Saturday, February 19, 2011

Genetically Modified Food Is For Plantation Negros

hobama said...

In the past 3 weeks, the Obama administration has unbelievably chosen to approve three biotech crops, Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa, Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets and a new industrial biotech corn for ethanol production. Obama's recent approval of them will allow them to be planted as early as this spring, despite widespread acknowledgment that these crops are certain to contaminate both conventional and organic farmers non-GMO crops. 

Monsanto’s genetically modified corn linked to organ failure  
Katherine Goldstein and Gazelle Emami / Huffington Post

In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto’s GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats.
According to the study, which was summarized by Rady Ananda at Food Freedom, “Three varieties of Monsanto’s GM corn – Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 – were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities.”
Monsanto gathered its own crude statistical data after conducting a 90-day study, even though chronic problems can rarely be found after 90 days, and concluded that the corn was safe for consumption. The stamp of approval may have been premature, however.


CNu said...

Food is one of the most powerful weapons in the U.S. arsenal.

The cull's-a-comin.

6 Billion gotta go, gotta go, gotta go....,

famine, violence, pestilence, and war - in approximately that order.

1845-1848, 1936-1941 revisited exponentially...,

not a dayyum thing you can do to stop it.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]The cull's-a-comin. 6 Billion gotta go, gotta go, gotta go...., famine, violence, pestilence, and war [/quote]

My dear friend KC Nulan:

Please go purchase a "Roku" Over The Set Top Box device. $59 at Radio Shack, etc

Subscribe to "African Info Media" for at least 1 month and watch their documentaries.

THEN I will ask you the following question:

"What ORGANIC COMPETENCIES can you attest to having been developed WITHIN THE AMERICAN BLACK COMMUNITY - per the policies that you support - which would assist in this FOOD PROBLEM?"

We have a new round of arguments about the "Black Farmers Settlement" YET I have not seen ANYONE (but me) link together this multi-BILLION dollar settlement with targeted FOOD PRODUCTION in the 'Food Deserts'.

Come on man.

hobama said...

Monsanto and their GMO crops is a 10000X bigger threat than Al Queda is hyped up to be by the American media.

Remember, you can't unring a bell. Once the mutant genes are released out of the lab in the wild - there's no turning back.

This is gene wars folks. That's 1000X more dangerous than biowarfare. You better be scared.

Anonymous said...

Need to get real on GM food. It is no different than the food that has always been naturally growing out there. Monsanto’s "GM seeds" are merely a careful selection of naturally existing strains to breed seeds with the desired properties (resistance to Roundup).

Here’s how they do it: Plant field of traditional, e.g.. soybeans. When they come up, spray field with Roundup; this kills most, but not all, the plants. The survivors are those in the normal spectrum of soybean genetics which have a high resistance to Roundup. Then, allow those plants to mature and harvest those seeds to plant a new field. Repeat process again, this time harvesting many more Roundup resistant seeds. Now you can grow soybeans without having to painstakingly weed your fields, just a quick spray of Roundup does the job.

Monsanto patented this procedure and sells their seeds for a nice profit.. Farmers can easily duplicate this process for themselves. But Monsanto has a team of inspectors that identifies farmers doing this and sues thier asses off for patent infringement.

But recognize, "GM seeds"are not some ominous killer cooked up by devious scientists in a sinister laboratory. They are the same stuff that’s always been out there, just a lot more of a particular strain. The corn foto comparison is total propaganda BS, the defective stuff is diseased. "GM soybeans" look no different than than the traditional ones...
