Sunday, June 13, 2010

Psssst ... Psssst ... Schools "Educate" The Same Way Prisons "Rehabilitate"

John Taylor Gatto says ...
"Highly centralized mass production economies can't function well without colonizing individual minds and converting them into a mass mind.  

The conversion works best if started early, in the lower grades of elementary school, in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten.  The function of these collective rituals we call school has very little to do with the intellectual development - consider only the familiar madness of teaching the colors and days of the week or months of the year to little people who come to school already knowing those things.  

The collective rituals of lower grades are about habit training, about practicing attention and fealty to authority.   In this way, independent consciousness can be undermined in its formative stages.

The opposite of mass-mindedness is dialectical mindedness. 

A tremendous example of this is buried in the foundational religious documents of Western culture, in the story of young Jesus closely questioning elders in the temple afteer slipping away from his parents, itself a contrarian action.  Indeed, the New Testament is so replete with contrarianism it's little wonder it plays a stupendous part in Western history from the beginning of the modern era until today.

Complex minds are always dialectical.  Aristotle sets that as a basic requirement of being fully human, but because the reality of dialectical minds is that they always challenge assumptions and take nothing for granted, their presence in large numbers poses acute problems for corporate business and corporate government." John Taylor Gatto 
Cés said...
Education derives from the latin word educo, meaning "to educe", which means "to draw forth from within", "to develop from within."

The original teaching method of Socrates of drawing from within has been largely displaced by professorial deference to received scholarly authority.

Students are taught how to take exams but not how to think, write or find their own path.  An educated man is not necessarily one which has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge.

An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants or its equivalent without violating the rights of others. 
Brother DV. I'm a long time follower, first time commenting. Love your stuff. Love everyone on here and even though I hadn't commented yet, this is my home. With that said have you seen this foolishness?

His father is weak as hell. I'm at a loss for words.


Anonymous said...

Education derives from the latin word educo, meaning "to educe", which means "to draw forth from within", "to develop from within."

The original teaching method of Socrates of drawing from within has been largely displaced by professorial deference to received scholarly authority.

Students are taught how to take exams but not how to think, write or find their own path.

An educated man is not necessarily one which has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge.

An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants or its equivalent without violating the rights of others.

The Negro World said...

Brother DV. I'm a long time follower, first time commenting. Love your stuff. Love everyone on here and even though I hadn't commented yet, this is my home. With that said have you seen this foolishness?

His father is weak as hell. I'm at a lost for words.

ed said...

I will be speaking to the fact that African-American educators are destroying little Black boys and girls faster by keeping them divided and isolated from each other to develop collaborative learning skills.

Black educators are the number one reason brothas and sistas today are indoctrinated to the point they cannot cannot work with each other and do for self, their community and their future.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The original teaching method of Socrates of drawing from within has been largely displaced by professorial deference to received scholarly authority.

Students are taught how to take exams but not how to think, write or find their own path." Ces

Get 'em Ces!

Denmark Vesey said...

"Brother DV. I'm a long time follower, first time commenting. Love your stuff. Love everyone on here and even though I hadn't commented yet, this is my home. With that said have you seen this foolishness?" The Negro World said...

Brother World!

Welcome to the spot. Glad you are here. Glad you've jumped in. There are a lot of strong personalities up in this camp. Sometimes we fight like Arabs and Jews but it's all love.

Feel free to make this your home.

Maaaannnnn ... Bra ... I could barely watch that video.

His father needs to HAVE THE SHIT STOMPED OUT OF HIM with a new pair jump boots.

That's a damn shame.

How do we get cats to understand this is a psychological and chemical attack on gender not a fucking "preference"?

Denmark Vesey said...

"I will be speaking to the fact that African-American educators are destroying little Black boys and girls faster by keeping them divided and isolated from each other to develop collaborative learning skills.

Black educators are the number one reason brothas and sistas today are indoctrinated to the point they cannot cannot work with each other and do for self, their community and their future." Ed


Hell of a statement Brother Ed.

I feel you too.

I've long suspected it's the Negro trustees of the Plantation prison who are the most effective tools the Plantation employs to thwart the intellectual, spiritual, physical and economic development of black people.

I submit Brother DMG as an example.

