Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Advanced Race Complexion & Class - Why The Jigaboo Mind Interprets Beautiful & Brown As "Light Skinned" • DV University • Spring 2011

CNu said...
You need to be shot with hot pee Dean Big Brother Almighty...,

you know good and godayyum well you made that Gamma-Ray steeze a way of life years ago....,

Yet you the very first one to have the hypocritical nerve and audacity to try and go in on somebody's "white wife" - while all along you one of the main and last remaining perpetrators of colorism still out on the net.


Constructive Feedback said...

My man DV hooked up a montage featuring Beverly Johnson standing on the back porch and that fine slim thing to the right.


You just made my day.

Phuck KCNulan. He ain't worth the stress.

IWonderAsIWander said...

DV's my man, but he like's him 25% black. He likes white chicks with one black grandparent. LOL

CNu said...


Denmark Vesey said...

CF! What up man. KCNulan.

That's funny.

Denmark Vesey said...



Ahhhhh. You crazy cuz.

But don't get it twisted.


Just cause you like them Joe Frazier lookin' broads...

don't mean Team DV only has 1 black grandparent. lol

Anyway, since when has a sister have to have a bone in her nose to be considered "black"?

Where ya'll get dat frum?

What it is ...

what ya'll really feel ... but aint got the heart to acknowledge ...

the aesthetic common denominator among these women is not "light skin".

The common denominator is that they have class. They have dignity. They fine muhfuggas.

And they don't fuck Negros who eat pork .... so ...

that's why ya'll mad.

(lol. just fuggin wit you)

So while the Political Jigaboos whine about a "Global System of White Supremacy" ... Denmark Vesey is chanting up a Global System of Black Supremacy by hijacking the aesthetic.

(Notice how jigaboos bend over backwards to lay the credit for beauty at the feet of white folks: "She bwak ... but she got long hair, so huh muhmma muss be whyte!")

So anyway ...

Ya'll know how I get down.

Fuck all this arguing.

Got a finer and blacker sister?

Drop a link: _____________________ ?

IWW ... drop a link.

CNu ... what ya'll pork eatin' Jigaboos like? Drop a link __________ ?

DMG. What you like? Drop a link _____________?
(Don't be embarrassed to link to a white girl. We understand)

Gee Chee! You out there?
Lay something on these squares ____________ ?

The Doc?










Drop A Link: ______________?

uglyblackjohn said...

Damn DeeVee - When did you become Ronald's daddy?
He always gets whupped-up by SeeNew now he runs to you every chance he has to get his back.

A pigmentocracy at DeeVee?
Just because DeeVee stresses the difference between "fat" and "thick"?
What the women you feature share are; large eyes, full lips, fit bodies, clear skin, smaller noses, thick hair and nice smiles or pouts - No Mo'Nique, Gabby or (fill in insecure fat chick here) here.
Kim K shares these traits which is why many ugly bitches (not to be confused with Black women) hate her so.
Fine is fine regardless of ones skin tone.

Anonymous said...

I like intelligent, elegant women (emphasis on intelligent). All flavors. Period.

Anything else is (as you say) "faggotry".

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"I like intelligent, elegant women (emphasis on intelligent). All flavors. Period."

yeah yeah Jiggaboo.

Drop a link ________________ ?

(Negros wanna be eyerollin' critics ... but scared to put up)

Anonymous said...

ALL doesn't need a link knucklehead.

Seven Half Store said...

I was just jokin dayummmmm lol anyhoo


Pink said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a preference but I do think it's disingenuous to imply that that preference isn't shared by many other black people. Is there really a debate that lighter skin tends to be a preference?

Anonymous said...
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