Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Israeli "Security Experts" Behind Egypt's Internet Crackdown?

Apparently Israeli security experts formed a company in 1997 that has since become the the world's leader in "real-time traffic intelligence".   The company, Narus, has since been purchased by a major US defense contract recipient ... Boeing.

So, on the surface the Plantation is lamenting Egypts "decision" to shut down the internet.  Turns out ... we shut it down for them.

"U.S. companies are involved in providing technology that helps the Egyptian government to crack down on communications and monitor protestors on the Internet and mobile phones.

A U.S. company appears to have sold Egypt technology to monitor Internet and mobile phone traffic that is possibly being used by the ruling regime to crack down on communications as protests erupt throughout the country.

Boeing-owned, California-based company Narus sold Telecom Egypt, the state-run Internet service provider, "real-time traffic intelligence" equipment, more commonly known as Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology."
Free Press


Anonymous said...

Do you really think anyone needs Israeli security experts to block Facebook, Twitter, and email and mobile phones?

nicki nicki tembo said...

I can see that. It should come as no surprise. During wars, invasions and insurrections the first things attacked are communication and mass media. Its as much about controlling and limiting what is filtered out as it is about limiting communication within.

CNu said...

"deep packet inspection" is the standard verbiage used by firewall appliance companies nowadays to describe their embedded and subscription content filtering offerings.

this entire post is the equivalent of implicating and Israeli KIA dealer in the sale of a low-end automobile to an Egyptian government entity...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"this entire post is the equivalent of implicating and Israeli KIA dealer in the sale of a low-end automobile to an Egyptian government entity...,"

^^ Maybe to an uncreative lame like CNu.

Boeing is the largest US federal defense contractor receiving billions in tax dollars annually.

Boeing is a major player in the military industrial complex that happens to dictates US Foreign Policy.

The US military industrial complex, is for all intents and purposes, Egypt's INTERNET KILL SWITCH provider ...

So while the Plantation media brands Mubarack a totalitarian dictator... with the audacity to "shut down the internet".

Turns out the Plantation shut the internet down for Egypt. While simultaneously flexing its fascist muscles here at home.

The funny part is that the Boeing effectively subcontracted the job to spy on Egyptians to a group of Israeli intelligence agents ... oops, excuse me ... "Israeli security experts" ....

Egyptian government ... hiring Israeli intelligence agents ... to shut down's its internet and spy on Egyptian citizens ... illustrates the depth and range of the collapse of the nation state.

Where does Egypt end and the US begin? Where does the US end and Israel begin? Where is Israel distinguished from Egypt?

They are all under the same control. The same set of concentrated interests.

There is no Egypt.
There is no US.
There is no Israel.

Geopolitical illusions.

There is only 1 government.

So, nah CNu. Not a KIA Dealer selling a whip.

My meme is a paradigm changer.

Like eating natural food is a paradigm changer that keeps men from growing tits.

You should try it.

CNu said...


silly jiggaboo - something as trivial as shutting off services only seems momentous and magical to a bone-in-his-nose "Moorish Scientist".

I understand how if you don't know anything, and, you're credulous and stupid, it might seem like "heap'em big magic" but on the serious, it's as simple as logging into your own little wireless access point brouter at home and flipping a web setting. Ain't no thang but a chickenwang boy - and in a country where these services are already by-and-large nationalized - it doesn't even rise to that.

No need for Israelis, Boeing, or anybody else to intervene. To the extent that that's true, it only has to do with who got the contract to middle-man the sales, service, and installation of the equipment itself.

simple, day-to-day vanilla bidnis in the technology infrastructures world...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"revolutionary non-androgenic polypeptide engineered dial tone broadband radiation dichroitic cellular nutrition ..." CNu

Whatever Nerd.

I've got little energy to follow that Riddler shit you poppin'.

Apparently little chubby bitter nerds have a hard time keeping up with events.

Services weren't simply shut off in Egypt.

Protesters were monitored in real time on the internet and via cell.

The Egyptian government ... hired Israelis agents ... to spy on Egyptians.

