Monday, July 18, 2011

Deconstruction of The Colonized Plantation Negro Mind 003 • DV University • Spring 2011

DMG, The Plantation MD said ...
"Why is it that black folks, especially Americans, push claims that every major figure in history was black, and that some vast fucking conspiracy has been set up to hide it?"


DMG said...

Who's the white guy?

Anonymous said...

Because there has been a "vast fucking conspiracy" to hide black accomplishment, that's why.

DMG said...


Anonymous said...


This could very well be the greatest example of self deprecation of all time.

Is Ivan Van Sertima American? How bout Cheikh Anta Diop?

"A climate of alienation has a profound effect on the Black personality,
particularly on the educated Black, who has the opportunity to see how the
rest of the world regards him and his people. It often happens that the Black
intellectual thus loses confidence in his own potential and that of his race.
Often the effect is so crushing that some Blacks, HAVING EVIDENCE TO THE
CONTRARY, still find it hard to accept the fact we really were the FIRST TO


CNu said...
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CNu said...

Bro. Makheru killed all this Moorish gas seven months ago on this thread thus;

The interesting thing about these particular Moors, is that without the evolution of the Afrikan-centered movement in the mid-1980s, under the leadership of ASCAC, and their focus on Ancient KMT, and the works of Diop, ben-Jochannan, Obenga, James, Williams, Jackson, Massey, Churchward, Budge, etc., and the enormous contributions of Ivan Van Sertima and the team of scholars he assembled for his Journal of African Civilizations, these Moors would have, from an intellectual perspective, neither a pot to piss in nor a window throw it out of. They are one of many marginal groups who are trying to spin history to serve their particular interest, while presenting themselves as if they are operating with seminal knowledge. What a croc of B/S.

However, for those who believe this and join their movement, more power to them. Let them go forward and see what they can accomplish.

The kwestin begged is why not a single ASCAC scholar has lifted a finger to explore the Moorish narrative?!?!?!?!

Now unless one pretends to believe that the ASCAC collective is a bunch of Illuminati altertumswissenschaft revisionists, one is compelled to conclude that the Moorish narrative is a "croc of B/S" - and thus unworthy of serious examination.

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations

The conspiracy to cover up Black accomplishment is being perpetrated by Bacon-Bey Ben Israel and the crumb-hustling ass-clowns he perniciously promotes.

Promotion of patently false and stupid shit is a form of lying to, lying about, and lying on Black folks.

THAT'S what has been going on at this website for a month of sundays now, and DMG, Bro. Makheru and I have simply called it out.

"Denmark Vesey" is functioning as an anti-Black propaganda mill.

The most interesting question is why?

Is "Denmark Vesey" an example of genuine mischief, or, a persistent comedy of ignorance and stupidity?

blacotaku1 said...

LOL, CNu and DMG be trollin so hard. Whats up w/ the butt hurt?

CNu said...

must be one of the ass-clowns in question...,

what's up with the disinformation campaign ass-clown?

DMG said...


What does being American or not have to do with anything. Did you not read the "especially" part of my sentence? Especially does not mean exclusively.

It sounds like Cheikh Anta Diop is also guilty of pushing poor scholarship, if he doesn't provide evidence for his statements.

CNu said...

Doc, Diop was the bomb brah...,

He was a senegalese nuclear physicist if memory serves, and he organized 13 categories of evidence that can be used concurrently to determine cultural and anthropological migration and drift.

Brother was so far ahead of his time, and so much more scientific and technically astute than anyone in the mainstream in that area, that he was absolutely groundbreaking and the evidence he afforded pursuant to claims of truly African diaspora have not (to my knowledge) been successfully challenged to this day.

Cheik Anta Diop is the benchmark by which all others should be measured.

DMG said...


I'm not saying he wasn't. But he's not exempt from proving his assertions with evidence. That's the good thing about scholarship is that a big name shouldn't trump Scientific Method.

The claim "...still find it hard to accept the fact we really were the FIRST TO CIVILIZE THE WORLD" still needs evidence (not to mention context and definitions of "we", "civilize" and "world". These last two words have subjective meanings).

Nobody gets a pass.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...


I'm not saying he wasn't. But he's not exempt from proving his assertions with evidence. That's the good thing about scholarship is that a big name shouldn't trump Scientific Method.

