CNu said...
Obama's education policies are in no way culpable for the decline in quality of urban public school systems.
A whole host of systemic institutional failures are involved with the decline of these schools, with the most fundamental of these being the flight of exceptional members of the urban Black managerial and professional classes out of the teaching profession.
There is no such thing as the "Black managerial class". That's just a fancy word for employees. What were they managing? Other people's capital.
Technology replaced "managers" with software. Employees lost their jobs and drifted to other temporary tasks needed on the plantation.
Your romanticized notions of a talented and dedicated class of "teaching professionals" dutifully preparing the minds of the untrained masses to serve the needs of the Plantation fell straight from a Mao poster.
CNu said...
The massive
proliferation of unwed single mothers who cannot conceivably provide the
necessary role model, tutorial, behavioral, disciplinary, economic, and
security baselines required by children in order to maximize the lower
quality education resources available to them.
That's just a stupid eugenics meme designed to imply all social problems would be solved if human beings stopped reproducing.
To even attempt to put these failings in Obama's lap is flatly dishonest.
Obama's education policies are in no way culpable for the decline in quality of urban public school systems.
A whole host of systemic institutional failures are involved with the decline of these schools, with the most fundamental of these being the flight of exceptional members of the urban Black managerial and professional classes out of the teaching profession.
Denmark Vesey said ...
No. Wrong. Retrograde outdated thinking.
The failure occurred with the expectation that "institutional schools" could ever succeed in the first place.
Institutional schools do not educate. They institutionalize. Which is why nearly a lion's share of the products of institutional schooling go on to spend much of their remaining lives institutionalized.

Technology replaced "managers" with software. Employees lost their jobs and drifted to other temporary tasks needed on the plantation.
Your romanticized notions of a talented and dedicated class of "teaching professionals" dutifully preparing the minds of the untrained masses to serve the needs of the Plantation fell straight from a Mao poster.
CNu said...

Denmark Vesey said ...

"Unwed, single mothers" didn't just proliferate. Women are people. Not rats.
The institution of the family was intentionally targeted for destruction by competing institutions. The Plantation knows the masses are more easily controlled if you remove fathers as a competing authority.
As fathers were marginalized family institutions ... like marriage ... collapsed. Which resulted in weaker families. Weak families make weak people. Weak people are easier to control.
Again the implication of your little Malthusian narrative is that since dumb, ignorant, unenlightened, single unwed mothers couldn't possibly provide the "necessary role model, tutorial, behavioral, disciplinary yada yada" for the child ... THE PLANTATION must be the role model.
THE PLANTATION must tutor. THE PLANTATION must modify behavior. THE PLANTATION must provide discipline.
Your little Technocratic Negro narrative sees salvation in IMPROVING THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PLANTATION INSTITUTIONS.
We don't need "better" Plantation Schools.
We need to get the fuck out of Plantation schools.
We don't need "better" Plantation Health Care.
We need to care for our own health.
We don't need a NEW system for the Plantation to assert control of our behavior.
We need to control our own behavior.
Fool or knave?
Sister Nicki!
Hey ...
"Fool or knave?"
I don't know man. I don't know what's up with this cat.
Got a good feeling about him. I believe he's one of God's sons ... if you know what I mean.
But ... his story don't add up.
What you think?
As my brotha something in me would like to give him a pass but I'm more pragmatic than emotional. When he began his campaign I began researching his record, his policies and often there was a disconnect. I came away with the feeling of being peddled snake oil like I do with the other 99.8% of politicians. I failed to see the hope or the change in him or the electorate. Brilliant PR campaign though!
But as Americans we are getting our just due. We continue to wallow in stagnant ignorance as the world around us transforms. Kinda like that one cat Nero.
Yes Nicki. I know what you mean.
However, I found that I didn't so much lose faith in him as an individual.
I lost faith in the system. I lost faith in the Presidency. I lost faith in the Republic.
He's just an anchorman for a big TV network.
"Jesus???" blacotaku1
God's son as in 'transcendent'.
We can say what we want ... but the only other men with a large enough quantity of spiritual bandwidth to connect with massive numbers of human beings as has Barack Obama, happened to have names like ... Muhammad Ali, Bob Marley, MLK, Jesus of Nazarath, Malcolm X, Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls.
I refer to them collectively as 'God's sons".
[quote] I came away with the feeling of being peddled snake oil like I do with the other 99.8% of politicians[/quote]
Take all that you say and apply it NOT to Obama but to the EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN who used their leveraged position WITHIN our community consciousness to SELL US on the benefit of the quid pro quo of our ideological unity as a people.
In the Spike Lee movie "X" the police officer saw X's power over the NOI and said "No one man should have this much power".