Egyptian statehood is a myth.

Now I know you angry.

And I know it's the middle of the week.

Which means you got a Jones for a major dose of Denmark Vesey's Johnson.

Hell. Who can blame you?

It has been a few days.

Which explains why you are here picking play fights.

But even you gotta give it up. If you got a more relevant Egypt meme ... drop a link.

CNu said...

I've got little energy to follow

We're all painfully aware of your limitations Bacon-Bey ben Jiggaboo..,

If you got a more relevant Egypt meme ... drop a link.

very well..,

On the technology tip, I'ma go with my own facebook IS evil and Wikileaks Wednesdays tags. Students of advanced Melanic Cybonics would be well advised to pay special attention to any articles related to Carnegie Mellon's JoSS program, like this one.

As far as a prognosis on the MENA situation itself, the most important one thus far would be the one linking to IMF MENA (middle-east north african) stats which pretty much set the table for what's happened and what's bout to happen next.

Finally, my tightly focused coverage began on January 25th and pretty much hasn't wavered with the book end to that, i.e., how what's happening in Cairo will effect Hamas concluding this afternoon.

The root cause of all of this is commodity food price spikes occurring because of the huge volume of investment dollars going into commodities and tripling or quadrupling the price of staples over the past 6 months.

That the power elite met in Davos last week and nobody suggested putting brakes on commodity investments to cool the situation on the ground in the MENA, is indicative of PE complicity in what is now unfolding.

I'll be happy to indulge any questions dispositive of effort to understand what's being tracked...,

Denmark Vesey said...


CNu said...

My rank worldwide


Your rank worldwide

We hold intelligent conversations on an as-needed basis.

Since all the smart folk either died, left, or just stop in long enough to piss on you, all you get is empty drivebys - and it's going to keep going that way because you're a vacuous idiot hollaring the loudest about how hot you imagine you are....,

CNu said...

How did DMG put it...,

oh yeah -

Science is for smart people!

and Moorish Science is for...,

Denmark Vesey said...


I rarely read your shit. Now I know why.

Lotta bark.

But no bite.

You aint that deep dude.

I mean you technical. But you aint insightful. You aint calling shit in advance like me.

You are a mechanic.

I'm a prophet.

Which explains why you always up in my face.

Your ... "coverage" on Egypt ... tries to disguise what it lacks in innovation, foresight, soul and relevance with the clinical competence of a well trained technician.

I don't know if you consider this part of "your coverage", but it is cut and paste from the Christian Science Monitor:

(And it's stupid as hell)

"Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority officials fear the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt might prompt Cairo to ease access to Gaza, and help Hamas consolidate its rule there."

Silly Hype.
Fox-News worthy.
Self-serving warmongering, divide and conquer, left right paradigm bullshit.

The Christian Science Monitor writes: "The Palestinian Authority" with a straight face.

Come on CNu.

As if two car loads of Arabs with four cell phones and one laptop between them, calling themselves a "government" ... is a genuine player in this globalist charade.

The Palestinians don't have a government.

Iraq does not have a government.

Afghanistan does not have a government.

Soon Egypt won't have a government.

(You'll get that if you think about it)

The "Muslim Brotherhood" is a made for TV boogie man.


Come on Bruh. Man. I'm actually disappointed.

You don't just eat Plantation food. You are gorging on Plantation thoughts too.

Bruh. If you want to fuck with me. Your lyrics have to catch up.

I know you are much more comfortable heckling from the sidelines ... but when asked to produce ... your shit thin as Hindu anorexic.

I'll help you out.

Factor this into your equation:

1) There is no Egypt.
2) There is no sovereignty.
3) This is a single act in a much larger play.
4) The play is regional destabilization.
5) The game is global governance.

"The aim of the Globalist is to turn Egypt and the entire Arab world into one large Gaza Strip" D Fucking V.

Remember Where You Heard It First.

Hustle Hard

CNu said...

"The aim of the Globalist is to turn Egypt and the entire Arab world into one large Gaza Strip" D Fucking V.

and um, er, ah..., how exactly do you propose that the collapse of "the entire Arab world" (from whence fully 1/3rd of all anglospheric oil is obtained (and all "spare" production capacity to boot)) will advance the globalist agenda?

The rich parts of the Arab world ain't goin nowhere as a result of what happens with the po-folk. At this juncture, nobody can afford to or wants to even try to police Egypt.

The only player who stands to benefit from further regional instability is Iranian proxy Hezbollah.

Last I reckon, the Sunni Arab world wasn't exactly on a harmonious trajectory with the Persian Shi-ite world.

I'm 99.99% certain your prognosis is ridiculous and wrong.

Denmark Vesey said...

"and um, er, ah..., how exactly do you propose that the collapse of "the entire Arab world" (from whence fully 1/3rd of all anglospheric oil is obtained (and all "spare" production capacity to boot)) will advance the globalist agenda?"

1) The collapse of the Iraqi government, economy, and society seems to have "advanced" the globalist agenda.

2) The collapse of the government of Afghanistan, its economy and society seems to have "advanced" the globalist agenda.

3) The collapse of the Somalian government, economy, and society seems to have "advanced" the globalist agenda.

4) The collapse of the Palestinian government, economy, and society seems to have "advanced" the globalist agenda.

Shoot the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.

Divide the sheep into Shia sheep and Sunni sheep and the sheep will fight.

Divide the sheep into pro-government sheep and anti-government sheep and the sheep will fight.

Divide the sheep into Democratic sheep and Republican sheep and the sheep will fight.

Divide the sheep into conservative sheep and liberal sheep and the sheep will fight.

Keeping the Arab world in a state of chaos, violence and debt is the most efficient way for the globalist to manage the population and to steal its energy resources.

Gaza is a large outdoor prison.

Egypt, like Iraq, like Afghanistan and one day soon like Kansas City ... is being turned into a large outdoor prison.

Local and regional sovereignty are myths of the past.

That's the story.

The manipulation of commodities and the escalation of food prices is simply one of several destabilization tools of the globalist bankers who can effectively flip the starvation switch of a country on and off at will.

The story aint the tool.

The story is the strategy of destabilization and the collapse of Egyptian sovereignty.

Denmark Vesey mufuggah.

CNu said...

Divide the sheep into Shia sheep and Sunni sheep and the sheep will fight.


Stop playing.

The apotheistic Shia separated themselves from the fundamentalist dumbass Sunnis from the time of the first Imam.

Egypt, like Iraq, like Afghanistan and one day soon like Kansas City ... is being turned into a large outdoor prison.
Local and regional sovereignty are myths of the past.

ay, yi, yi, yi, yi....,

Iraq sits on top of 112 Billion Barrels of proven reserves of sweet light crude oil ($13 Trillion worth at 2001 prices)
Iran sits on top of yet another 112 Billion Barrels of proven reserves of sweet light crude oil - and is sandwiched between Iraq and Afghanistan.

Egypt is a broke oil minnow with nothing to show for itself except Arab control on the Israel/Gazan border. Utterly meaningless in the greater scheme of things.

Kansas City is where the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal is repaired, maintained, updated, and rotated back out into the field. The second largest rail hub in the U.S. and the absolute hub of federal data and telecommunications nationwide.

We're more sovereign, pampered and protected than your family jewels.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]this entire post is the equivalent of implicating and Israeli KIA dealer in the sale of a low-end automobile to an Egyptian government entity...[/quote]



Brother DV:

If I found an Israeli firm that developed some router software that made the Internet in Egypt work more EFFICIENTLY, providing better access to more people - WOULD YOU be crediting them just as well for providing this benefit to the masses?

This is not a FOREIGN HACKING EVENT where the Israeli firm has committed a "Denial Of Service Attack" against an enemy. THE GOVERNMENT OF EGYPT obviously ordered a service.

Would you damn the manufacturers of ROAD SPIKES for blowing out the tires of cars that GOVERNMENT AGENTS used to disable vehicles?