Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Jazzy said...

Love. Priceless.

Richmond Muhammad said...

I'm getting old (27 yrs old) and still not married. It's hard out there for a conscious black man find the ONE. :(

Denmark Vesey said...

Thank you Jazzy.

Yes. Love. Priceless.


Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Richmond!

I feel you man.

But peep ...

1) Yes. 27 is getting old.

It is time to be married.

2) Yes. It can be hard for a conscious black man to find a wife.

But. Finding a wife, is far less hard, than not finding a wife.

3) There is no such thing as 'finding the ONE'.

There are MANY.

Pick one and 'make her the ONE'.

Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ said...

great advice, i cosign on that. i just turned 31 last week and my wife and i will be celebrating 9 years of marriage in a few months

Richmond Muhammad said...

Thanks for the advice DV. Also congratulations brother Ali on 9 years of marriage. It's rare to see that in this day and age.