Monday, February 21, 2011

Introduction To Engineered Destabilization, Globalism & A New World Order Out of Chaos 002 • DV University • Spring 2011

Paul Joseph Watson said ...
Is it merely a coincidence that less than a week after Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi threatened Israel by calling on Palestinians to capitalize on the wave of popular uprisings in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of the Zionist state, his own regime is teetering on the brink of extinction following massive anti-government riots in Benghazi and Tripoli?

On Sunday last week, Gaddafi urged the Arab world to revolt against Israel during a speech on state television.
“Fleets of boats should take Palestinians … and wait by the Palestinian shores until the problem is resolved,” Gaddafi said. “This is a time of popular revolutions.”“We need to create a problem for the world. This is not a declaration of war. This is a call for peace,” he said in a speech given to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed, a holy day in the Islamic calendar,” reported Reuters.

Low and behold, just days after Gaddafi’s very bold threat to seize on the wave of revolutions as a means of toppling Israel, Gaddafi himself is forced to flee Tripoli as protesters burn down government buildings and take control of entire cities. This tells you an awful lot about who is really behind the wave of revolutions sweeping the region – the US military industrial-complex that kick-started them in the first place.


Big Mark 243 said...

First, this is a bigger thing than the Military-Industrial Complex that my man Ike and JFK warned of... there is yet another layer to this conspiracy, sort of like those 7-layer tacos that they used to sell at Taco Bell.

I may yet be a nube when it comes to the depths that other readers my go, but damn, you don't need to go deep when you can do the simple math and see that there are problems with the formula...

Eygpt, they go through this stuff every 30-40 years... have done since they started keeping track of time on sundials... BUT what is happening throughout the Arab world is an unprecedented uprising...

...that is occurring after the Asian powers led by China and Russia have staked a claim to the resources in Africa and South America remains strong enough to resist infiltration... we had to go somewhere for resources and new markets...

... let your boys do all the debatin' and stuff... y'all want to do more, then there is two things you gotta do before I pay attention to what you got to say...

1) Pick up a weapon

2) Lead the way

...other wise, you are just some lonely, loveless cat on the internet trollin' blogs to have some attention paid to you...

... later!

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]his own regime is teetering on the brink of extinction following massive anti-government riots in Benghazi and Tripoli?[/quote]


Seems liek your buddy Ghaddafi was on to their scheme. He hired armed mercenaries to kill over 200 of them that protested in his nation.

That'll teach them for supporting Israel.

:-/ :-/ :-/

Denmark Vesey said...

1) Pick up a weapon

2) Lead the way

I hear you Big Mark.

Got up this morning.

Got myself a gun.

makheru bradley said...

Oh yeah, the masses of people in the streets of Benghazi and Tripoli are so in love with the Zionist state that they are willing to be slaughtered in to bring their "Brother Leader" down.

The fact is, unlike Tunisia, Egypt, and Bahrain, objective analysis of the crisis in Libya from primary sources has been slow to evolve. It's not surprising that someone would play the Zionist card. Did the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood really issue a fatwa against Colonel Qaadafi?

Denmark Vesey said...

makheru bradley said...

"Oh yeah, the masses of people in the streets of Benghazi and Tripoli are so in love with the Zionist state that they are willing to be slaughtered in to bring their "Brother Leader" down."

Mak, you make a mistake by assuming "masses of people" in the streets is evidence of nothing else except anti-Gaddafi sentiment.

It is evidence of something more important.

Just as "masses of people" in the streets was evidence of issues beyond Mubarak.

Hell there are "masses of people" in the streets of the United States of America, chanting "down with Obama ... that does not necessarily mean the United States of America is experiencing an uprising and Obama has fled to Israel.

The economies of all the nations of the Arab world are suffering from the same malaise that poisons the economies of the rest of the world ... including the United States.

There is a global depression.

It was largely caused by the same banking cartels, media conglomerates and shadow governments that prop up these "dictators" around the world.

These revolts are as much against the globalists as they are against Mubarak or Qaddafi or any leader.

To revolt against Mubarak is to revolt against his employer - The United States.

1) What is actually happening in Libya and the media, images, and memes about Libya distributed to us are probably 2 different things.

2) What's happening in Libya is the cousin of what is happening in Wisconsin.

3) The Plantation is marketing the "Gaddafi = Bad Guy" meme to occupy the minds of people programmed to see the world as a series of narratives derived from Hollywood Movies.

Evil ... Arab ... Muslim ... dictator ... religious oppression ...mean to women ... chaos ... death and it's all the fault of the Arabs. (Can you say "The Hurt Locker")

This year ... Arabs.

Next year ... Negros.

Cash Rulz said...


Flouride in the water

Subliminal messages

Alien cover-up

NWO is making tens of thousands of people wild out AT THE SAME TIME. "MK-ULTRA...hmmmmmm"

Denmark Vesey said...

Not hip.

What is MK ultra Cash?

Cash Rulz said...

Wow, I get to put you up on something, LOL

Check this out.

ed said...

There is no way in hell an organized NWO operation..these dictator figureheads are needed to keep the people in check.

