Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ever Notice That The Images Of The Libyan "Rebels" All Seem To Be Taken On The Same Road?


Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ said...

If you look very closely you can spot the official CIA work badges under the rebel's camouflage.

Denmark Vesey said...


You aint lyin' Sharif.

They shootin' this shit in the desert outside Hollywood.

As a matter of fact you can see a sign in the background that says "Palm Springs 26 miles".

ed said...

That second photo with the guy laying on his back is funny!!!

Because it is propaganda and showboating and that machine gun buttstock will fly right into his chest or face.

The proper way to hold that weapon requires two men where the first guy holds the bipod (that his feet is holding) with each hands over their head and the second guy aims and fire.

Second, the chain of bullets wouldn't last 2 seconds...

Richmond Muhammad said...

Sadly its already begun with that united nations no fly zone getting voted in. It's Iraq all over again. I pray that brother Mugabe will not be next because "rebels" in Zimbabwe will be "inspired" by the revolts in other African nations. Then again no oil in Zimbabwe so I don't think much interest will go there. Don't be surprised that Africom will find a permanent home in Libya after Gadhafi is gone as a show of gratitude to the u.s. for helping to "liberate" Libya.

JH said...

I don't know much about I can't jump on the Quadafi good, west trippin bandwagon.
Its actually very well documented in the mainstream media that Quadafi has supporters. The US just makes it clear what side they're on.

The thing that I don't like is that Obama has said that the region could destabalize if we don't act against Quadafi. I beleive the opposite. Dude is a stabalizing force. Hussein was a stabalizing force. The degree to which they're abusive or poor leaders is unrelated to this.

Prop 'em up....knock 'em down.
You against terrorism? Do what we say? Won't talk to Iran? Here, have a country.
We did the same thing all over Africa with "communism" 1950-1980 in the name of "stability".

Farrakhan Speaks said...

You should post this: