Saturday, October 20, 2012

Intelligent Well Educated Amercans Do Not Vote - Professor Gee Chee Explains Why

Gee Chee said ...
Voting is the act of renewing your vows with the state. They need confirmation of your faith. They need reassurance that you believe the concerns they present are necessary to staple onto humanity’s concerns. They need reassurance that creative and innovative solutions by ethical architects are nothing more than impractical reckless naïve romantics doomed to catastrophic failure. That through science (their absolute definition of science) they have transcended mythological sentiments (even though the paper money in your pocket got all kind of weirdo symbols on it).
The R! said...
Gee Chee is an idiot.
If you do not vote, your, and your community's voice is not heard when policy is being written. Policy covers ALL aspects of life, including school funding, job creation, zoning, roads, healthcare etc.

After working several years in the highest level of government outside of the White House, I have learned that Black people's biggest problem is that people like Gee Chee and that stupid way of thinking have the whole system twisted. You guys visit this great site that DV has created and expound the virtues of being Black. I have been on the streets with the people and in the highest levels of meetings. Y'all don't even realize that Black folks are about to go the way of the dinosaur. The biggest reason? You don't vote. When you don't vote, you don't wield the sword.

All of these so called community leaders and religious leaders are being listened to less and less by those in power. Why? Because they can no longer deliver enough votes to put in positions, people that are sympathetic to the Black agenda. Black people have adopted this "we don't have to" attitude. "We don't have to" be families.

Most Black kids are in single parent homes. "We don't have to" finish school. Less than 50% of Black boys finish HIGH SCHOOL. "We don't have to" work in the real world. How's that working out? "We don't have to" watch what we eat. 85% obesity rates. Look at us now. Thanks Gee Chee. But you know what? "We don't have to" Listen to your dumb ass. Go Vote People.
R. I’m not going to lower myself by slinging juvenile insults cause a Negro thinks the beginning and end is in the vote. I could call you a hat wring’n/harmonica-soft shoe’n/porch monkey fat bottom gorilla. But I’m not going to do that. I could’ve called you a Ben Vereen grin’n/pulpit-organ jigg’n/handkerchief head wearing/fire & brimstone civic religion preaching nut job. I’m going to leave that alone.

An anonymous Negro did several years sweep’n the highest level porches. I know old school cats that fought for your golden calf of voting, have worked at grass roots, have engaged in the discourse, have done the jail, and today do not participate in the electoral process. Gov. Ventura no longer believes in the electoral process. You think perhaps if someone like him spent several years banjo-jigg’n on the highest level porches that perhaps his experience as Governor could have been upgraded?

What are you preaching R? “Go Vote People!!!!” As if you dropped some profound shyt after all that rambling. Some anonymous coon xerox’n buzz phrases onto threads don’t make it sound any better than when BET puts graphics and a beat behind it.

Typical. You would blame non-voting for the system being twisted. A scapegoat.
“Da sys’m is da way it is on da count’o 
peoples likes you duz’nt vote”
“We’s have a bett’r sys’m if people’s jus go’s n’ votes”
With the church organ on cue, and you to the tune of a spittoon.

You half witted Remus, the system isn’t twisted from me not voting, it’s your theology. Pavlov got you salivating.


uglyblackjohn said...

LOCAL elections matter - the more local the more they matter.

Constructive Feedback said...

DV and Geechee:

VOTING is not the problem.
Instead the problem is with embedded Negro operatives that lurk within our consciousness, attempting to lump ALL of our community's challenges in with the VOTING process.

They do so based upon their contractual relationship with their emissaries in the party apparatus. The party profits more than does the community.

The challenge is for the conscious elements of the Black community to delineate that which can be resolved via POLITICS and that which must be managed locally through our institutions and NEVER allow those who have a vested interest to confuse the two to HIJACK our permanent interests for their own political and ideological purposes.

that dude said...

Yes, black folks are so disconnected with power they think JUST voting will solve their problems, and get disenchanted when it turns out otherwise.

