Thursday, March 24, 2011

About As UnPlantation Negro As It Gets • Advanced Hegelian Head Fake • Professor Minister Louis Farrakhan • DV University • Spring 2011

Barack Husein Obama is a Plantation Negro teleprompter reader.  He is waging an illegal war on yet another oil rich nation at the behest of his handlers.  Shame on him. 


Michael Fisher said...
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Unknown said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Richmond Muhammad said...

I might be biased but I don't give a damn! Farrakhan is the man!

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Muhammad ...
You. Aint. Lyin'.

Farrakhan is the Blackest Man On The Planet!

One of the few brothers who is not scared of the truth.

Much Respect.

Much Love.

Kurt Nimmo said...

On Friday, the teleprompter reader in chief and NCAA basketball picker Obama bellied up to the podium in the East Room of the White House and read his script. He said Libyan thug Moammar Gadhafi has to stop attacking civilians or face military retaliation.

“Left unchecked, we have every reason to believe that Gadhafi would commit atrocities against his people. Many thousands could die. A humanitarian crisis would ensue.

The entire region could be destabilized, endangering many of our allies and partners, ” Obama read from the teleprompter. “These terms are not subject to negotiation, ” said Barry, sounding like a Mafia don in a back room meeting between crime families. “If Gadhafi does not comply with the resolution, the international community will impose consequences, and the resolution will be enforced through military action. ”

In other words, there will be blood. Meanwhile, the wife of the man who bombed civilians in Serbia and Iraq with depleted uranium said nothing short of a “decision by Colonel Gadhafi to leave” will prevent cruise missiles from raining down on Libya.

The Voice of America – otherwise known as the voice of the U. S. government and the CIA – said Madame Clinton was skeptical of any attempt by Gadhafi and crew to avoid shock and awe. Translation: the Europeans and their quisling Arab partners will attack Libya no matter what its thug leader in designer Bedouin clothes does.

Obama’s pretend concern for Libyan civilians is especially disgusting considering his inheritance of the neocon campaign to slaughter Iraqi and Afghan civilians.

Barry Obama oversaw the expansion of this organized serial murder effort aimed at the tribal areas of Pakistan where we are told the intelligence asset al-Qaeda has settled (as the showtime terror group invariably settles in places on the bombing schedule).

In an absurd and completely transparent half-ass effort to mask the truth about the Pentagon’s killing sprees, the United Nations claimed that only 80 Afghan civilians were killed last year in U. S. military operations in Afghanistan.

In fact, 2010 was the deadliest year to date for civilians in the Afghan “war” with 2,777 killed, a figure that represents a 15 percent jump in the death toll over the previous year. Large numbers of children and women were among the dead — 1,175 and 555 respectively, the AFP reported last week.

Constructive Feedback said...

DV and Muhammad:

Farrakhan is indeed putting forth elements of the truth.

He is also not telling about other truths.

He is motivated to sell us on the notion of:
* Water found under the Sahara
* Farming
* Houses being built

There are other examples of oppression in Libya that if seen in Chicago - the Nation of Islam would engage in the fight to turn around.

I do agree that the United Nation merely provides cover for military actions that would otherwise be condemned.

At the end Farrakhan taps into the notion of the "Tea Party" as a violent threat to America - where THE BLACK PRESIDENT is a precipitating force in their actions. He knows that this is a common belief in the minds of many Blacks (one that can be heard frequently among talk shows just like WVON).

With Black people ALSO at a state of heightened dissatisfaction and Jesse and Al calling for PROTESTS against "Republican Governors" WHY is it that the Tea Parties are motivated by RACISM and have a propensity for armed violence against their target but no such labeling is applied to the "Black Struggle"? Is there some violence that we can point to under the Tea Party banner?

Sadly - the Allied attacks on Libya provide Farrakhan an outlet from the imposition that WAS coming his way. He was going to have to explain how he could be against "police issued abuse" in America yet support state action in Libya. Instead he chooses to justify it as a "worthy state" seeking left perpetuation.

cadeveo said...

Constructive Feedback has got it. Farrakhan can talk some truth, but he's been compromised as far back as his aiding in fomenting the environment that gave cover for the assassination of Malcolm (NOI infiltrated, compromised and shaking hands with the CIA back then, and dealing with shady-ass people ever since).

Qaddafi has donated lots of money to the Nation, that also plays in with Farrakhan's sentiments.

No doubt, the so-called government of the US has no legitimate business meddling with Libya or any other country, whether for "humanitarian" reasons or mercenary ones (what's the difference with these living-dead entities called States and corporations?). But let's not go and think Qaddafi is some great guy who has done "his people" a good turn. And if any Malcolm figure rose up out of the Nation with an independent mind and will to selfless action today, you'd bet Ol' Uncle Louis would be out to get that man's tongue delivered to Chicago and in alliance with whoever would help in no-time flat.

The Nation would be just as bad as Israel if, like the right-wing Zionists, they had ever been given their own land to set up their own separate and independent nation with. But I digress...

Cash Rulz said...

blah, blah, blah

What's the difference between Libya and Egypt?

The leader used violence.

The very reason why we didn't get involed in Egypt. I'm not saying that we should pull an Iraq, and Gaddahfi knows that. So therefore, he will use violence because the US going in will create true destabilzation.

However, I do agree with Farrakhan on how we have no right to ask Gaddahfi to give up power. America has to learn to respect the sovreignty of other nations.