Thursday, February 10, 2011

If 1 Million Brothas Married 1 Million Sistas & Raised 2 Million Children ... On Natural Food ... In 25 Years Black People Would Be The Most Powerful People On The Planet

nicki nicki tembo said...
I can neither confirm nor deny the "blackest man on the internet" statement but, you are definitely the most relevant!


DMG said...

I have to ask. Are you trying to tell me that there aren't 1 million "brothas and sistas" on this planet eating so called "natural foods"??

nicki nicki tembo said...

Ever true bruh, ever true...

Denmark Vesey said...

Sista Nick! Sista Nick!

(Owe you a recipe. I aint forget. Gotta track it down.)

Denmark Vesey said...

"eating so called "natural foods"??" DMG

I'm not sure I understand Doc.

Why do you put parenthesis around the words "natural food"?

Do medical doctors take issue with the concept?

DMG said...

Because you use the term natural as though it were some sort of brand-name item. I mean formaldehyde is a natural compound, as is arsenic. There's nothing inherently good about natural.

Denmark Vesey said...

"There's nothing inherently good about natural."

Is there anything inherently good about 'natural food'?

DMG said...

That depends on the food. Some are more nutrient dense when they are freshly obtained.

Throughout human history most food required some sort of processing or preservation for later consumption.

My beef with you has never been about the types of food you consume. It's always been about the false statements that inevitably follow.

Denmark Vesey said...


Doc, you don't have any "beef" with me.

You feel DV.

You pick little play-fights because you are too insecure to admit you are here learning.

You have invested your life in seeking validation from the Plantation ... and here I am revealing the Plantation is invalid.

You play the role of contrarian in order to save face.

I understand.

But you still my boy.

I'd probably miss you weren't here more than me.

DMG said...

What's really sad is that you waste your webpage skills (or that of your employee) on things that are so easily disproved.

I'm happy that you get to jiggaboo around and pat yourself on the back, since that sort of Mike Epps coonery seems to be your thing. But, I've never understood how people can so openly celebrate their own abject ignorance.

But, here you are.

SoloInto said...
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