If anything, this destabilization in the Middle East may be the NWO worst nightmare because they don't know who is going to fill in the shoes.

It may be likely a stronger more empowered Arab/Muslim world may arise as a result which is something the NWO definitely don't want.

However, DV is very on point...the Black youth in America is up next for this kind of revolution.

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Cash!

Yeah man. Hell of a video. Not too many cats peep the Nazi continuum.

Mass mind control is as real as mass vaccination.

Peep this one:

Denmark Vesey said...

ed said...

"There is no way in hell an organized NWO operation..these dictator figureheads are needed to keep the people in check."

Brother Ed!

Where you been man?

Squares had me surrounded.

You aint buying the 'NWO behind the color revolutions" meme, huh?

I don't know man.

Under the previous paradigm the Anglo-Ameroica Establishment needed dictators to police the local population and maintain enough stability for the corporations to extract the natural resources.

Under the current paradigm ... the Establishment wants the entire region (and ultimately the world) destabilized.

No local governments anywhere.

Complete centralization.

Complete concentration of power.

No local armies. "UN" "Peace Keeping Forces".

Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Sudan .... HAVE NO GOVERNMENTS.

Natural resources are still being extracted.

The past 10 years have proven it is cheaper to extract resources from a chaotic environment than it is to pay to maintain an orderly environment.

Despite what the MSM is pushing in this country ... these revolts are not noble efforts to resist tyranny.

If people really revolted because they were led by dictatorial figureheads ... we would have had a revolution in this country long ago.

Ultimately people don't revolt because of politics.

They revolt because of hunger.

This is a False Flag Revolution.

Anonymous said...


This all some creepy stuff that's happening. Kind of overwhelming.


makheru bradley said...

Mak, you make a mistake by assuming "masses of people" in the streets is evidence of nothing else except anti-Gaddafi sentiment.—DV

DV, you’re skating on the thin ice of extrapolations. I simply responded satirically to the Zionist card suggestions in the post. I’m not assuming anything, because I have not read anything from the Libyan opposition which clearly states their position. I agree that there is a global economic crises stemming from 9/15/08. According to some analysts Libya has 30 percent unemployment and a 33 percent poverty rate—both numbers are about the same as Afrikan America. Why aren’t the young unemployed Afrikan Americans in the streets?

Libya is a clan society—similar to Somalia. It is absolutely guaranteed that the Anglo American imperial elite would rather have a strongman like the Colonel “stabilizing” Libya via whatever means than the chaos which has developed.

Denmark Vesey said...

"It is absolutely guaranteed that the Anglo American imperial elite would rather have a strongman like the Colonel “stabilizing” Libya via whatever means than the chaos which has developed." MB

OK. Cool. See your point.

But I disagree.

I see it differently.

The way I see it, the 'Anglo American Imperial elite' wants chaos in the Arab / Muslim world.

They engineer chaos.

Destabilization is a control strategy.

Shoot the shepherd make the sheep scatter.

Iraq is less "stable" than it was under Sadam.

Afghanistan is less stable than it was under the Taliban. Agree?

The situation in Egypt, Libya, and Algeria will soon mirror Iraq and Afghanistan.

Consider this an expansion of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians.

Destabilizing the entire region will soon lead to a "regional government".

That Regional Government / UN Peace Bullshit will be a puppet of guess who ....

That 'Anglo American Imperial elite'.

Hustle Hard

Anonymous said...

"Iraq is less "stable" than it was under Saddam"

This is a true statement. One of the worst strategic mistake made by the Bush Admin was going all out on Saddam. Killing his two son's and nephew made it look ugly and personal (like some kind of Mafia hit). Saddam was a dictator, a killer, a pimp, whatever. But he kept the crazies in check. The protracted combat operations in Iraq are a direct result of being a Cowboy and trying to "out do" daddy Bush by "getting Saddam Hussein". There was a much better way to "deal" with Saddam, if that's what they wanted to do.

"Afghanistan is less stable than it was under the Taliban"

This is not a true statement. What Saddam (like Tito in Yugoslavia before him) had going for him, is that he kept the religious and ethnic factions from wilding out. The Taliban is the result of a religious faction wilding WAY the fuck out.

I would not call that stable in any sense of the word. If you disagree, drop a link as to how the Taliban stabilized Afghanistan.

makheru bradley said...

Destabilization is a control strategy.—DV

Not exactly—see Somalia. They have not been able to drill for one drop of oil since they began the destabilization campaign in Somalia. Clan societies are far more difficult to control than they imagined. Libya is a clan society.

Iraq is less "stable" than it was under Sadam.—DV

Agreed, and that’s why The Perfect Proxy is going to extend the deadline for American withdrawal.

Afghanistan is less stable than it was under the Taliban. Agree?—DV. Yes sir.

The situation in Egypt, Libya, and Algeria will soon mirror Iraq and Afghanistan.—DV

In what sense?

Consider this an expansion of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians.—DV

Well if the Colonel can play the Q-card, you can play the Z-card. Unfortunately neither card matches the reality on the ground.

OBTW, did you see Garvey’s colors being flown in eastern Libya?