Sunday, February 06, 2011

Nietzsche at the Altar: "Super Bowl Sunday" Has Become The State Religion Of America

Sacrifice. Idols. Rings. Ritual. Passion. Ecstasy. Despair. Victors. Vanquished. Faith. Hope. Rapture.


IWonderAsIWander said...

Ease up, homeboy. The homos have already done enough to water down masculine activities like football.

My issue with the whole spectacle is how everything is tied to "patriotism." Having all those people read the Declaration of Independence is ridiculous. And the constanst references to the military "protecting our freedoms..."

Anonymous said...


Yeah I saw that patriotism stuff. I wonder how much of that was due to the game being on Fox. I don't agree with the "military protecting our 'freedoms'" part....especially since our military is mostly an expeditionary force. This is just another example of how people don't think about what they are saying. As far as state religion? Nah. The state religion has been, and always will be worshiping $$ and consumption.

And that's all day every day.

Cash Rulz said...

Men are drawn together by team activities and competition. Marketers may capitalize on all of that by linking enjoyable the Super Bowl to religion is absurd.

(Note: please don't do the whole fan comes from fanatic, like cults, like religious followers type thing. Even tho' some of it rings true, it is based on a human need for companionship and interaction. The NFL or the NWO is not secretly behind some plot to distract us by us liking a sport.)

Anonymous said...

Noam Chomsky:

Then there are other media, too, their role is quite different: it's diversion... The purpose of those media is just to dull people's brains; to get them to watch national football... or get involved in astrology or fundamentalist stuff, just get them away, get them away from things that matter. And for that it's important to reduce their capacity to think.

Cash Rulz said...


Enjoying football and independent thinking ARE NOT mutually exclusive.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The homos have already done enough to water down masculine activities like football. " IWAW

What up Cuz?

What's "masculine" about watching football?

If watching football is masculine ... why does America have so many bitch ass men, with estrogen dripping from their pores?

Denmark Vesey said...

"My issue with the whole spectacle is how everything is tied to "patriotism." Having all those people read the Declaration of Independence is ridiculous. And the constanst references to the military "protecting our freedoms..." IWAW


Glad you noticed that.

So... what does that tell you about this particular media spectacle?

Denmark Vesey said...

"The state religion has been, and always will be worshiping $$ and consumption." DMG

Yeah ... the bible refers to that "religion". It's called 'The Synagogue of Satan'.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Men are drawn together by team activities and competition." RJohnson

What up Pro!

Drawn together by team activities and competition?

Gathering with 14 other people around a TV set, chicken, Doritos and beer ... is not a "team activity".

It is a ritual.

Super Bowl Parties have replaced "Easter Dinner".

Secular spectacle.

Aint nothing "wrong" with it.

But call it what it is:

State sponsored religion ... not no fucking "team activity and competition".

Denmark Vesey said...

"get them away from things that matter. And for that it's important to reduce their capacity to think." Anonymous

Agree with this or not ... that is exactly what has happened.

The masses have lost their capacity to think.

Look at how Americans eat.

Eat. Get sick. Eat. Get sick. Go doctor. Get drugs. Eat. Get sick. Go back to doctor. Get drugs. Eat. Get sick. Go back to doctor. Get surgery.

Cant think themselves out of that repetitive cycle that has affected every family in America.

The reason the Plantation hi-jacked the Super Bowl with its police state memes and "pro-military" menagerie is that the Super Bowl is a Mass Mind Control event.

The Super Bowl is an excellent opportunity to program the minds of millions of consumers.

Each "super bowl ad" is a multi-million dollar exercise in mind control.

Each message during the super bowl is a mind control event: "If You See Something .... Say Something" is training Americans to be snitches.

The Super Bowl is 10% Football, 90% mind control.

Cash Rulz said...

Big KS, wuts good.

When I refer to team activity I don't mean that men are drawn to participating in team activities. Men are just drawn to team activities period. We cheer on almost anything that invloves other men cooperating or even performing individually for a common goal in the spirit of competition. Nothing wrong with that.