If voting was worthless why did we have to fight so hard to get it? It's a valuable tool, which is why people are constantly trying to undermine (ie, Citizens United).

but can't just build a house with one tool, so voting alone is never enough. Look at the Tea Party. 70 percent of the country disagrees with them. They are stupid as the day is long. But they set the agenda for everyone else. We can do the same.

makheru bradley said...

All of these people are obviously ignorant.

IWonderAsIWander said...

Black folks put way too much energy into politics and government, as if that's what holds a community together. What holds a community together are the families within it and the economic trades they engage in. And those trades must take place by self-owned businesses.

Anonymous said...

“VOTING is not the problem.”

OK. That’s fair. It’s another way of approaching the argument.

Food isn’t the problem.

What food are you eating though? The worse food or the best-worse food? Evil or lesser evil? Irrational.

“Instead the problem is with embedded Negro operatives that lurk within our consciousness, attempting to lump ALL of our community's challenges in with the VOTING process.”

In other words, you need nutritious healthy foods (building families & institutions as WW says) so that eating bad foods (voting for evil & lesser evil) can be effective. Nip it in the bud Andy.

Anonymous said...

"If voting was worthless why did we have to fight so hard to get it?"-That Dude

There are plenty of dangling carrots we've fought for in the past. And even those things weren't achieved by voting for them, they were achieved by fighting for them.

What if all white folk kept throwing in our faces every time voting failed the will of the people, the way Negroes love to say Garvey failed? That's why they finally got an airplane up in the sky because they aren't thinking like us.

The R! said...

Gee Chee is an idiot.
If you do not vote, your, and your community's voice is not heard when policy is being written. Policy covers ALL aspects of life, including school funding, job creation, zoning, roads, healthcare etc.
After working several years in the highest level of government outside of the White House, I have learned that Black people's biggest problem is that people like Gee Chee and that stupid way of thinking have the whole system twisted.
You guys visit this great site that DV has created and expound the virtues of being Black. I have been on the streets with the people and in the highest levels of meetings. Y'all don't even realize that Black folks are about to go the way of the dinosaur. The biggest reason? You don't vote. When you don't vote, you don't wield the sword.
All of these so called community leaders and religious leaders are being listened to less and less by those in power. Why? Because they can no longer deliver enough votes to put in positions, people that are sympathetic to the Black agenda.
Black people have adopted this "we don't have to" attitude. "We don't have to" be families. Most Black kids are in single parent homes. "We don't have to" finish school. Less than 50% of Black boys finish HIGH SCHOOL. "We don't have to" work in the real world. How's that working out?
"We don't have to" watch what we eat. 85% obesity rates.
Look at us now.
Thanks Gee Chee. But you know what? "We don't have to" Listen to your dumb ass. Go Vote People.

HotmfWax said...

Gee Chee is an idiot. -R!

Naw Bra. You must be trying to replace the "Quactor" who got fired by Cass Sustein.

Gee Chee is pure Genius!!!

On Point. Stated every thing brother " Wilton D. Alston" who studied the game said.

The Govt does not create any wealth or value, rather the big" G" just redistributes it. They also will continue to pass endless laws to tax and fine us into submission.

Dude, we are just all prisoner in a Corporate jail voting on how many cigarettes we have to trade in order to "feel" free. However we are still on lockdown and don't matter if I vote for guard a or b.

Voting is a social trick that works like this:

For the privilege of voting you will agree that you will now support the leadership of the government, even when it was not the scumbag and policy you voted for.

Voting is also a trap and a trick to involve the clueless masses of individuals into the government( a government that really does not value the individual anymore anyway). By involving the masses the leaders are able to prevent rebellion.

The tactic works quite well in controlling the mindless masses, because they actually buy-into it. Perhaps this is why our Presidential Election processes last so long.

It takes time for the masses to coalesce and/or prepare to accept that they will not get their way.

Unfortunately in all of this we find that the people are no longer served and the choices for leaders are not viable.

The election process is stupid and it is truly absurd that we allow this. Surely we can do better than this for a nation with a 20-trillion dollar economy and 300 million people in it. We should concentrate on fixing the system not participating in this façade.