Look at how he champions the agenda of the medical industrial complex as if that evil business was indistinguishable from his own interests.

Black educators are for the most part Negro pedagogues employed to shape the minds of black people according to the interests of their employers.

Glorified Negro Slave Catchers.

makheru bradley said...

Since your solution is home-schooling, all of your parent-teachers can solve this problem by teaching their children dialectics.

Oops! How do people teach things they neither know nor practice?

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Makheru ... why do you assume the only alternative to government schooling is "parents teaching their own kids" while sitting around the kitchen table?

You aren't creative enough to imagine the vast options to educate privately and collectively?

Come on Bruh.

My 11 year old can imagine a half dozen private curriculum scenarios.

Why are you so offended that institutional schooling is being exposed for the hoax that it is?

Seems to me, since you care about black people so much, you would be relieved.

Anonymous said...

I see the "DMG" bat signal has gone up.

"Look at how he champions the agenda of the medical industrial complex as if that evil business was indistinguishable from his own interests."

Buzzwords: agenda, evil.
Attempt to conflate the military industrial complex with medicine. Argumentum ad hominen. It's all been done before. You'll do it again. Why would I bother wasting time on something this soft?

I'll give you a C- for that one. Nothing really new.

Can you do me a favor and only light the "DMG" bat signal when it's something interesting? There's ALL sorts of topics in the news right now that might give me a challenge, why do you waste time with the same old stuff?

Stop being lazy.

Cash Rulz said...

"My 11 year old can imagine a half dozen private curriculum scenarios."

I'd like to hear some of them.

I'd like to hear any solution. I think we can all agree that the current American education system is screwed up. Now can we agree on a fix.

I personally am for elimination of teacher unions and the voucher system similar to the way its done in Sweden. Any other suggestions from anyone?

Denmark Vesey said...

"I think we can all agree that the current American education system is screwed up" RJ

Yeah. We can all agree it is screwed up.

But we all don't even know what education is.

I've been blogging about it for a few weeks and some of ya'll still think "education" is another word for "school".

Let's get a thorough grasp on 1st base before we try to steal home.

Your average negro still thinks Brown v. Board of education was a come up.

It took 100 years to fuck black peoples heads up about education.

Give me a few weeks before you start demanding "solutions".

(Peep the archives to catch up: search - 'the impending irrelevance of school')

makheru bradley said...

Brother Makheru ... why do you assume the only alternative to government schooling is "parents teaching their own kids" while sitting around the kitchen table?—DV

I assume no such thing. You’re the one with narrow parameters of education. “Families educate children. Not governments. Not communities. Not ghetto volunteers.”

I’m the “ghetto volunteer” who actually worked in an alternative school; who attended an alternative school; who helped to develop and teach in a Saturday academy, and who worked in a charter school.

Why are you so offended that institutional schooling is being exposed for the hoax that it is?—DV

I’m not at all offended by such criticisms. I take issue with people who tell children, particularly Afrikan American children to, “improve your education—drop out of school,” without offering viable alternatives.

I’m with R Johnson. I would like to hear some of those “private curriculum scenarios." If your 11-year-old can imagine it, why would it take you a couple of weeks to post it?

You quote Taylor’s criticism of public education, but not his solutions. Why is that? Could it be that you can’t defend them?

[Some form of free-market system in public schooling is the likeliest place to look for answers, a free market where family schools and small entrepreneurial schools and religious schools and crafts schools and farm schools exist in profusion to compete with government education. I’m trying to describe a free market in schooling just exactly like the one the country had until the Civil War, one in which students volunteer for the kind of education that suits them, even if that means self-education.] – J.G. Taylor

[It's high time we looked backwards to regain an educational philosophy that works. One I like particularly well has been a favorite of the ruling classes of Europe for thousands of years. I use as much of it as I can manage in my own teaching, as much, that is, as I can get away with given the present institution of compulsory schooling. I think it works just as well for poor children as for rich ones.
At the core of this elite system of education is the belief that self-knowledge is the only basis of true knowledge. Everywhere in this system, at every age, you will find arrangements to place the child alone in an unguided setting with a problem to solve. Sometimes the problem is fraught with great risks, such as the problem of galloping a horse or making it jump, but that, of course, is a problem successfully solved by thousands of elite children before the age of ten. Can you imagine anyone who had mastered such a challenge ever lacking confidence in his ability to do anything? Sometimes the problem is the problem of mastering solitude, as Thoreau did at Walden Pond, or Einstein did in the Swiss customs house.]-- Taylor

Denmark Vesey said...