A ritual? By your definition any gathering of people for any purpose is a ritual. How can be it be a ritual? Those watching the game don't perform any repititve acts (cannot count eating salso as a repititve act, lol). Cheering or booing does not occur at predetermined times. Sorry, but Super Bowl parties don't fit the criteria for ritual.

If that's the case, would you say the same about people enjoying a boxing match?

cadeveo said...

What do you mean people don't clap and cheer and the like at pre-determined times? Of course they do? You ever been to a big stadium sports event? What do they pay the organist or music person to do? What is the job of the mascot--who comes out, by the way, at pre-determined times? Never noticed the screens that come on exhorting people to clap or chant or cheer at particular times during the course of the game?

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, sports are healthy outlets for physical training and activity. An aspect of human development that beats playing video games; ironically it's used to sale video games.

Team activities that men are naturally drawn to on a microcosm is community development, on a macrocosm, civilization.

In sports men are drawn to the heroics of it:

the winning touch down, the court cross over, fighting Kryptonian adversaries or an alien that hunts human game in the jungles of South America.

That is what we are drawn to when distracted from the main purpose of protecting soul, family, blood and property. We think the pipeline from high school football field into the battle field fulfills that intent. But go over seas and put a mic in the face of a US soldier and ask'm why they are fighting. Because coach say so/Sgt. say so.

Sports, comics, film are virtual alpha male fantasies.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The Super Bowl" is 2% football and 98% media.

It is a gigantic meme.

Controlling the culture of the Super Bowl is to control America.

Does anyone think the gratuitous celebration of individual "men and women in uniform" is about a football game?

No. It is about manufacturing the illusion that to be American (Super Bowl) ... is to support Globalist wars.

All the plantation has to do is put uniformed soldiers in the same shot as uniformed football players and go-along-to-get-along Plantation Negros & Crackas will not only bankrupt their own nation to finance the wars ... but also send their sons and daughters to die in it.

The Super Bowl Aint Got A Fucking Thing To Do With "Team Sports".

Hustle Hard

Cash Rulz said...

@cad: That's motivation for the team. And I don't clap and do that if I'm at home. When you're at the stadium/venue its part of the experience.

@gee chee: "alpha male fantasies"??? LMAO Real men, enjoy competition and competition can bring the best out of an individual. The generalities in which you speak of apply to weak minded individuals. Personally, I enjoy watching my fellow man compete on a high level. And to be real, I honestly question men who will say that they cannot enjoy a sporting event at all on any level. Your psychoanalytics of sports/competition and people who either participate or enjoy them is unnecessary.

@DV: I do hate the whole patriotic/"go soldier" element that has been added to sports lately, but that is obvious propaganda and anyone with half a brain can dismiss that and realize that it doesn't translate to the game/players itself.

Denmark Vesey said...

"but that is obvious propaganda and anyone with half a brain can dismiss that and realize that it doesn't translate to the game/players itself." Cash Rulz

I hear you Cash.

But propaganda doesn't work that way.

Just because one is "aware" that one is consuming propaganda ... does not protect one from it ... any more than being "aware" of consuming toxic food protects one from getting cancer.

To consume propaganda is to succumb to it.

Cash Rulz said...

True. But to consume propaganda would imply buying into it, not just merely observing it taking place.

Observation of propaganda does not mean the observers has succumb to its intended effects.

Anonymous said...

Cash, propaganda does not fail to meet it's objective because a few people see through it.

Your moniker testifies to that. Cash doesn't really rule but all you need are enough people to say it rules.

I did my time wear'n one white glove with high waters as a kid. That didn't get me to drink Pepsi, but regardless Pepsi had good sales behind their MJ commercials. Doesn't matter to Pepsi that I didn't buy into it because it's those that DO buy into it that counts.

Propaganda is a war time commercial. Catch the google video on Edward Bernays the father of Public Relations (peace time propaganda).

