Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ménage à Trois - The New Gay

Diddy admits to screwing up his long-term relationship with Kim Porter, mother of 3 of his kids, by cheating on her with a photographer, who later got pregnant. Now, he’s claiming his womanizing ways are over. The music mogul, who’s reportedly dating model/singer Cassie, wants to settle down with one, perfect woman. He tells BlackBook Magazine,

“I guess the things that used to thrill me don’t thrill me so much anymore. Intimacy is more important to me than sleeping with hot chicks. I don’t even know if I really savored every menage a trois I had." [sex without intimacy is masturbation.  Masturbation, ultimately, is gay.]

And, despite his playboy image, Combs, who will be 40 soon and has 3 baby mothers, insists he’s not one of the world’s greatest lovers.

“Love is something I strongly connect with, but it’s not something I’ve conquered. I really can’t sit here pretending to be the premier expert on love.”

1 comment:

IWonderAsIWander said...

What a homo. The difference between Jay Z and Puff is that Jigga is 40 acting like a 40 year old. Puff is 40 acting like he's 15.

I have a 36 year homie whose just like Puff - always dating some new chick and complaining about it. Lately, he's taken to just not even f*cking anymore. Which, in my book, means being a faj is next. And he actually now wears leather pants (though I forbid that shet in my presence).