Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Get An Education • Drop Out of School • For You Negros Who Need To Hear It From White Folks Before You Get It • DV University • Fall 2011

The Impending Irrelevance of School. 

Remember Where You Heard It First.
Remember Where You Heard It Best.


Big Mark 243 said...

Interesting post. Halfway made me want to become a farmer with a portfolio of both gold and silver.

The US economy IS a big ponzi scheme. I did not factor in how the college bubble impacted the economy but it is pretty clear that it is even worse than the one that inflated housing. Everything around education is done to scam money from people. Once someone figures out how to really make money off of online education, access to the internet will become expensive (which is going to happen) and exclusive...

Nate The Great said...

@ Mark. They are already goin "bonkers in Yonkers" with online programs. Next up is an air bill, just like electric. If you want clean air, you have to pay. About as bizarre as my father thought the idea of paying for bottled water was when his college roommate mentioned it to him.

As far as the "college is a scam idea." That argument is old man. The majority of brothas singing it have degrees. Kinda like an alcoholic telling you not to drink. Use the energy exerted in stating the obvious to brainstorm alternatives... Turning young brothas away from education without guiding them is just as dangerous as telling them to wholeheartedly trust it.

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Mark!

You are ab...so..lute..ly correct.

"Education" is as much a scam to make people indentured servants just as are sub-prime loans.

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Nate!

Your point is that people who criticize the "education" business ... already have "degrees".


I don't know if that's true or not.

But let me help you out a bit.

A "degree" is not = "education".

A "degree" is a piece of paper.

A piece of paper with Masonic symbolism you don't understand.

Think about it.

A "degree".

Ever wonder why people who "graduate" wear black robes and MORTAR BOARDS on their heads?

It is a Masonic ritual.
99% of the people who graduate ... aren't well educated enough to appreciate that.


There was a time when a "degree" would pretty much guarantee the graduate a job for life.

That's a bullshit laughable assumption these days.

Hell ... a Law degree does not even guarantee a cat a job.

The idea that an "education" can only be obtained at an institution is an old outdated meme more and more intelligent people are rejecting.

Nate The Great said...

"That's a bullshit laughable assumption these days." I 100% agree with you. I have a good friend who got pretty high in corporate banking with a high school diploma.. and hella game. I'm all about people doing what's best for them. I just get scared for my sheep that cling to any new interesting idea without examining how they will make it work for them. I'm sure you can imagine how many young people would embrace an ideology entitled "School? Fuck that" without thinking of what will replace it.

Anonymous said...

I figured this little tidbit would be of interest to you.