"According to Marx, the State would inevitably wither after the proletarian revolution. That was a strange idea. As history has demonstrated, arranging society in the way Marxists prefer requires an almighty State. The liberal-constitutional model, however, does allow for the withering of politics, if not of the State. Once the correct legal framework and free-market policies are in place, there is little for politicians to do. And, hence, little for voters to do. Government ministers might well lament this development, but I cannot see why the rest of us should.

When the large parties differ so little in their policies, it is not at all strange that people do not vote. And the fact that the major parties offer the same policies is not regrettable, it is convenient.

Democracy is required to defend our liberty and prosperity. When the people cannot remove a government, it is sure to descend into despotism, corruption and inefficiency. We should not confuse our love of democracy with a love of voting which does nothing to fix the problem."-end quote

Again R!, address Brother Wilton's Q and A:

Why Is Voting for President a Waste of Time?

Voting for President of the U.S. is a waste because the issues that should garner the most interest and cause decisive post-election changes will remain unchanged no matter who is elected. This is absolute, undisputed, unmitigated, hard, cold, polished-to-a-high-gloss, quick-fried-to-a-crackly-crunch, naturally-seasoned, artificially-flavored fact.

How does he know? Answer this.

Question: Will the incredibly large worldwide U.S. military presence, including over 750 bases, be curtailed dependent upon who wins any election for president?

Answer: No.

Follow-up question: Regardless of who is elected, will the gargantuan domestic military-industrial complex be popped like a zit on Baron Harkonnen’s festering kiester?

Answer: Nope. The subject won’t even be seriously debated.

Given the pending "financial crisis" one might argue that the gravy train of govern-mint cash for weapons and those who make them will dry up on its own. Don’t count on it.

HotmfWax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HotmfWax said...


Question: Will the Federal Reserve be abolished dependent upon who wins any election for president?

Answer: No.

Follow-up question: Regardless of who is elected, will the wealth transfer that has corresponded with the loss of over 80% of the value of the dollar since 1970 be stopped like one of those Toyota Tundra trucks?

Answer: Not hardly. Best case, it gets mentioned in passing.

Question: Will the IRS be abolished dependent upon who wins any election for president of the United States?

Answer: No.

Follow-up question: Regardless of who is elected, will the practice of taxing the citizen at every turn be substantially trimmed back, kinda like the hair during one of Nick Arrojo’s cuts on What Not to Wear?

Answer: Absolutely, positively, not.

Question: Will marijuana (or any other supposedly "controlled" substance) be legalized dependent upon who wins any election for president?

Answer: No.

Follow-up Question: Will the prison-industrial complex be smashed like a cockroach crawling out of a trailer park dumpster dependent upon who wins any election for president?

Answer: Hell no.

Second follow-up question: Will the fact that, according to a New York Times editorial, "one in nine black men, ages 20 to 34, are serving time" (often for drug-related offenses) be substantially and directly addressed by any elected official, including any black elected official, ever?

Answer: Never in a million years. (Frankly, the black politician is probably just glad it’s not him in prison.)

Providing a bit of almost terminal irony, Paul Armentano notes an interesting fact about one of the contenders for this year’s I-run-the-world sweepstakes:

[D]uring the mid-1980s, [vice presidential candidate] Biden was the chief senate architect of the federal anti-drug laws that re-established mandatory minimum sanctions for various drug possession crimes, and established the racially based 100-to-1 sentencing disparity for crimes involving the possession of crack versus powder cocaine. Many academics have credited Biden's law as one of the primary reasons why America now possesses the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, and why approximately one out of every nine young African-American males are now in prison. (Emphasis added.)

The chart below shows incarcerated Americans since 1920. Note the sharp rise beginning near 1980. And now this Biden guy wants to help lead change for America? You cannot make this stuff up!


…It is necessary to recognize that the ultimate power of every government – whether of kings or caretakers – rests solely on opinion and not on physical force. The agents of government are never more than a small proportion of the total population under their control. This implies that no government can possibly enforce its will upon the entire population unless it finds widespread support and voluntary cooperation within the nongovernmental public. It implies likewise that every government can be brought down by a mere change in public opinion, i.e., by the withdrawal of the public's consent and cooperation.

Indeed. It is vital to realize that "the ultimate power of every government rests solely on opinion and not on physical force."

