Friday, January 28, 2011

Hegelian Head Fake ...


Anonymous said...

I agree. This Egyptian "protest" or "revolution" is totally staged.

I think you should hop on a plane, camcorder in hand and show us what's REALLY going on there.

HotmfWax said...

For those of you who don't get it......

aug 25 2007

400 days later on the money(no pun intended)

Sept. 29th 2008




including voxley

Ergo...everything is a distraction.

See the movie sphere. stop manifesting.


Grow up.

Anonymous said...


Are you trying to lucid dream again? Remember I'm watching you.

We are ALWAYS watching you

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29.77°N 95.39°W

Anonymous said...


how is this a head fake? how do you know for sure?

makheru bradley said...

More importantly, the antiquities of our Afrikan ancestors could be at risk.

Most certainly the masses of Egyptian people have a right to self-determination. I understand their legitimate outrage as expressed in this article.

[In an unprecedented show of civil disobedience and open revolt, young Egyptians have clearly and forcibly delivered a message that is still resonating in the Middle East and North Africa: Authoritarian rule in the region is over.]

And the oppressive Mubarak regime has been supported by America from day one.

However, given the significance of Ancient KMT to Afrikan history the chaotic situation in Egypt could be devastating.

Looters rip heads off 2 mummies at Egyptian Museum

“Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by army soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said Saturday.”

These antiquities have been targeted in the past as some opponents of Mubarak have sought to punish his regime economically. And in the fluid situation “fraught with uncertainty” one never knows who might have a vested interest in destroying our monuments. The good news here was that some young Egyptians on the streets prevented further damage--at least on this occasion.

“Before the army arrived, young Egyptians — some armed with truncheons grabbed off the police — created a human chain at the museum's front gate to prevent looters from making off with any of its priceless artifacts.”

makheru bradley said...

There are movies, and there is the real deal.