As for not being able to fathom how a person isn't drawn into sports on a certain level, I question why cats can't just appreciate sex without the need to watch porno.

Sports & competition exist without the NFL or NBA etc. Jimmy Walker will still say Dyno-mite, but it's conditional. You pay him to say it. Likewise, those cats will compete, but their competition is conditional. There are far too many "conditionals" taking place for you to pass it off as mere wholesome sport & competition.

Anonymous said...

As Aaron Russo explained women's lib was the product women wanted. As for government it served the purpose of taxing the other half of the population and children being turned over to the state. Ignoring the duel purpose of something doesn't give it singularity.

Cash Rulz said...

@Gee chee: I think you're taking what I'm saying out of context. I'm not saying its not propaganda or that its ineffective propagaanda. Anything that is made commercialized and media accepted is propaganda. And its popularity proves that its effective. What I said was that just because you VIEW the propaganda does not mean that you HAVE TO PARTICIPATE in it.

And the analogy with porno seems weird. Many people can play football and not watch it. Many people have have sex and not watch porn. Many people can watch football and not want to play it. However, not too many people can watch porn and not want to have sex. The equation doesn't work when you switch the position of the expressions.

Anonymous said...

What I said was that just because you VIEW the propaganda does not mean that you HAVE TO PARTICIPATE in it.-CR

I'm not sure what you mean. No you don't have to participate. In fact, in the absence of dissent, zero participation is an acceptable contribution. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
- Sir Edmund Burke

Many people can play football and not watch it. Many people have have sex and not watch porn. Many people can watch football and not want to play it. However, not too many people can watch porn and not want to have sex. The equation doesn't work when you switch the position of the expressions.-CR

Porn is sex entertainment. The sporting event is sport entertainment not a manhood metric system.

My uncle is a marksman with a pistol/rifle and archery as well as a hunter and loves to fish. He was raised in the country. His wife is more of a football fan than he is. That said, porno is no more a benchmark for sexuality than a sporting event is for manhood.

Cash Rulz said...

@gee chee: the extent of your "dissent" is posting "sports are bad" on a blog. Be for real. Its cliche and fashionable to go against the status quo. If you don't like sports, then say you don't like sports. But save the whole "I don't watch sports because its a set up by "THE MAN" to distract us from globalization and mind-control experiments" bullshit.

Furthermore, I don't protest commercialized sports because I enjoy watching them. Period, point blank. I'm not sucked in by some mysterious propaganda machine which is set up to somehow make me miss the world changing story on NPR. Cause I can always (like I do) watch/listen to NPR on a seperate occassion. I'm not sure if you're trying to pass yourself off as more enlightened because you avoid sporting events cause well.... you know.

CNu said...

Cash Rulz hit the spot not five minutes ago, and has already started knocking the stale candy out of Bacon-Bey ben Wannabe's Moorish Science balloon.

priceless comedy gold....,

Anonymous said...

"Enlightened"...a'ight. Knee-jerk reactions, trigger responses.

"I don't watch sports because its a set up by "THE MAN" to distract us from globalization and mind-control experiments" bullshit."-CR

Negro, everything around you is distraction. From Michael Vick, to Rodney King, to material obsession, to Tiger Woods, to a black presidency. You testify to that fact by looking for alternative sources such as NPR. AND you think they only STOP at journalism.

But, this obviously ain't a NPR broadcast. I covered my position from the start. Eleven entries up I said, "Don't get me wrong, sports are HEALTHY OUTLETS for PHYSICAL TRAINING AND ACTIVITY. AN ASPECT OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT..."

I never said I disliked sports. That is your round-off version. I follow football the least, I need not explain what sports I do follow or participate in, to entertain figments of conversation.

"I don't protest commercialized sports BECAUSE I enjoy watching them. Period, point blank."-CR

Your position is clear. Your action against something is contingent on personal interests. As you reason, agreements or disagreements have no polarities if it means sacrificing that affair.

