Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Impending Irrelevance of School 505 • DV University Fall 2010 • Professor Sasha With Her Fine Ass

Can DV Call 'Em? or Can DV Call Call 'Em?
Old technology


Sasha said...

LOL! Thanks, DV. This video had my colleagues and I cracking up at lunch.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sashaaaa! The flick is hilarious.

Cutting. Poignant. Relevant.

Shiii. I thought I made it for a minute.


I like the video because it will force even the staunches Plantation Negro defender of 'All That Is Massa's' to pull his head from the sand and to reconsider old outdated assumptions about so-called education as a path to empowerment.

We've all been taught that "education" was sacrosanct.

We never stopped to consider who was selling us this so-called "education".

Academia has deteriorated into profit driven industry of diploma mills preparing people for a future that will never happen.

Hustle Hard.

But there is a silver lining.

The earlier people realize the Wizard of Oz is a weak punk ... the sooner they will stop outsourcing their common sense and act in their own interest.

Once a cat understands Plantation Schools are full of shit ... it is not long before he realizes Plantation Food is full of shit.

It is not long before he realizes Plantation Drugs are full of shit.

It is not long before he realizes all Plantation Memes need to be reconsidered.

Once he reaches that point he can pick the locks and break the chains of mental bondage himself.