Voting illustrates both support and consent. Withdraw them, please.

HotmfWax said...

Gee Chee is an idiot. -R!

Naw Bra. You must be trying to replace the "Quactor" who got fired by Cass Sustein.

Gee Chee is pure Genius!!!

On Point. Stated every thing brother " Wilton D. Alston" who studied the game said.

The Govt does not create any wealth or value, rather the big" G" just redistributes it. They also will continue to pass endless laws to tax and fine us into submission.

Dude, we are just all prisoner in a Corporate jail voting on how many cigarettes we have to trade in order to "feel" free. However we are still on lockdown and don't matter if I vote for guard a or b.

Voting is a social trick that works like this:

For the privilege of voting you will agree that you will now support the leadership of the government, even when it was not the scumbag and policy you voted for.

Voting is also a trap and a trick to involve the clueless masses of individuals into the government( a government that really does not value the individual anymore anyway). By involving the masses the leaders are able to prevent rebellion.

The tactic works quite well in controlling the mindless masses, because they actually buy-into it. Perhaps this is why our Presidential Election processes last so long.

It takes time for the masses to coalesce and/or prepare to accept that they will not get their way.

Unfortunately in all of this we find that the people are no longer served and the choices for leaders are not viable.

The election process is stupid and it is truly absurd that we allow this. Surely we can do better than this for a nation with a 20-trillion dollar economy and 300 million people in it. We should concentrate on fixing the system not participating in this façade.

"According to Marx, the State would inevitably wither after the proletarian revolution. That was a strange idea. As history has demonstrated, arranging society in the way Marxists prefer requires an almighty State. The liberal-constitutional model, however, does allow for the withering of politics, if not of the State. Once the correct legal framework and free-market policies are in place, there is little for politicians to do. And, hence, little for voters to do. Government ministers might well lament this development, but I cannot see why the rest of us should.

When the large parties differ so little in their policies, it is not at all strange that people do not vote. And the fact that the major parties offer the same policies is not regrettable, it is convenient.

Democracy is required to defend our liberty and prosperity. When the people cannot remove a government, it is sure to descend into despotism, corruption and inefficiency. We should not confuse our love of democracy with a love of voting which does nothing to fix the problem."-end quote

Again R!, address Brother Wilton's Q and A:

Why Is Voting for President a Waste of Time?

Voting for President of the U.S. is a waste because the issues that should garner the most interest and cause decisive post-election changes will remain unchanged no matter who is elected. This is absolute, undisputed, unmitigated, hard, cold, polished-to-a-high-gloss, quick-fried-to-a-crackly-crunch, naturally-seasoned, artificially-flavored fact.

How does he know? Answer this.

Question: Will the incredibly large worldwide U.S. military presence, including over 750 bases, be curtailed dependent upon who wins any election for president?

Answer: No.

Follow-up question: Regardless of who is elected, will the gargantuan domestic military-industrial complex be popped like a zit on Baron Harkonnen’s festering kiester?

Answer: Nope. The subject won’t even be seriously debated.

Given the pending "financial crisis" one might argue that the gravy train of govern-mint cash for weapons and those who make them will dry up on its own. Don’t count on it.

HotmfWax said...



posted two long articles and it is starting to eat them again.

Anonymous said...

No HotWax,

I just got tired of interacting with dumbasses. Your dumbass in particular...especially after you scurried away when I caught you LYING your tinfoil wearing ass off. Typo my ass.

This site has been played out for quite some time, but since I'm not beating your ass like I was your stepfather, I'm sure you are happy to have me gone.

Denmark Vesey said...

LOL^^ Doc!

My Man!

How's my favorite Plantation Negro?

Thought about you the other day. I happened to drive past a Quiznos.


Good to hear you still kickin'.

Played out? lol.

Shiiiii. That's really funny Doc. I see you still trying... Contempt for the sake of contempt is cute.

Be easy on us Doc.

It's hard for us to keep up with that DMG Style of Hip

But ...

What's more played out than fake H1N1 Pandemics ... genetically modified food and Plantation Negros with white wives?

Anonymous said...