That sort of reasoning is more appropriate for the fat cats that own commercialized sports or play them, not the cat in the bleachers waving down the hot-dog vendors.

Anonymous said...

Gee Chee,

You know...sometimes a cucumber really is just a cucumber.

Cash Rulz said...

Gee chee: By your definition EVERYTHING is a distraction!!!

Dude, people can only be distracted by what they allow to distract them. Entertainment can be a distraction. But distraction does not have to have a negative connotation to it. So I can agree its a distraction. I just don't agree that its "bad".

I'm glad you understand my position. Guess what, its yours as well. Proof, you only argue that which means something to you. If it doesn't mean something to you, you don't argue.

BTW, you following sports means this whole diatribe

"I'm not sure what you mean. No you don't have to participate. In fact, in the absence of dissent, zero participation is an acceptable contribution. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
- Sir Edmund Burke "

applies to you as well.

LOL @knee-jerk. In fact, ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

You missed that Cash. I was not saying that a person argues that which is relevant to them, I'm saying that your moral code is based on what brings enjoyment to you.

"I don't PROTEST commercialized sports BECAUSE (be cause) I enjoy watching them. Period, point blank."

You see. You are saying whatever the case may be, it has no barrings on your position so long as it fulfills personal interests.

Take some doctors for example. Matter fact, take a Harry Potter watch'n/dark wizard chest board dueling/crusty food pyramid 'eat in moderation'/to'up Parkay margarine butter knife icon have'n/doctor for example.

This archetype may or may not agree to shoot'n up a baby with mercury loaded vaccines. Because this action brings personal interests i.e. a job, they will do it anyway even if it goes against their moral judgments. In this case a job outweighs one's moral code. What I'm pointing out from your statement is that EVEN if you agreed with me, it makes no difference because the enjoyment of that thing (whatever it may be), would still tip the scales in the favor of that which gives you enjoyment.

So I could be a liquor store owner in the hood making big bank. I don't believe in drinking or support alcohol in the hood, still I continue to sell that product because it brings me a healthy financial reward.

Of coarse a person argues what they believe in, it's the person that excuses their own actions even if it diverges from their personal code because of personal reward.

Anonymous said...


CNu gives a good account of the 'NYAUOT' phenomena you are experiencing at this very moment with Gee Chee. Most often their replies begin with, " missed it".

Once you recognize the telltale signs of a 'NYAUOT' gambit, you can safely skip over the rest of the post without missing much.

Anonymous said...

We can see street crime or street hustl'n or petty peon pimp'n and call it for what it is. No mystery there, no conspiracy, cucumber niggas being cucumber niggas. But say someth'n 'bout the real pimp'n, the real hustl'n, the real criminals then our guards go up. We reduce it to conspiracies and alien abduction hoaxes. We got Wisk detergent for the white collar criminals but tripp'n on the blue collars.

Anonymous said...

NYAUOT apparently now has a cousin named NYAAAAM

Denmark Vesey said...

"CNu gives a good account of the 'NYAUOT'" DMG



Corny Negros crack me up...



And they wonder why nobody feels them.

Cash Rulz said...

Gee chee: My moral code is not based on what bring enjoyment, its vice versa. I just don't feel that watching sports on TV is some big conspiracy. I believe that an individual who would be distracted by watching sports would be distracted by a shiny yellow ball bouncing around his house.

Since this type of "manipulation" has been going on before mass media, then what does that say about people.


The masses are not being duped unwillingly. They WANT to be duped. There's still a large number of people that believe Palin is intelligent and would make a great leader despite the fact that EVERY media appearance points out her stupidity. Only proves my points.

DMG: what is NYAUOT and NYAAAAM? (yeah, I bit)

Anonymous said...

If the NYAUOT comment came from someone who would be less likely to throw Anta Diop in this catagory as well, I might've set down my cup of tea.

