Cases of chemicals and drugs causing temporary or permanent insulin dependent diabetes are well documented in the medical literature.
These and others suspected of causing diabetes include: Alloxan and the antibiotic streptozocin, two of the best known chemicals capable of damaging the pancreatic beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin.
Vacor, a rat poison, also has been reported to cause insulin dependent diabetes in humans who survived the exposure. There is some structural similarity between the chemical makeup of the three drugs, and all three contain a structure with an affinity for binding with zinc, which could cause problems with insulin production (see main story).

Some antihypertensives, to control high blood pressure, such as nifidipine (brand name ADALAT), which shares some structure similarity with Vacor. The barbiturate phenobarbitone, which is structurally similar to alloxan. Other drugs which need to be investigated as potentially diabetogenic include the antibiotics penicillin, cephalosporin and erythromycin; the benzodiazepine tranquillizers and barbiturates; plus oxytocin, ergometrine and paracetamol (an analgesic).
i got dibetes and get shots every day since i wus 14. any natral thing i can take? but the doc says i hav to all ways take the shots.
'Take' natural food.
Unnatural food is why you have diabetes.
i eat good alot of salads i don't like the fride stuff an no pork. who can tell how to stop the shots. docter wants to hook me up to that pager thing so i get insilin all the time.
it's the grains donnte. rice, wheat. The breads. Its the corn products. search the archives on this site. best coverage i have ever seen.
A couple of questions.
Has anyone told you which type of Diabetes you have? I ask, because if your physician is recommending an insulin pump (that pager thing you are talking about), and you've been taking shots (I assume of insulin), you probably are insulin dependent (meaning your body doesn't MAKE insulin anymore). So watching what you eat is fantastic...but it's not going to change your insulin requirement.
By the way, how old are you?
All jokes aside, you may want to ask a few more questions before you dole out advice....
"All jokes aside AJ. "- 4 real!
Buy the book sick and tired by Dr. Young. It will change your life.
Everything else is an excuse. Stay the hell away from the fear mongers from the "human sacrifice " hospital club. Insulin treatments in the long run will guarantee a worse condition-eventually.
Just had a friend die at 58 after 10 years of standard insulin treatments and also dialysis. Therefore I am here to testify there must be a better way.
Dr. Sebi, breaks down everything you need to know about starch.
DV- u get this.
my name got 2 n's. donnte. @dmg i don't no the type. doctor told me i need shots rest my life. its not the fat kind. i am a senior in high school. can i stop the shots if i eat natrall food.
Look man, all joking might want to be careful giving advice to a kid with type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Ketoacidosis can be deadly, for real. Just don't advise him to go off his insulin.
Seriously, I ain't giving nobody advice. Got a friend who was set up like this.
Sounds like a ploy to get this blog shut down or worse myself in trouble.
I have seen this used with the bullying or homosexual blog meme. Think I was born yesterday?
Therefore let me clarify, I aint telling nobody's kid to do anything.I ain't a doctor and all I am doing is providing examples and websites to go to for them to think about another viewpoint .
"KID STAY ON YOUR PLANTATION INSULIN" and ignore everything I said above. I did not know you where under 18. YOUR DOCTORS ARE GODS AND ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO.
Please ALSO go talk to your mom and pops about what to do. Tell them Wax wants you to follow DMG's advice and remain on Insulin for the rest of your life. It the only thing you need to do.
-you happy now quactor?
ain't interested in playing NO BullS$%t game.
New low...even for you DMG.
This how they punk Kevin Trudeau Bra, when he first gave advice about getting off Ritalin in his MEGA memory book. 20 YEARS OF court cases.
I ain't the one.
Believe it or not, I was looking out for you. You give out "advice" all the time. Most of the time it's too goofy to take seriously, and harmless. I know you like alternative everything, that's fine. Me and you can battle all day, everyday. You aren't hurting me.
I don't know anything about internet liability, but you should protect yourself anyway. I misread his age, but I assume senior means high school. Even if dude is a legal adult diabetes is nothing to be taken lightly.
