Tuesday, February 01, 2011

If Martin Luther King Jr. Were Alive Today, He Would Be Fighting Mass Vaccinations By Big Pharmaceutical Companies

Autism was rare until the mass vaccination programs were accelerated in 1991, with the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB (meningitis) vaccine.

Tens of thousands of parents will attest that autism appeared in their children very soon after they were given these, and other, vaccines.

Study the information on the website http://www.fourteenstudies.org/. You will find the studies denying the association between autism and vaccines to be highly questionable.

DMG said...
The "controversy" over Climate Change and Autism Spectrum Disorders are manufactured by people who aren't capable of comprehending complex scientific topics. Hence you get complete morons, like your host polluting the internet with ever more ignorant and moronic views that he can neither prove nor explain.

Don't think so? Ask him to explain HIS viewpoint in detail. He has no evidence. He has no facts. He doesn't even understand the basic detail of either subject.

Go, on MOTI...prove me wrong.


uglyblackjohn said...

Okay DeeVee - Which is the lie?
Is Global Warming a lie?
Is the Autism/ Vac relationship a lie?
Or are they a case of a 'known' to be guilty felon being tried with planted evidence?

Denmark Vesey said...

Good morning UBJ.

Not sure what you mean man.

Global Warming is a "meme".

Designed to lead the masses down a particular path.

"Truth" has little to do with it.

It is a means to an end.

Like "A woman's right to choose".

Has nothing to do with "rights".

It is a means to an end.

A means to kill off the babies of particular groups of people.

The Autism / Vaccine connection is nothing more than another sordid branch of eugenics.

Making generations of kids retarded is a form of birth control.

Amenta said...

Yes. He would be fighting the pharmaceutical companies among others.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

Being that Brother Martin would be an elderly man today I tend to believe that he would prefer to travel by car, going westward to Memphis TN.

Upon seeing the news that so many Black people were having their "civil rights" violated in 2011 - he would take a stand in the "Blues City" against the agents of murder and intimidation of Black people that is far more pervasive but which there is no immunization shot to speak of.

Sadly the sniper this time would be a member of the "Traveling Vice Lords". Apparently he did not appreciate King disrupting his commerce. Worst of all - he DIDN'T GIVE A DAMN about what King had done so that he might be free from systematic brutality at the hands of government OR at least provided with recourse when the cops acted out against him in frustration.

Anonymous said...

The "controversy" over Climate Change and Autism Spectrum Disorders are manufactured by people who aren't capable of comprehending complex scientific topics. Hence you get complete morons, like your host polluting the internet with ever more ignorant and moronic views that he can neither prove nor explain.

Don't think so? Ask him to explain HIS viewpoint in detail. He has no evidence. He has no facts. He doesn't even understand the basic detail of either subject.

Go, on MOTI...prove me wrong.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Yes. He would be fighting the pharmaceutical companies among others." Ensayn1

What up E!?

Yes. Yes. Definitely. Among others.

Once MLK broke free of the ideological restraints of the "Civil Rights Movement" ... he took on the military industrial complex.

It would be impossible for him to ignore the 'triple evils' of the military, pharmaceutical and banking oligarchy that is waging a holocaust on humanity today.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Sadly the sniper this time would be a member of the "Traveling Vice Lords"" CF

Brother CF.

I don't understand.

You realize I'm referencing King metaphorically of course?

Anonymous said...

It's really sad how you can so easily co-opt Martin Luther King, Jr's message for your inane and selfish reasons. I recall Southern Republican's attempting the same thing recently. Who's next the Klan?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]You realize I'm referencing King metaphorically of course?


I am metaphorically extending King's actions to the PROBLEMS HAUNTING BLACK PEOPLE TODAY.

[quote]I recall Southern Republican's attempting the same thing recently. Who's next the Klan?[/quote]


When the NAACP marched on the state house of South Carolina on King Day 2011 - THAT was the greatest hijacking of King's Spirit this season.

In the cover of "Remove That Confederate Flag Off Of These Grounds" they applied a spirit of hatred rather than resolve. They showed that they PRIORITIZED that flag over:

* The conditions of education of their children (which they blame the STATE but not the parents or the local school systems that they have influence on)

* They were the angry mob that appeared at the schools (on that day where MLK Day was used to recover from the 5 day school closure the week prior because of snow)

* The social problems among Black people in the Carolinas (which I know intimately)

If we assume that a "Civil Rights Violator against Black People" is defined by his ACTIONS rather than his RACE - I would have to promote this crowd as having done more tangible harm to the Black community in that zone with their HIJACKING than anything that you can point out in the group that bothered you so.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ruckus/CF... explain how the NAACP marching on the State House of SC the "greatest hijacking"?

Hatred? The Confederate Flag was flown by a bunch of treasonous white men, who not only sought to keep our ancestors (despite our hosts fantasies) enslaved, but continued the slights today or did you forget?

Marching on SC is not mutually exclusive to addressing the other things you listed...or can YOU not think of more than one concept at a time?

You are entitled to your opinion, but you have not proven your point...you haven't even addressed it.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ruckus/CF... explain how the NAACP marching on the State House of SC the "greatest hijacking"?

Hatred? The Confederate Flag was flown by a bunch of treasonous white men, who not only sought to keep our ancestors (despite our hosts fantasies) enslaved, but continued the slights today or did you forget?

Marching on SC is not mutually exclusive to addressing the other things you listed...or can YOU not think of more than one concept at a time?

You are entitled to your opinion, but you have not proven your point...you haven't even addressed it.

CNu said...

Once MLK broke free of the ideological restraints of the "Civil Rights Movement" ... he took on the military industrial complex.

It would be impossible for him to ignore the 'triple evils' of the military, pharmaceutical and banking oligarchy that is waging a holocaust on humanity today.

MLK took on racism, materialism, and militarism. A lot of our discussion centered around how in the last three years of his life, King called for a revolution in values against the triple threats of racism, materialism, and militarism. Why do most King celebrations back away from or ignore this message? Is it because he was going where most Americans don't want to go — so that there was almost a sigh of relief when he was assassinated?

King's challenge was not only directed to white people. As Vincent put it ten years ago: "All we need to do is look around us and see how much over the past 15-20 years we black folks have decided (consciously or not) to fight racism by seeking equal opportunity or a fair share in the nation's militarism and materialism. In other words, we have chosen to fight against one of the triple threats by joining the other two."...

so we can easily guess where he would've come down on the hypermaterialistic gospel of ex-enlistee Bacon-Bey Ben Israel..,

Denmark Vesey said...

so we can easily guess where he would've come down on the hypermaterialistic gospel of ex-enlistee Bacon-Bey Ben Israel..," CNu


I bet he would come down on the side of the men who didn't have breasts.

bet you that.

What's more "hypermaterialistic" than a man who gorges on so much garbage that he literally grows tits?

CNu said...


I'ma have to rechristen you Nipple-head ben Israel in recognition of the pathetic, lone retort left to you whenever you're questioned on your latest Moorish Science jiggaboology...,

The fact of the matter, as I noted to whatever is left of your audiences' attention, is that Martin Luther King IS influencing what's unfolding in the MENA (middle-east north africa) and in ways someone as backward, trifling, and hypocritical as your monkey-ass has shown itself to be - could probably never fully comprehend.

Busy as you are with fanboying lil'Weezy and other variations on the materialist coonshow du jour....,