Monday, February 13, 2012

Racism Aint Shit Compared To Sugar

sugar is without question the number one murderer in the history of humanity.” 

In 1960, Japanese doctor Nyoiti Sakurazawa noted, "no Western doctor can cure diabetes, even thirty years after the discovery of insulin. Physicians have continued to recommend insulin, condemning diabetics to walk with an insulin crutch for the rest of their lives, yet on the 25th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, the inefficiency of insulin as a treatment or cure for diabetes was publicly admitted. In the meantime, millions of diabetics have paid millions of dollars for this ineffective remedy. The number of diabetics is increasing every day. Once they begin taking insulin, they can expect to feed the pockets of the doctors and pharmaceutical corporations as long as they live."

In 1964, Sakurazawa said, "I am confident that Western medicine will admit what has been known in the Orient for years: sugar is without question the number one murderer in the history of humanity - much more lethal than opium or radioactive fallout. Sugar is the greatest evil that modern industrial civilization has visited upon the countries of the Far East and Africa (genocide)...foolish people who give or sell candy to babies will one day, to their horror, that they have much to answer for."


Intellectual Insurgent said...

The Bitter Truth

blacotaku1 said...

DAMN.... as I visit this site daily. It only confirms what I have been feeling on the inside for so long.

My mother got rid of her Diabetes through gastric bypass surgery. I am very happy that now she is no longer on the meds but I was also upset that she had to alter her body in order to "fix" the problem.

Her Side said...

Excellent video, II.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Her Side,

Did you watch the entire thing? What impressions did you walk away with?

HotmfWax said...

Technos DV. Technos.

Playin God again.


"FORGET penicillin, space travel and the silicon chip. Science is on the verge of its greatest discovery - chocolate that's good for you.
DNA experts are working with sweet giants Mars to create genetically modified chocolate that fights heart disease and diabetes and won't make you fat.
They've already been at it for two years. And they claim that in another five, they could unlock the secret of how to make chocolate healthy.
The scientists say the secret lies in the genetic code of the cocoa bean.
The beans contain chemicals called flavonols which lower blood pressure and help keep the heart healthy.
And the scientists believe they can change the DNA of the cocoa tree so it produces beans with far higher levels of flavonols.
They also hope to produce beans that fight diabetes, as well as making the fat in cocoa much healthier.
Dr Howard-Yana Shapiro, global director of plant science and research at Mars, said: "The idea is that this is something that wi l l become the norm - healthy fats, high levels of flavonols."

HotmfWax said...

Broken down for simple folks to understand.


Come on DV - is it really that difficult for the peeps to get it?


this one is pretty tight also:!

cadeveo said...

What? But chocolate is ALREADY healthy for you. That's right, NATURAL chocolate, before all the processing. But, I suppose that would cramp the Mars Corporations style. They aren't exactly peddling real, raw chocolate, but poisoned chocolate (that is, chocolate cut with lots of sugar and, of course vanallin, artificial vanilla flavor).