As customers approached the ATM the “guard” asked the customer if they were making a deposit or withdrawal? Every customer out of 10 – except one – handed over account numbers, PIN codes, even cash to the “guard”.
When the “guard” revealed the head fake, the Plantation enthusiasts were stunned they handed over such private and confidential information to a complete stranger. When asked why they complied most gave the same answer: “Because of the uniform and because of the sign”.
Obviously no bank in the world would run their operation this way. Yet customers complied with the “guard’s” request. Why? These people suffer from Plantation Negroitis.
In other words, customers complied because they perceived the “guard” (overseer) as authoritative, and more importantly as a representative of a greater power. In fact deep inside they feared retribution for not obeying more than they feared losing their money. (Remember DMG?)
Neuroscientists say the decision making parts of our brains actually switch off when we encounter authoritative people, advice or direction.
This is why relatively intelligent people do nonsensical things like eat GMO food, attend compulsory schools, vaccinate their children, take their shoes off at airports, vote in elections that offer 2 different versions of the same choice, drink Pasteurized milk, eat denatured factory meat and drink water with fluoride.
1 comment:
Heavy D be alive right this moment if he hanna stopped eating pork and effing around with his bowels....,
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