When I watched how the "Black Establishment" who had previously fused our community consciousness with their party and ideology believed to move past the prime consideration of our PERMANENT INTERESTS and instead sell us on the glories of their PERMANENT FRIEND in power I said "NO GROUP OF PEOPLE should be responding to ONE POLITICIAN this way". It is the embedded operatives WITHIN the Black Establishment with the POWER to sculpt our consciousness that NEED TO BE PUT IN CHECK.
I Have nothing against the brotha. I understood that the system was corrupt long before Obama came onto the stage. My frustration stems from man's inability to discern this charade for what it is. Mr. President is a marionette like those who came before him. I didnt vote for the brotha. I voted for the sistah. She represented that which I could support.
CF: you're point is well taken. I think the greater issue is the tendency of people to abdicate personal responsibility of their education, their empowerment, and their reasoning. Most people are looking for a savior or leader, not realizing that we are all born with the same potential for greatness.
Early in the campaign a relative of mine said something to the effect of "if he is genuine, political office is the wrong platform for the spirit the masses felt through him because a
nation built to seek a savior can experience a spiritual death when the myth is revealed."
[quote]"if he is genuine, political office is the wrong platform for the spirit the masses felt through him because a nation built to seek a savior can experience a spiritual death when the myth is revealed."[/quote]
In our current condition:
* The Black readers of Essence Magazine gives Obama's educational polices an "A". This despite the fact that so few Black public schools offer an "A" experience to Black kids sitting in their seats
* Al Sharpton has gone from "Fight The Power Al" over to "Obama's Man On The Street" (ex: A few weeks ago there was an article titled "Obama Gets A Bad Rap On Black Unemployment" where Sharpton lists ALL THAT OBAMA HAS DONE to create jobs. )
Few people care to look at the ARCHITECTURAL control that these embedded forces have upon our community from local up through to the feds - per the Black community's CHOICE over time.
Obama's education policies are in no way culpable for the decline in quality of urban public school systems.
A whole host of systemic institutional failures are involved with the decline of these schools, with the most fundamental of these being the flight of exceptional members of the urban Black managerial and professional classes out of the teaching profession.
The massive proliferation of unwed single mothers who cannot conceivably provide the necessary role model, tutorial, behavioral, disciplinary, economic, and security baselines required by children in order to maximize the lower quality education resources available to them.
To even attempt to put these failings in Obama's lap is flatly dishonest.
How little a single mother is capable of is historically inaccurate. The real story is in the amazing feats and accomplishments carried out by single (temporarily or otherwise) mothers. Certainly, we see a decline in the abilities of the single mother but that's not the whole story. Single mothers would be better served by knowing about the awesomeness of others; kind of a yes you can, too.
"The public health of the United States has long been compromised by inequality in the burden of personal violence. African Americans are six times more likely to be murdered than whites, a crime that is overwhelmingly intra-racial in nature. Homicide also is the leading cause of death among young African Americans, and both police records and self-reported surveys show disproportionate involvement in serious violence among blacks. Surprisingly, however, Latinos experience lower rates of violence overall than blacks despite being generally poorer, and Latino rates have been converging with those of whites in recent years."
"Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that African Americans are segregated by neighborhoods and thus differentially exposed to key risk and protective factors, an essential ingredient to understanding the black-white disparity in violence. The race-related neighborhood features predicting violence are percent professional/managerial workers, moral/legal cynicism, and the concentration of immigration. We found no systematic evidence that neighborhood- or individual-level predictors of violence interacted with race/ethnicity. The relationships we observed thus appeared to be generally robust across racial/ethnic groups. We also found no significant racial or ethnic disparities in trajectories of change in violence."
My summary analysis of those data at that time has not substantively changed and went as follows;
Humans have evolved two fundamental syndromes of survival, guardian and commerce. Guardian and commerce are fundamentally different. The guardian is slow, it's serious; it cares about group welfare. It reserves the right to kill. It will go to war if you threaten it. It reserves the right to be duplicitous, and it shuns commerce.
Commerce, on the other hand, is quick, effective, highly creative, and it's honest - because you can't do business with somebody for very long unless you're honest. When you get the two together, you get a hybrid. From our perspective, if you get commerce into the guardian, you corrupt it. If you get the guardian into commerce, you slow it down. As a social collective, Blacks in America have completely surrendered the guardian syndrome and have consequently been productized by and in the pursuit of commerce. Because commerce knows no boundaries and eschews the guardian - the one-sided process driven by commerce has spiralled out of control causing ever increasing damage to the black social collective.
Unless black managerial and professional workers move back into the hood in droves, and, reinstall a stabilizing guardian syndrome within our social collective that provides moral, legal, educational and commercial impetus for the whole - the hood is for all intents and purposes, a collective lost cause incapable of bootstrapping itself out of its present plight.
The "Hustle Hard" ethos is not an anti-plantation panacea, rather, it's an evil, zero-sum equation for status-seeking and conspicuous consumption at any cost.
