Sunday, December 19, 2010

Compulsory Schools ... Do They Educate or Do They Indoctrinate?

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

Can you tell us of a situation where there is NO "indoctrination"?

I think that we can both agree that indoctrination of the human mind toward a particular normal is a fact of life. Instead we should be focused on a QUALITATIVE appraisal of "the norm" that people are pushing.

You are to be applauded for pushing a new "norm" on dietary choices and the use of pharmacological concoctions ingested into our bodies.

Denmark Vesey said ...
"Can you tell us of a situation where there is NO "indoctrination"?"


It is ALL indoctrination.

Indoctrination is critical to the development and socialization of any human being.  Traditionally people have been indoctrinated by their families, their village, their tribe, their traditions... their own people.
What we have today is state controlled indoctrination and the state is controlled by corporations.

Parents have been marginalized.  The moment you drop your child off at a state licensed institution the implication is that the state KNOWS better how to shape your child than do you.

The state shapes your children to fit the needs of the corporations.  Dumb.  Obedient.  Secular.  Consumer. Vaccinated and sick.  Confused.  No Chick.  Temporary Employees.   Cogs in a machine.

They sell it to the parents as "free education" for their children.  They tell Negros it's their right to attend "Integrated Schools".  They trick single mothers into dropping their children off to the state at younger and younger ages - they give it fake names like "Head Start Program".

All of these memes are euphemisms for Compulsory Schooling which is nothing more than compulsory indoctrination.

Most parents were raised to equate school with "success".  They want "success" for their children and repeating what was supposed to have worked for them for their own children is programmed in their brains.

I think that we can both agree that indoctrination of the human mind toward a particular normal is a fact of life."

No. Nope. Hell Nada. We can agree upon no such thing.  Why would I indoctrinate my son's mind to the "normal"?  That's like tampering with a Ferrari engine to make it run like a Kia.

"You are to be applauded for pushing a new "norm" on dietary choices and the use of pharmacological concoctions ingested into our bodies."  CF

Thank you CF for the applause.  But I think you misunderstand me my man.

I'm not pushing a "new norm".

Eating well.  Eating a diet that does not give you disease, eating food that makes you thrive ... will never be "the norm".

It will always be the elite.

I aint pushing coach.

I'm pushing First Class.

And it aint for everybody.

Plantation Negros will ALWAYS eat Plantation food.

Jesus Christ could point out the obvious ignorance of genetically modified foods and Plantation Negros would still feed off of it because they have more faith in the Plantation than they do in their own God.

My message is for the brothers and sisters inclined to maximizing and enhancing the blessings and gifts given them by God.

The cats who want to eat spicy poison and destroy themselves can go right ahead.


uglyblackjohn said...

Schools only do as much (or as little) as a parent allows to be done.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

Can you tell us of a situation where there is NO "indoctrination"?

I think that we can both agree that indoctrination of the human mind toward a particular normal is a fact of life. Instead we should be focused on a QUALITATIVE appraisal of "the norm" that people are pushing.

You are to be applauded for pushing a new "norm" on dietary choices and the use of pharmacological concoctions ingested into our bodies.

Yaron said...

DV, you my friend are the MAN. Thank you for slapping some sense into this BS "reality" that is being forced upon us:

"Jesus Christ could point out the obvious ignorance of genetically modified foods and Plantation Negros would still feed off of it because they have more faith in the Plantation than they do in their own God.

My message is for the brothers and sisters inclined to maximizing and enhancing the blessings and gifts given them by God."...Denmark Vessey

Anonymous said...

DV......IS SCHOOL!!!

and the truth shall set you FREE!!!

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Eating well. Eating a diet that does not give you disease, eating food that makes you thrive ... will never be "the norm".

It will always be the elite.[/quote]

An Afro and a Samsonite brief case?
I guess I'll have to take it as a picture. :-)

In truth - IF this imbalanced system ever collapses and we go back to "living off of the land" what now takes a bit of consciousness to deny one's self certain processed foods will instead be "The Norm".

This past summer I had a conversation with an old Black man who runs a roadside fruit and veggy stand about 3 miles over yonder.

He told me that when he was growing up on this part of southside metro-Atlanta - those stupid brown rabbits that we see running around and occasionally run over with our cars was his DINNER.

They ate mostly what they grew in their plot of land or what they snared with their shotgun.

* No MSG
* No High Fructose Corn Syrup
* No Anti-biotics injected into the food
* No Bovine Growth Hormones causing 7 year old girls to develop breasts
* No Genetically Modified Food

somniak said...

But do you believe we should all be held financially responsible for those who choose to eat plantation food via Pelosicare? So that their problems still become our problems?

We don't have the right to dictate what they eat - yet we are nonetheless forced to pay for all the illness they develop from eating junk.

Denmark Vesey said...

Good point Somniak.

I see Plantation Food and Plantation "Care" to be flip sides of the same coin.

They go hand in hand.

The intention of the Plantation is not to maintain a healthy population.

The intention is to control and profit off of the population.

"National Health Care" is an insurance scam that taxes Americans and gives the money directly to the drug companies.

No one gets "Health".

They get paperwork and sickness.

Denmark Vesey said...

"They ate mostly what they grew in their plot of land or what they snared with their shotgun. " CF

Bet you they had little cancer, autism or "gay teens".

Dr. Love said...

If i am to be indoctrinated, indoctrinate me with the truth, indoctrinate with life surviving skills, family building concepts, heuristic techniques,positive application, and above all spiritual growth and not "scam religions that are full of trickery and deceit. What is the difference between Satanism and Luciferianism? Why is it so easy to manipulate people who think they are "FREE"? Eating healthy,encouraging our sons and daughters that establishing and maintaining a family with the "right education" should be the major goal of our existence, dont fall for the okey doke shit with this same gender promoting media and this hybridized society that is being created. Remember most of the plantation speaks the language of the master, copies the behavior of the master, and believes in the same "shit" as the master. It is time to assess this hip hop culture of mysogenistic,violence perpetuating,gay ass , no family ass,and no fashion awareness whats so ever (everybody looks like they are on a camping trip and need to take a shit! peace

Smile said...

"Schools only do as much (or as little) as a parent allows to be done."

The parents do not have a say nor do the local gov'ts. Public schools must follow whatever is mandated by the Feds and the curriculum. Parents only option is home school or private. Not allowing for voucher underlines it's all about control and profit and has nothing to do with educating anyone.

Denmark Vesey said...

Smile ... I like your style.

You been here before?

Smile said...

I have. Nice place.