Saturday, May 14, 2011

Come On Bruh ...


JAZZY said...


JH said...

I'm surprised you're not breaking out the "powerful men have always had a big brood" argument. Wassup?

My take? This is celeb gossip, so I'm only marginally interested and offer up a "head shake" for the pain his family feels. I'm not even all that interestd if we learn that it affected his activity as governor (i.e. blackmail from people who needed stuff from the Gov). How different would that be from favors for lobbyists and donors that we know goes on anyway??

Denmark Vesey said...

lol. Feel you JH.

Yeah. 'Household wench has baby' ain't nothing new.

I have no comment about that.

This particular media spectacle strikes me as another masonic public crucifixion ritual where a prominent person is humiliated (death) ... apologizes (atones) ... makes comeback (ressurection). Think Kanye, Tiger & Bill Clonton

Anonymous said...

DV, there is a reason why Tiger got double x coverage as oppose to David Letterman or Arnold. The way most American white art critics or academics read art by a black artist, is that it is black art, not just art. The same. Tiger is not just some guy who cheated like Letterman or Arnold. He is more. Tiger "let down children that looked up to him"; he "jeopardized his relationship with sponsors." Along with Vick they set off triggers in ways others haven't.

The question is what's so incendiary about them in particular? Why do they (OJ included) set off triggers of hostile magnitudes that drives the media and the public to picking up pitch forks and torches?

IWonderAsIWander said...

Tiger said that he was doin' all that because his wife stopped having sex with him after the second baby. Y'all ladies better heed the warning! Keep that sex comin' or else!

Anonymous said...

IWAW where did you hear Tiger say that? I never heard that.

nicki nicki tembo said...

Horrid: pink, diminutive man, with jacked up teeth.