"Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school," Principal Elsa Carmona said.
"It's about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It's milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception."
Carmona said she created the policy six years ago after watching students bring "bottles of soda and flaming hot chips" on field trips for their lunch. Although she would not name any other schools that employ such practices, she said it was fairly common.
It is another move borne out of the notion that black Americans cannot effectively care for themselves... another way to make sure that the fail public school system turns out product that fuel the low wage jobs that drive the prison industrial complex...
Big Mark!
You hit it again man.
The Nanny State.
The arrogantly ignorant assumption of the bureaucratic class ... that it "knows" better than parents.
For example the silly assertion that ... pasteurized homogenized "milk" ... is a healthier alternative to "soda" ... is a Hegelian Head fake of Biblical proportion.
Milk is to diabetes what gasoline is to a combustion engine.
Wow...that's not ill.
The school just wants its cut. The government pays them for every kid who eats their lunches, so why not force them on the kids?
If the school district really wants healthy kids, hold classes on gardening and nutrition for parents and children.
The picture from the original article showed some kids from the school with one of the "nutritious meals" they were being served. It looked like vomit from a can.
Although I don't think the school system is any position to be telling anybody what's healthy for their kids or not, the problem still remains: too many parents have no clue as to what is healthy for themselves or their children. And unfortunately, they will sit there and wait for someone to tell them what they should and should not be eating. Soda and "flaming hot chips"? Come on man.
Take dairy milk for example. Both my daughter and my son had issues with asthma...until I took them off dairy products almost two years ago. They haven't had an issue with it since, and have no need for Pulmicort, Xopenex, Albuterol, etc. My son was having back to back ear infections; no dairy, no ear infections. They eat breakfast at home, take homemade lunch to school and the babysitters (for my son). My daughter has been getting straight A's ever since, and we spend much less time studying and doing homework (big up Gatto); my daughter's time at home is exactly that, time to spend as she wishes at home with her family (except no TV). Scholastic has even reported of studies showing that kids
who eat a homemade lunch do better in school...which makes this whole thing even more ridiculous.
If Scholastic, a "big-time player" in our school systyems can see it, then why can't the schools?
Because they have incentives not to, just like Joanna said.
This story made me so angry when I first read it.
My son takes homemade lunch every day, but they get snacks and of course treats for birthdays and programs. It absolutely blows my mind to hear the things that teachers/the school are giving preschool aged children. I actually had to write a note to the teacher asking her to not put sugar on his Cheerios. Strawberry milk? Donuts for treats? Punch with birthday cake? Vanilla wafers as a snack? How about encouraging these children to eat fruit?
Did you see some shit the other day about baggy pants leading to ED?? I am so sure the processed foods and GMOs have NOTHING TO DO WITH IT...if your dick don't get hard its because you wear your pants too saggy! LOL
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