Saturday, January 01, 2011

If DV Didn't Exist Who Would Free The Plantation Negros?

CNu said ...
"A parrot of Alex Jones/Lyndon LaRouche

A Chickenhead Catcher in Paul Smiths

If you didn't exist ...!"

Denmark Vesey said...
If I didn't exist 
you'd still be on my dick
still be up in the spot
still talking shit
If I didn't exist
you'd still get dropkicked
still eat pork
still have tits
If I didn't exist
you'd still act like a bitch
still ha' child bearing hips
still dress like a hick
still be in the basement
If I didn't exist
DMG still be my sidekick
still a Plantation medic
still slangin' toxic
still making people sick
If I didn't exist
the DV Clique 
still run shit
still destroy myths
still flip the script
still be the Blackest Man
on The Internit
If I didn't exist
memes, still be rhythmic
imagery, still be scenic
swag, still be mythic 
If I didn't exist
DV still tell Plantation Negros ...
"Get A Chick"

CNu doesn't exist.
my little pork eating malcontent,
my full-time volunteer Denmark Vesey cynic
death grip 
on the phallic 
like a tick,
is merely a meme.
That DV invents.
Sarah Friedlander said...

Sorry CNu I don't make sandwiches. Judging by your picture you shouldn't eat them. If I want a sandwich my boyfriend will pick one up for me from the Whole Foods on Columbus Circle. He won't mind because he doesn't have a man-crush on some guy on the internet! Why are you so mad? Everyone doesn't want to hear you two insult each other 24 hours a day. What's this tutsis and hutus? I don't even understand what you are arguing about. Denmark Vesey what is up with the pork and the manboobs? Who calls people jigaboo anyway? Give it a break. So what?


CNu said...


It only took a few hits of the pinata stick to get the wackest rhyming...,

I'd claim it as a three pointer - but it's clear that you ran the lane and set it all up - so I think we're looking at one'em Blake Griffin tag-team jawnts.

Denmark Vesey said...


As I suspected.

Jigaboo likes abuse.

CNu, on the real man.

Does your family know about your DV obsession?

Are you on medication?

Does someone who cares about you understand that you are on my blog more than me?

Does your primary caregiver understand that you have been to this blog everyday for 4 years?

(This is how David Lettermen must have felt when that crazy fan kept breaking into his house.

Dave would go out to dinner. Come home with his woman.

Open the door. And this Dorito eatin' heifer be in the kitchen, heating up a meatball sub in the microwave ... she'd even have a load of clothes downstairs running in the washing machine.

She just got up one day and decided she lived with David Letterman.

Got in her car. Drove to Connecticut. Disabled the alarm, broke through the kitchen window and moved right in.

Took Dave 2 years to get rid of that woman.

I've had this crazy Negro for 4.

CNu said...



step back and look at yourself.

with a few keystrokes I bend your entire steez to my will.

not only your family - but your whole and entire blogospheric following - sees and knows that you're a pinche joto pinata...,

you can very easily make it stop, but, there's no way in the world you can ever "win" the zero-sum game you've tried to play.

"plantation negros" appear to have the upper hand in the memetic war you lost before it even began.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yes, Jigaboo.


Everyone knows you've won.

You're the greatest winner, with man-boobs, the world has ever known.

Seven Half Store said...

Okay sorry to break up the luv fest but I have a question to let loose on the family. But in usual OM form, first, a story:

Last night I was invited to another fabulous $$ multi-ethnic party. It was a birthday bash at the huntley hotel. I was the casual date of a long friend, "Jason the Jeweler". Jason's boy, "Scott" was throwing the party for his girlfriend. Jason had glibly forwarned me in the car of how at times he and Scott (a white boy adopted by a Jewish couple) liked to call each other nigger in play and that I should not be offended for him. Anyhoo, after being pulled over and ticketed by the cops for making a u-turn (being of color and in a new Benz) we arrived to a happy party of 20 or so, all of races other than our own. We sat, we chat, we drank, we joked...

I could tell I had warmed the crowd and become the center of guest attention when Jason's friend and largest supplier, "Nav", in the center of the table directed his convo to me. I was busy taking pictures of myself ;) trying to operate Jason's camera when he offers to take my picture for me. I agree and he says,"You're a dark and beautiful woman."
He reviews the photo he took and says, "it's too dark, your skin is being washed out because youre sitting in front of the window"

My trigger went know the one I'm talking about but I laughed it off and told him he needed the flash when taking a photo at night, with anyone. Then I talked with him about Armenian music and how I choreo'd for one of his favorite Armenian artists. He was pleasantly surprised by it and my knowledge of every surrounding hotel,Armenian culture and..freelance photography lol.

Later on the dancefloor "Judy" pulled me over to dance. She smiled big and said I was the best dancer she had ever seen and that she wants to hang out with me bla bla bla, she pulled her boyfriend over and said "Oh my god, I love her! Watch her dance." but all too soon I felt like I was Sambo, the nigga entertainment. TRIGGER. I ignored her thinking, "it's okay, you're just dancing, and she thinks you're the 8th wonder" Then she says, "you know my boyfriend is Saudi, and I've always liked, I dont know how to say this without being offensive... (TRIGGER!!!)

Go, ahead, I said.
"I've always had rhythm and really liked black music"

My question is, how should I deal with people who are so ignorant? I liked every guest there and I know they meant well trigger is running out of battery.

Anonymous said...

my little pork eating malcontent,
my full-time volunteer Denmark Vesey cynic
death grip
on the phallic
like a tick,
is merely a meme.
That DV invents.