Think before you write, you never know who is taking you seriously.
The only thing I know of as an alternative to insulin therapy is pancreatic islet cell transplant, and some research out of Texas Southwestern looking at the hormone leptin in rats.
...and of course a pancreatic transplantation.
You ain't looking out for me Bra. Quit the charade. You are only interested in looking out for yourself and the plantation.
For the people reading this who are over 18 and not worried about setting me up. "PLEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY. YOUR LIFE COULD DEPEND ON IT!!!!"
Doc just like your message above is just another lame attempt to label yourself as "sane" and "rational" and normal and anything that is different is conspiratorial or"goofy", crazy and then facts are never really debated but rather you use your great writing skillsets to slyly attempt to get it dismissed.
For example Bechamp was never dismissed or proven false of by any kind establishment. However you blurted it out yesterday like you know his theories and how it was supposedly refuted. You have made fun of me about using the term "microzyma" and had no clue it was bechamp concept and Pasteur used that term when copying him also. I just made you have a good laugh about it all the time really feeling sorry for you not knowing. You dismissed it like I made it up instead of admitting that you have never read about it.
Doc the truth is- you are acidic. The hate eats at you every day because you know that you don't heal. You were trained on the "hospice" technique of slow kill. Your ego is now so weak, that you are more worried about yourself not knowing instead of trying to help and really heal and cure people.
It just getting old doc- and 90 % of the people on this blog know that you might be the biggest danger to this young man above.
Dude I don't hate you, I am just frustrated that you don't get that every one sees right thru except you.
Room 101 at its best.
Wait these people must be lying;
This guy too:
Show me your videos Doc. Your contribution to the betterment of humanity.
You ain't looking out for me Bra. Quit the charade. You are only interested in looking out for yourself and the plantation.
For the people reading this who are over 18 and not worried about setting me up. "PLEASE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY. YOUR LIFE COULD DEPEND ON IT!!!!"
Doc just like your message above is just another lame attempt to label yourself as "sane" and "rational" and normal and anything that is different is conspiratorial or"goofy", crazy and then facts are never really debated but rather you use your great writing skillsets to slyly attempt to get it dismissed.
For example Bechamp was never dismissed or proven false of by any kind establishment. However you blurted it out yesterday like you know his theories and how it was supposedly refuted. You have made fun of me about using the term "microzyma" and had no clue it was bechamp concept and Pasteur used that term when copying him also. I just made you have a good laugh about it all the time really feeling sorry for you not knowing. You dismissed it like I made it up instead of admitting that you have never read about it.
Doc the truth is- you are acidic. The hate eats at you every day because you know that you don't heal. You were trained on the "hospice" technique of slow kill. Your ego is now so weak, that you are more worried about yourself not knowing instead of trying to help and really heal and cure people.
It just getting old doc- and 90 % of the people on this blog know that you might be the biggest danger to this young man above.
Dude I don't hate you, I am just frustrated that you don't get that every one sees right thru except you.
Room 101 at its best.
Wait these people must be lying;
This guy too:
Show me your videos Doc. Your contribution to the betterment of humanity.
Wow, you really are paranoid. Well then, I suppose you should carry on.
About that "hate" stuff. Like I've often said...I would have to actually care about you to hate you.
I'll tell you what. You continue on with your goofy "theories" and your paranoia, and I'll...well I'll just go to sleep. I've played this game with you far too many times (and unfortunately, I cannot retrieve those wasted moments).
I looked over the posts again. I don't recall him saying if he was a minor either way....but what should that matter if your "theories" are correct. Would you risk telling a full grown man with Type 1 diabetes to go off his medication?
I don't do videos by the way. I don't need them to explain my points...that's what the years of training is for. Night waxy, don't stay up too late putting together a response. Probably won't read it til this weekend anyway.
i turned 18 last july that why i dont got that pager insilin thing. moms cant make me geet it. sick of the shots. i want to know how i can get of the shots. im not tryin to here all that sciense i jus want to know if is there a prorgram. i dont want to stick myself.
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