Stick to the art jokes (not that a finger poker could think of anything more than finger painting metaphors).

Anonymous said...

"Nigga You Ain't Up On This" and for GeeChee in particular, "Nigga You Ain't As Artistic As Me", you see GC is an artist, however his talent does not extend to his writing or depth of thought.

Gee Chee, nobody is sacred. Remember I don't believe in gods or gurus. If Anta Diop can't bring compelling evidence to back up his theories, same goes for him, it's not personal.

If you care to check the archives, our host is stricken with an incurable case of NYAUOT. Apparently the metastatic potential of NYAUOT has driven our host to Congo Dandyism and worship of his personal demigod Paul Smith.

Anonymous said...

Damn, DMG. Are you suggesting that I'm talented and my art work has depth? Your delivery may be a bit grouchy, but basically you're praising my art work before even seeing it. You ain't such a bad dude. I could actually see us posted up on the block back in the day. You'd be trash talk'n everybody while I'd be dropp'n jewels.

Anonymous said...

You said you were a big deal artist...I haven't seen your work, but I'll take your word for it. Why not?

It's nice to know you are a glass half full kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it seems we'd both be in our element...nothing like a street chock full of potential Jesus Juice drinkers. I'd prefer the trashcan to escape your...ahem, advances.

Anonymous said...


Michael has straight edge. If there was something to find, they would've found it. You don't be a Negro and own the Beatles catalog and get off scott free unless you're really innocent. You know California don't play. If that Negro got off it's because of one of two things, either he was a mastermind or he was innocent. I know they took him and those kids through the washers to pull up as much evidence as possible.

I know you joke'n (I think) but just say'n.

Anonymous said...

California don't play? Two words:

Lindsay Lohan. There's always been special dispensation for celebrity status, and " don't matter if your black or white".

Anonymous said...

You said you were a big deal artist.-DMG

I never said that. The cats making 300K a piece are the big deals if we use the volume/weight/length conversion scale you may be accustomed to. Still Basquiat is as big deal-esque as they come. Even if I were to work for a "Radiant Child" spot, I still wouldn't have the cultural impact of a lil' Wayne or an Aaron MacGruder. That's the big deal I've been work'n in the lab (Rakim tone) to achieve.

But yes, as one raised on the bravado of rap music, even in the absence of notoriety, I don't know how to imagine myself as anything other than a big deal.

Anonymous said...

There's always been special dispensation for celebrity status-DMG

Really? That's why OJ is at the golf coarse with Robert Wagner & Robert Blake?

Denmark Vesey said...

"You said you were a big deal artist."-DMG

He is a big deal artist.

You can tell by the artistry in what he writes.

Just as we can tell by your writing that you are a Plantation Enthusiast.

Anonymous said...

Gee Chee,

You said you were an artist of some note. I took your word for it. I have no reason to doubt you. It would be nice if the depth of your commentary consistently matched that of your art. There are times, when you say something profound. But, too many times it's just the same old bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I know, I know; the museum collections & shows; the grants & awards...but that's the license & registration DMG's want to see when they pull you over for driving through Beverly Hills. I would throw you another savory "you don't get it" Scooby snack, but I have this deadline and you starting to flat line.

Anonymous said...

How is it, that when I say, "I believe that you are an artist" because you said so, you find some way to pull NYAUOT out of your ass?

That's my point. You and our host spend too much time preening. I said I believed you are an artist of note. I didn't give my opinion regarding the quality of your work. Personally, I could give a fuck less about your shows, and awards. That's not what art is to me. I've been more moved by a 4 year olds painting, than some pieces in the MoMA.

My point is that your commentary is weak. Step up your game.

Let me know when you are finished patting yourself on your back.

Anonymous said...

"He is a big deal artist. You can tell by the artistry in what he writes."-DV


Anonymous said...

Alrigght I misread your style.

But for the future I prefer NYAAAAM. It carries an LL/Troop jumpsuit/dookie rope/Jack the Ripper swag.