"I’m the “ghetto volunteer” who actually worked in an alternative school; who attended an alternative school; who helped to develop and teach in a Saturday academy, and who worked in a charter school." Mak B

And how did that work out for you?

How did it work out for the products of these government schools with "community" sounding names?

"Charter" my ass.

Charter schools are among the worst.

Education prepares people to maintain a livelihood.

Schools prepare people to hold a job.

Children don't need the school system to be remixed.

They need the schools to get out of their way so they can educate themselves.

Kids need schools to obtain an education the same way artists need record companies to make music.


Teachers don't make kids learn anymore than farmers make corn grow.

They help provide the resources but the corn grows on its own with the help of the sun.

Children will educate themselves when placed in educating environments.

Classrooms are miniature factory scenarios.

Teacher is the foreman.

Principal is the plant manager.

Kids are the products. The inventory.

[Some form of free-market system in public schooling is the likeliest place to look for answers, a free market where family schools and small entrepreneurial schools and religious schools and crafts schools and farm schools exist in profusion to compete with government education. I’m trying to describe a free market in schooling just exactly like the one the country had until the Civil War, one in which students volunteer for the kind of education that suits them, even if that means self-education.] – J.G. Taylor via Makheru Bradley


Now you talking.

Mak B. Why are you asking for solutions when you have already found one?

My man spelled it out for you.

What's your problem with this?

No. Let me guess ... um ... this solution to education doesn't ultimately rely upon the Plantation to educate our kids for you?

Anonymous said...


Sweden is OK, but Finland consistently ranks at the top in education rankings...and they start school later (age 7) and have one of the shortest school days. School is compulsory, there are no vouchers, primary school in Helsinki has the same quality as schools in Oulu, and Tampere, etc.

I'm not sure why anyone is bothering to argue with the host on this subject. Ask him to define "education" first. If he does (he won't), it will not be the standard definition, but rather something more obscure (or made up by him). This is an old trick of his. He doesn't have anything new, so please humor him.

He needs the attention.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Sweden is OK, but Finland consistently ranks at the top in education rankings" DMG


Simply stupid.

And an example of what I'm talking about.

DMG has earned a medical degree and is one of the least educated people on the blog.

How do you "rank" education?



Think about that for a second.

Get millions of kids to take standardized tests?

You are not measuring "education".

You are measuring standardization.

Despite the anti-intellectual, petty jealousy of DMG, the purpose of this post was to challenge our assumptions about education and school.

Our schools pump out millions of kids each year who can't employ themselves and don't even know how to eat a diet that doesn't kill them.

How in the hell can we consider them "educated"?

Cash Rulz said...

@DMG: Finland as well has an excellent educational system. I do agree there.

@DV: If this post was made to "challenge our assumptions", then I pose a further question...what is the next step? I don't believe that anyone here would disagree that the US educational system needs updating if not an overhaul. Given that, are we just a group of individuals sitting here philosophizing and postulating various memes without truly discussing potential solutions? I hear you when you say "there is a solution, do you see it", but we're not discussing a solution. We're discussing the problem. No one disagrees that it exist, but at a certain point these different videos become merely a "yeah, its messed up" and no "here's how you fix it".

Will the conversation ever move forward to proposing how to fix what is wrong since you disagree so vehemently with those who aren't in line with your point of view?

Cash Rulz said...

Also what is the basis for saying that "Our schools pump out millions of kids each year who can't employ themselves and don't even know how to eat a diet that doesn't kill them."?

Are you factoring in drop outs? HS graduates vs College graduates? Desired field? Economic and social background? All these things come into play.

CNu said...

