believe anything.
Hypnosis 101.
Yep, plus check out how they are trying to throw the public off by presenting this argument that al-Qaeda are posing the only resistance by being in denial. Forget the denial of the opposing team, you got denial right here at home base sitting up in the bleachers.
It's important for them to identify the "denial" as being unique to al-Qaeda. Either you believe our narrative or al-Qeada's narrative. Edwin Land couldn't polarize the conversation any better.
The other thing is anything reported about the position of extremists, militants etc. via US intelligence is unfalsifiable. Here are steady streams of quotes that are supposedly straight from the camel's mouth with Pentagon grab bag bigfoot photos. But it's not falsifiable.
But DV has a good point. Every narrative they present is based on the presupposition that 9/11 was not an inside job.
The fact of the matter is, 9/11 and the Legend of Osama--aka Tim Osman--is a far more tangled web than the brazen assassination of JFK.
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