Down goes Frazier
Down goes Frazier

Anonymous said...


I don't know. Call them on it with a straight face.

When I started at a new hospital a few years ago, this OR nurse kept going on and on about my last name being French and did I speak French (a little). Was my family from France etc, etc.

I finally said, with serious but casual tone "...well no but the slave master who owned my dads family in Haiti was very likely French". Kind of stopped everyone in their tracks. I just continued to prep the patient for surgery.

Nothing wrong with being blunt if you are willing to possibly hurt someones feelings.

You know I am.

CNu said...

One of your prize hens show up asking for your help and advice, and you still up in here blogging about CNu?!?!?!


run to the kitchen and fix me a sandwich.


Seven Half Store said...

You know I am.

lol. yep.

Unlike my scenario, I'm sure you cared less about gaining the nurse's friendship. hmmm, a straight face. unassuming, non-threatening but direct. I understand. Thanks DMG.

lol@ CNU shut upppp. I directed it to the fam. So you could've offered something too sir.

Anonymous said...

Actually I cared very much about gaining her as a colleague, but I also wanted her and everyone else to know that

1. In the OR I was all business.

2. Yes, I was one of those cats that didn't forget his history.

3. If you ask a stupid question you may get your feelings hurt.

They got the point.

Sarah Friedlander said...

DV I find your black supremacy thing a bit racist and your attitudes regarding the roles of women, your wife serving you and arranging your daughter's wedding, an example of male chauvinism that hasn't existed since the 19th Century. That said I come everyday because I find you and all the of the contributors here fascinating to say the least. That said CNu obviously has some kind of man-crush on you. You know that and yet you still torment him. I think black men would be better served if they worked together instead of tearing each other down. You really could be the bigger person in this situation. My 2 cents.

CNu said...



jes dayyum.....,

I think Black men would be better served if YOU confined YOUR efforts and attention to proper sandwich construction and presentation too.

Anonymous said...


I'm going to assume you didn't grow up in a family who played the "The Dozens". I'll let you Google it.

Now about the man-crush bullshit. Just stop chiming in if you are going to come with weak stuff like that. It makes it hard for me to defend you. And I do like you.

Keep up Ms. Friedlander.

Sarah Friedlander said...

Sorry CNu I don't make sandwiches. Judging by your picture you shouldn't eat them. If I want a sandwich my boyfriend will pick one up for me from the Whole Foods on Columbus Circle. He won't mind because he doesn't have a man-crush on some guy on the internet! Why are you so mad? Everyone doesn't want to hear you two insult each other 24 hours a day. What's this tutsis and hutus? I don't even understand what you are arguing about. Denmark Vesey what is up with the pork and the manboobs? Who calls people jigaboo anyway? Give it a break. So what?

Sarah Friedlander said...

DMG I don't need your defense and CNu doesn't either. I will chime in when I choose. And I like you too.

CNu said...

Sorry CNu I don't make sandwiches.

"Useful" wasn't an adjective that leapt from the page of any of your prior commentary.

Judging by your picture

Not too bright either...,

If I want a sandwich my boyfriend will pick one up for me from the Whole Foods on Columbus Circle.

pussywhipped much?

I don't even understand what you are arguing about.

clearly Chick-Fil-A,


close your piehole and stop dipping into grown folks conversation...,

Sarah Friedlander said...

fuck off Cnu

CNu said...

good one chick-fil-a!!! (^;

Anonymous said...

Well then Sarah you'll eventually go away crying. CNu is much better at this than you seem to be. Trust me.

Don't say I didn't try to help.

Carry on.

The Doc aka "I Got Fifty Niggas With Me, 49 of 'Em Boosie!" said...

Just want to go on record as saying i'm liking the new girl. ;)

Welcome, Sarah. Standing house rules, if you can dish it, you gotta be able to take it. So no, I don't think CNu'll send you packing crying, least I hope not, you seem like an interesting new face. Keep your skin thick, and take everything with a grain of salt and you'll do fine. What's that old saw: You don't have to be crazy to post here, but it helps.... ;p

The Doc said...

Oh yeah, and keep your arguments on point, this ain't Oz, straw men don't last too long round these parts.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sarah Friedlander said...

Sorry CNu I don't make sandwiches. Judging by your picture you shouldn't eat them. If I want a sandwich my boyfriend will pick one up for me from the Whole Foods on Columbus Circle. He won't mind because he doesn't have a man-crush on some guy on the internet!"


White girl aight with me.

Sarah Friedlander said...

"Why are you so mad?" SF

Hell of a question.

I"ve been asking dude that for 4 years.

"Denmark Vesey what is up with the pork and the manboobs?" SF

Fair enough question.

Pork and manboobs are metaphors for objective truth.

Meaning ... how smart can a man be, if he eats a diet that causes him to grow breasts?

"Who calls people jigaboo anyway?" SF

I don't call people jigaboo's. I call jigaboos ... jigaboo.

That is bitter, anti-intellectual Thought Police, who still seek affirmation from the Plantation.

Denmark Vesey said...

The Doc aka "I Got Fifty Niggas With Me, 49 of 'Em Boosie!" said...

Just want to go on record as saying i'm liking the new girl. ;)

What up Doc?

Where you been man?

Dem squares had me surrounded.

I'm diggin' Sarah too.

The Doc said...

DV, what's good, fam. Oh you know, I been around. Lurking more than posting, but that's prolly bout to change. Know I can't stay way from y'all nuckas too long.