"Once a man has been deemed a father, either because of marriage or
because he has acknowledged paternity (by agreeing to be on the birth
certificate, say, or paying child support), most state courts say he
cannot then abandon that child — no matter what a DNA test subsequently
reveals." NYTimes (Shiiiiiiiiit)

A year later, according to Mike’s undisputed court testimony, while changing the sheets, Mike found Rob’s photograph tucked under Stephanie’s side of the mattress. Despite Stephanie’s assurances that L. was his child, Mike’s doubts haunted him.
The marriage deteriorated, and as L. approached her 5th birthday, Mike asked Stephanie to take a DNA test with him and their child. They told the girl that all three of them had to take a test for the doctor. Mike remembers telling her that rolling the swab inside her cheek wouldn’t hurt one bit.
“The day the results came back was the most devastating day of my life,” Mike said, beginning to cry as he described opening the envelope from the lab and reading there was no chance he was L.’s father. “This little girl,” he whispered, his throat tight, “is not my child. I ran upstairs, locked myself in the bathroom and cried and dry-heaved for 45 minutes. I felt like my guts were being ripped out.”
My lord. So tragic.
He should not have gotten the test....
This is why DNA tests should be mandatory at birth if you want a certified birth certificate.
How can you punish a man twice for getting cheated on and then legally forced to cuckold?
Brother DV:
Does one's DNA trump the BOND that you have made with the child that you raised as your own prior to the use of TECHNOLOGY providing you with information to the contrary?
There are several elements involved:
1) The relationship between mom and pop. Certainly he is justified in discontinuing this relationship with a woman who can't be trusted as such.
2) The relationship between the child and the man who took her in as his own. The child who saw a father in this man.
3) The sperm donor who's genetic finger prints puts him on the hook for child care.
Out of all of these #2 is most critical. Surely he doesn't have the LEGAL obligation to continue the relationship with this little kid. He has the CONSCIOUS/MORAL/SOCIETAL obligation to make sure that no abrupt alternation/degradation of the growing consciousness of the world in this child's mind takes place because of conflict between the two (supposedly) responsible adults in her life.
"Surely he doesn't have the LEGAL obligation to continue the relationship with this little kid. He has the CONSCIOUS/MORAL/SOCIETAL obligation" CF
He has no such thing. Mob rule.
It is not a matter of "obligation".
He is free to do as he pleases.
A man should do what the fuck he wants.
The moment the courts and "society" and nerd technocrats yearning to play God start dictating, taxing and incarcerating to enforce this manufactured Moral / Societal standard ... we end up in a totalitarian police state run by self-righteous devils armed with the power to enforce their foolish will.
That's a formula for Plantation Negrodom.
If the man decides to maintain his relationship with this other man's child... good for him.
No accolades. No reprimand.
That's his business.
But the moment lesbian judges start garnishing men's wages to enforce some state mandated morality .... it's time pull a George Washington.
hear!! hear!!
DV is school....
accept no substitutes
[quote]The moment the courts and "society" and nerd technocrats yearning to play God start dictating, taxing and incarcerating to enforce this manufactured Moral / Societal standard[/quote]
Take a step back and THINK about your argument.
* I removed the COURTS
* I rolled back the "Maury"/"Jerry Springer" DNA - "Who's The Daddy" tests - enabled by technology.
I went back to the days of "MOM'S BABY, POPPA'S MAYBE" and noted that the bond that was established between that man and the little girl who he took in as his OWN for "X" number of years is key.
Let me ask you - What is the conscious foundation of your "Go Get A Chick" meme? Is there some sort of heightened consciousness of humanity in there?
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