R. I’m not going to lower myself by slinging juvenile insults cause a Negro thinks the beginning and end is in the vote. I could call you a hat wring’n/harmonica-soft shoe’n/porch monkey fat bottom gorilla. But I’m not going to do that. I could’ve called you a Ben Vereen grin’n/pulpit-organ jigg’n/handkerchief head wearing/fire & brimstone civic religion preaching nut job. I’m going to leave that alone.

An anonymous Negro did several years sweep’n the highest level porches. I know old school cats that fought for your golden calf of voting, have worked at grass roots, have engaged in the discourse, have done the jail, and today do not participate in the electoral process. Gov. Ventura no longer believes in the electoral process. You think perhaps if someone like him spent several years banjo-jigg’n on the highest level porches that perhaps his experience as Governor could have been upgraded?

What are you preaching R? “Go Vote People!!!!” As if you dropped some profound shyt after all that rambling. Some anonymous coon xerox’n buzz phrases onto threads don’t make it sound any better than when BET puts graphics and a beat behind it.

Typical. You would blame non-voting for the system being twisted. A scapegoat.
“Da sys’m is da way it is on da count’o peoples likes you duz’nt vote”
“We’s have a bett’r sys’m if people’s jus go’s n’ votes”
With the church organ on cue, and you to the tune of a spittoon.

You half witted Remus, the system isn’t twisted from me not voting, it’s your theology. Pavlov got you salivating.

CNu said...

Ironically, renewed national voter registration was the primary deliverable of the Million Man March..,

Anonymous said...

What's the option to voting?

Anonymous said...

Bait not taken. I'll catch you all in a few months, when I'm in need of some serious time wasting, or when I want to brush up on my psychiatry...

The R. My man, don't waste too much time here. These fools aren't interested in honest debate of the issues, using facts and reason. They are only interested in changing the rules of discourse to push whatever moronic "meme" they happened to glance at while trolling Google, gossip blogs, and pseudoscientific dreck that caught their eye.

You should celebrate the fact that these misinformed morons don't vote. I do.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Beware The Tyranny of The Mediocre ^^

lol ...

facts? reason?

Doc please.

Your idea of a fact is the "H1N1 Pandemic".

Get back to prescribing drugs for your Big Pharma masters.

Denmark Vesey said...

Anonymous said...

"What's the option to voting?"


Chyle MC said...

I can't stand people who have this anti establishment militant attitude with no fruit. I feel if voting was not valuable it would have not been withheld from black people for so long. I still have relatives alive who remember when they didn't have the right to vote. You are part of the problem not the solution.

Eric said...

Chyle MC, what fruit has being pro-establishment produced besides endlessly war, unpayable debt, and neo slavery? The idea of voting is great if and only if you have something, or someone worth a damn to vote for. If the goal is to avoid being anally raped then choosing the canidate/political party who would use K-Y over the canidate/political party who would vaseline, thus voting being something good, is as absurd as it is perverse and delusional.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]What's the option to voting?[/quote]


VOTE with the CONSCIOUSNESS that we need a GOVERNMENT to:
1) Run the governmental institutions
2) Democratically define our priorities of public resources

1) The HOPE that YOUR PEOPLE WILL BE DEVELOPED upon Political Victory

DO NOT ALLOW THE "EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN" to have unchecked access to your RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS NUCLEUS and continuously allow him to misappropriate your people's DEVELOPMENT HOPES through the political channel.

THE BLACK MEDIA at is present state is the most FRAUDULENT AND CORRUPT channel to manipulate Black people - having us focus on issues that are far outside of the key interests of our community - that are presently left unmanaged.

Gee Chee Vision said...

"I still have relatives alive who remember when they didn't have the right to vote."

I still have relatives alive who remember when they couldn't drink from white only water fountains.

Ohhhh...I get it.

Negros shouldn't look into water softeners or purifiers or atmospheric water generators or digging alternative is obsolete because the bigger picture is about showing white folks that we can have what they once denied us.

Yeah that's it. Doesn't matter if the tap water from that once denied white water fountain is pumping high levels of fluoride and arsenic. Nah that ain't important because it ain't part of deh bigger pikchure.

Let's show them haters that we can drink from any water fountain we please, damn it.