Nobody gets a pass."


Bulllllfugginshit Doc.

You only attempt to exercise the "Scientific Method" when exposed to a meme not sponsored by the Plantation.

If you employed the "Scientific Method" there is no way you would be squirting monkey viruses up your nose to protect you from a nonexistent "H1N1 Pandemic".

"Nobody gets a pass"?


Nobody gets a pass ...

Except the Vaccine manufactures.

Except the manufactures of Genetically Modified Foods.

Except the people putting Flouride in the water.

Except the proponents of man made "Global Warming".

Except the Pharmaceutical companies whose drugs you slang (shaky leg syndrome? where's the "scientific method" in that?)

Except the proponents of the "Germ Theory of Disease".

Except the proponents of the "HIV AIDS hypothesis".

Except for the peddlers of refined salt.

Doc ... quit hiding behind the "Scientific Method" when it is convenient.

The medical industrial complex which employs you is as far from the "Scientific Method" as is the Catholic Church.

DMG said...

Oh, silly negro,

Please stop with the limp-wristed attempts at cyber-punches. It's really sad.

No. Nobody gets a pass. All those entities you listed...well they all provided EVIDENCE for their assertions, so please stop the attempts at obfuscation.

My mantra is simple: Prove it or STFU. That's PROVE IT or Shut. The. FUCK. Up.

Did you get it, or should I repeat it a few more times?

CNu said...

Start here (if you haven't already) and then read some of his books.

I'll put it to you this way, Diop proved very long ago to my satisfaction that pharaonic civilization was black and african, and he applied his 13 categories of criteria to the task then at hand. Launching from the science of Diop, one can more easily then transition to the ecclexia of a Schwaller de Lubicz (ironically one of the inadvertent authors of Nazi-ism) and ascertain what one is capable of understanding wrt de Lubicz' even more dense demonstrations that Egypt is the cradle of Western civilization.

Black African Pharaonic Egypt was the cradle of Western Civilization

Beyond that, I make no claims - I have enough trouble arguing with the lovely blind and exceedingly chauvinistic Hindu woman on my morning bus ride who makes all manner of wild claims for the antiquity of Vedic civilization and the primacy of Sanskrit.

CNu said...

Oh, silly negro,

Please stop with the limp-wristed attempts at cyber-punches. It's really sad.


Doc, I'd almost feel bad about it except for his daily habit of calling cats out, calling them everything but a child of god, and pretending that he was about to "school" somebody - he's like that pudgy little kid who's all ego and no brains and just gets the shit beaten out of him daily for popping off at the mouth...,

Denmark Vesey said...


My two little resident Groupie Hater get together to support each other.


How cute.


Your little playfights aint foolin' nobody.

Lucky I don't charge you squares admission.

DMG said...

CNu doesn't need my help, and I don't need his to make you look stupid.

If I wanted to expose my 13 year old son to your vaste ignorance, I'm sure he would also make you look stupid.

Shit, If I let my 1 year old Siberian Husky drool on my keyboard, he would also make you look stupid.

It's really not that hard.

When are you going to get it? The days of making shit up and pulling stuff out of your ass are over. The only ones still buying your shit are either feeble-minded, lazy, in denial, or in Wax's case just plain psychotic. It takes all of 5 mins to confirm anything said on this blog.

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

C'mon Doc..., go easy on lil'puddin.

Can't you see him now, big gob of snot bubbling out his nose, big old crocodile tears staining his little pudgy cheeks.

Walking home, kicking rocks in his scuffed up little Paul Smiffs, Brioni double-vented torn at the lapel and on one knee - talking bout "Haters jumped me, and double-teamed me!!!"

Cau-se, sniff, sniff, sniff...,"

if they fought me fair, Marquis of Queensbury an shit, I could win sometime!"

"Always attacking the messenger!!!"


"Think they so smart...,"

"Faggots..., see what happens tomorrow!!!"

"I'm-o think up a plan tonight, call em out again, and see who whoops who then"

"hope mommy makes me some more good coconut and pea sammiches with mango jelly and a green pond scum smoothie tonight...,mmm,mmm, that's what I'm talkin bout!!!"

"mommy thinks I'm handsome and she loves to fix my plate...,

SHIBUMI bitches!!!"