The illogical and erroneous collection of admonishments perpetrated at Denmark Vesey as "Hustle Hard" (aka Moorish Science) are the demonstrated recipe for collective communal failure. The data clearly bear out this contention.
Got competing data?
Provide a link____________________?
which data I originally introduced into afrospheric consideration six years ago at Vision Circle
[quote]Obama's education policies are in no way culpable for the decline in quality of urban public school systems. [/quote]
Excuse me KC Nulan
Excuse me KC Nulan!
Excuse me KC Nulan!!
Excuse me KC Nulan!!!
Excuse me KC Nulan????
I said that ESSENCE MAGAZINE READERS judged Obama's education policy to be worthy of an "A".
Where do you extract CAUSATION for the carnage in my statements?
If you were TRANSPARENT in your intent you would be force to conclude that "The OPINIONS registered by the Black people are suffering the most LACK VERACITY because - even while residing at the deepest crevice of the PIT that confines them THEY STILL are willing to POLITICK their way into MENTAL PACIFICATION by DEFENDING that which they seek to protect from harm and criticism".
Why are you loathed to look at the ARCHITECTURE that exists in the education of our children?
* to the FEDS!!!!
It appears that EVEN IF these said parents who are SUFFERING have VOTED FOR all of the individuals who are in power in all of these rungs of government - YOU and others are STILL willing to erect a construct in which THEY are absolved of their failure to produce more effective outcomes.
In as much as THESE KIDS will one day make up our PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS for the community - the HIJACKED CONSCIOUSNESS is even more problematic.
If you were TRANSPARENT in your intent you would be force to conclude that "The OPINIONS registered by the Black people are suffering the most LACK VERACITY because - even while residing at the deepest crevice of the PIT that confines them THEY STILL are willing to POLITICK their way into MENTAL PACIFICATION by DEFENDING that which they seek to protect from harm and criticism".
Ronald, you need to pause, breathe, and then try and unpack logical car wrecks like the one above.
It's your penchant for this Oswald Bates type shi-ite that has you shooting yourself in the foot and being ridiculed rather than respected for the point of view you're trying to convey.
Oh, that and the thinly disguised hyper-partisanship always embedded in your screeds.
Try and just make your points on the merits without all the lawn-jockeying for conservatards for a change.
Why are you loathed to look at the ARCHITECTURE that exists in the education of our children?
I pinpointed the structural weaknesses and provided the link (only to have that link disappear repeatedly)
If you google SOCIAL ANATOMY OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC DISPARITIES IN VIOLENCE it should take your straight to the research in question.
It appears that EVEN IF these said parents who are SUFFERING have VOTED FOR all of the individuals who are in power in all of these rungs of government - YOU and others are STILL willing to erect a construct in which THEY are absolved of their failure to produce more effective outcomes.
Only if your point of view is terribly distorted by partisanship.
The failure to produce desired outcomes is the result of Black brain drain from urban public schools. When competent and talented Black professional and managerial class individuals were no longer confined to the modest rewards available in education, and left the systems in their droves to pursue corporate and business opportunities in "greener" pastures, that spelled the death and demise of the urban public education system as well as the demise of formerly segregated urban neighborhoods and communities.
It really is as simple as that.
Everything else is merely distracting conversation...,
[quote]and then try and unpack logical car wrecks like the one above.[/quote]
KC Nulan:
Remember - YOU are the "Educated Man" between the two of us.
(Note Brother DV - you have to stroke this guy's ego because this is the greatest part of his persona. )
(Note Brother DV - you have to stroke this guy's ego because this is the greatest part of his persona. )
umm.., that actually works the other way around.
A persona (mask) is one of several egoic substructures through which the ego expresses its cultivated/acquired post hoc rationalizations of behaviors (in pictures, postures, language) willed and instantiated at a subconscious level.
Very well. Let's unpack your wreck, shall we?
If you were TRANSPARENT in your intent
I am transparent in my intent.
I'm not trying to defend Obama or his policies. I've explained quite clearly upthread why urban public school systems have become failed institutions which no longer well serve their constituents.
Obama cannot fix that.
you would be force to conclude
that "The OPINIONS registered by the Black people are suffering the most LACK VERACITY
I wouldn't be forced to conclude any such thing. The federal executive is nearly powerless to effect change at the local urban public school district level.
Folk voted for Obama for a variety of reasons.
I voted for Obama because I didn't want McCain's demented-seeming hawkishness at the helm of U.S. foreign and military policy.
Simple as that.
because - even while residing at the deepest crevice of the PIT that confines them
This is ridiculous. Black folk vote on issues more than other American voters. To say different, i.e., to second guess most Black folk is both condescending and flatly wrong.
by DEFENDING that which they seek to protect from harm and criticism".
The alternative consists in the main of corporatist, militarist, and stridently identity partisan white ideologues who are holdovers from the old confederate dixiecrat party.
whoever set that picture up put a halo around Obama.
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