Despite the anti-intellectual, petty jealousy of DMG, the purpose of this post was to challenge our assumptions about education and school.


the purpose of this post was to call attention to your empty-headed vainglorious opinion and to see how many nitwits and chickenheads you could get to co-sign notwithstanding the complete and total lack of even the rudiments of any kind of an alternative.

as noted above, and contrary to your claims - neither you nor your 11 year old could even begin to articulate an alternative, and, when you were presented with the broad outlines of one early last year with a request for feedback and aesthetic input, the sum total of your response centered on how "you're not feeling that".

meanwhile, several thousand kids and their parents have been brought into this framework that "you couldn't feel" and it's on like donkey kong.

jiggaboo jones, you are easily one of the biggest wastes of digital skin on these Interwebs - and it's a tragedy that you perpetrate your lame-assed schtick as "the blackest" when the truth of the matter is that you're obviously and conspicuously "the wackest jiggaboo on the Internet", period.

Denmark Vesey said...

"but we're not discussing a solution. We're discussing the problem" R. Johnson

Actually, you a little late my man.

We are discussing neither the problem nor the solution.

We are ACTING out the solution.

I've determined that the first step in the solution was destroying the myth that SCHOOLS educate.

It took 100 years to create that myth.

It is going to take more than a few blog posts to destroy it.

I'm practicing on you cats.

Denmark Vesey said...

"when you were presented with the broad outlines of one early last year with a request for feedback and aesthetic input, the sum total of your response centered on how "you're not feeling that"." CNu


Obviously my man's been drinking the bong water again.

I have no idea what you are talking about Jigaboo.

You always proposing some weird shit to people ... it doesn't work out ... and you blame the muhfuggas you proposed it to.

If I "wasn't feeling" anything splib ... it was you.

You're like a disgruntled employee.

And I never even hired your ass.

Really need to get off my dick.

CNu said...


"disgruntled employee"

you must have me confused with a member of the chickenhead crew jiggaboo.

but now that you've floundered out onto new thin ice with your latest ignorant utterances, you can depend on having me ridicule, lampoon, and otherwise subvert your infantile shenanigans here, there, and everywhere else you swing that eensy, weensy, vainglorious johnson of yours...,

CNu said...

I'm practicing on you cats.

jiggaboo puh-leeze,

you can stop practicing now.

your clown "shibumi" is peerless...,

Anonymous said...

disgruntled employee? hilarious

Anonymous said...


Apparently, you've angered the boy, as I see the old posts have been dug up. Sad thing is, it just shows how he's consistently had his ass handed to him over time.

I was hoping 2011 would be the year of new tricks. Oh, well. I'm going to go watch the new paint in my bathroom to be more entertaining.

Denmark Vesey said...

LOL ...


Poor thing.

You really trying hard aint you?

Stop trying to kiss up to CNu.

If you so bored ... why you here more than me?

Never mind.

We know.

Denmark Vesey is school.

CNu said...

the shibumi moorish-science clown academy is the unintentionally funniest shit OF ALL TIME...,

Denmark Vesey said...


Come now CNu.

Funniest shit of all time?

Believe me bra.


Nothing is funnier ... than a mad Malthusian pork-eating Jigaboo in Kansas with man-boobs ... sitting around the crib smoking cheap weed and picking play fights on the internet with his betters.

My Moorish science got me looking good bra.

Your Plantation science has caused you to grow child bearing hips.


Talk about clown.

So ...

Quit acting like you "rejecting" what you get from DenmarkVesey.Net


CNu said...

Quit acting like you "rejecting" what you get from DenmarkVesey.Net

I get daily side-splitting entertainment from you and your antics jiggaboo.

Nothing is funnier ... than a mad Malthusian pork-eating Jigaboo in Kansas with man-boobs ... sitting around the crib smoking cheap weed

you must have me confused with your bighead cousin Latrone.

picking play fights on the internet with his betters.



c'mon son.

I'm bigger, stronger, smarter, faster, vastly more skilled and deadly than you've ever even imagined being - and me and my pork-eating wife and children are exponentially finer than you and your little pseudo-vegetarian bunny rabbits.

(ok, I take the "imagination" part of that back, "trevainian" got your imaginary clown sensibilities on "shibumi" - and truth be told - you're operating with an imagination surplus, not an imagination deficiency) one of your core defects - that the good brother DMG routinely tries to help you with - is the problem of you not knowing your limitations.

But that's alright, as long as you keep calling me out, I'll keep coming back and helping you realize your highest actual potential, which appears to be panning out as a chickenhead destination "dating" (hit it and quit it) service.