Denmark Vesey said...

"When are you going to get it? The days of making shit up and pulling stuff out of your ass are over." DMG

Says a Fake H1N1 "Pandemic" promoting Plantation Negro medical doctor ... slangin' drugs (that don't heal anyone) for Corporate Pharmaceutical monopolies ... who happen to sponsor the "studies" used to pass bullshit off as "science".

Doc, you practice the "Scientific Method" the way CNu practices yoga. You don't.

You are a practitioner of the Plantation Method.

You believe whatever the Plantation labels "science".

For example, injecting millions of people with an untested cocktail of mercury, adjuvants and viruses ... and calling it a "vaccine" ... is done in the name of science.

Yet, the decision to mass vaccinate is not a product of the Scientific Method. It is the product of the Profit Motive.

Yet you promote vaccines as if you get paid by the dose.

Believe what you want to believe. Make money the way you want to make money ... but don't PRETEND you have anything to do with "the" Scientific Method.


For those of you who think you are men of science, but aren't sure. Here's a test.

If you are grown a man.

And you eat a diet that has caused you to develop breasts...

There's a good chance you are not a man of science.

Fuck that 'A-' you got in Physics II.

If you got tits ... you are NOT practicing the Scientific Method.

DMG said...


PROVE IT. Shit PROVE ANYTHING you've written on this blog since it's inception.


Denmark Vesey said...

Cool Doc.

That's a deal.

You prove something.

And I'll prove something.

Because any muhfuggah can come on a blog and SCREAM "PROVE IT!".

Demanding "Proof".

When are you going to prove something?


You the cat promoting drugs.

You the cat trying to scare people into getting the H1N1 vaccine.

You the cat taunting young mothers who elect not to inject their children with these so-called "vaccines".

You are the cat extolling people to trust the plantation blindly.


Denmark Vesey said...

"C'mon Doc..., go easy on lil'puddin.Can't you see him now, big gob of snot bubbling out his nose, big old crocodile tears staining his little pudgy cheeks.Walking home, kicking rocks in his scuffed up little Paul Smiffs, Brioni double-vented torn at the lapel and on one knee - talking bout "Haters jumped me, and double-teamed me!!!"


zzzzz .....

Hell Knoweth No Fury Like A Jigaboo Made Irrelevant

DMG said...

Other than proving you to be one of the most misinformed people in the United States, I've proved every assertion I've made on your website, provided well annotated evidence, and guess what? It's well documented on THIS VERY BLOG.



DMG said...

Or...are you some sort of punk bitch who is going to stall?

DMG said...

Make excuses....

DMG said...


DMG said...

Throw up a few recipes....

DMG said...

I'm waiting...

CNu said...

Hell Knoweth No Fury Like A Jigaboo Made Irrelevant

For real...,

Peep your ranking.

Peep my ranking.

I started taking your corner last year like Tony Montana took Frank Lopez, better keep your eye on Elvira Puddy-Pud...,

Anonymous said...

Oh no...

Come on now...

Charlton Heston?

That's funny

Throw down tablets/golden calf earth swallow'n/"let my people go" Charlton Heston...

...then juxtaposing Dr. Conrad Murray. That some crazy visuals. and that word "conspiracy"

...but a baby gets the shakes from formaldehyde/mercury shot into their fo' head and it's coincidence...then throw out the "ear infection" conspiracy when someone questions the Church of Christian Syringes.

Eat trash in moderation...that's that "THEY" logic

I don't get into everything here...but all the "evidence" "THEY" are providing is being used as compost for everybody and their moma making documentaries about big pharma, USDA etc.

They throw us a few bones about big time mafia sting operations so we are reminded about the antiquated bad guy narrative. But it's "THEY" who invented the phrase Big Bank Hank off exploiting the lab-rat bottom barrel scraping populace. No question of foul play "THEY" trying to help humanity.

DMG said...

"...a formaldehyde/mercury shot into their fo' (I'll assume you mean forehead)...etc, etc."

Ok, maybe you are taking artistic license (you are an artist), but who in the world is pushing syringes chock full of formaldehyde and mercury (is there anything else in the syringe?) into the foreheads of children?

Are you just doing some free association type writing? Do you have a comment/point/complaint? What?

What are talking about Gee Chee? And who is this "they"?