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Negros For Days .... |

After working several years in the highest level of government outside of the White House, I have learned that Black people's biggest problem is that people like Gee Chee and that stupid way of thinking have the whole system twisted. You guys visit this great site that DV has created and expound the virtues of being Black. I have been on the streets with the people and in the highest levels of meetings.
Y'all don't even realize that Black folks are about to go the way of the dinosaur. The biggest reason? You don't vote. When you don't vote, you don't wield the sword.
1.a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
2.a locality inhabited by such a group.
3.a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually prec. by the ): the business community; the community of scholars.
Denmark Vesey said ...
My community?
Do we really have "communities"?
To which "community" do I belong? Does my community have a voice? What exactly is it saying? When I "vote" for a Democrat or a Republican ... am I really voting for someone to serve as my voice. To speak for me?
Why would I want some pork eatin', vaccinated, prediabetic technocrat ... speaking for me? Especially when he serves at the pleasure of people determined to destroy "my community"?
R. "Community" is a political code word. It is something we say but seldom ever really stop to think about. "Community" is a euphemism for Group Identity Politics. It's a way of saying "Vote ... so OUR team will get its fair share or more".
Politicians encourage the peasants to divide themselves up into tiny little teams ... and then they promise them they will go out and get their team .. oops ... I mean get their "community" a larger piece of the public pie than it deserves.
In reality .... we have NO TEAM. There is NO "US". The pie is being eaten by others while the peasants are lulled to sleep with gratuitous periodic voting exercises.
"When you don't vote, you don't wield the sword." The R!
The people who "wield the sword" now ... did they get that sword by "voting"?
What we pretend is a real election is no more than a reality TV Show designed to pacify our true political will. This mindless ritual you call "voting" is tossing gasoline on the fire of tyranny. It provides the police state a fake mandate.
The last genuine political action taken by black people was the Million Man March.
Everything since then has been pure Amos n Andy.
The last genuine political action taken by black people was the Million Man March. Everything since then has been pure Amos n Andy.
No jiggaboo..., you're Amos n Andy (or Rick and Weezy)
The last genuine political action taken by Black men was the soldier's revolt.
Everything since then has been memetic - i.e., "dress-up" and "conversation"...,
lol ...
my man.
Brothers? Vietnam? Fragged a couple of white boys?
Or was it a class struggle?
Enlisted vs. Officers?
Poor vs. Middle Class?
But the Million Man March was off the hook.
Only the Nation could pull that off.
Every other political expedition of Plantation Negros is ultimately as obese and ineffective as the Plantation Negros themselves.
Ever notice you don't see too many obese Fruit of Islam?
Shiiii ... refusing to be obese is a political statement.
The Million Man march accomplished nothing. The NOI will die for all intents and purposes when its wealthy and dapper but politically ineffectual orator-in-chief dies.
The Soldiers Revolt, OTOH, not only derailed the Vietnam genocide, it ended military conscription in the U.S., brought about a wholesale reorganization of the U.S. armed services, and precipitated the slow kill war on Black men aka War on Drugs successfully and openly prosecuted now for the past 40 years.
Due to the efficacy of the slow kill War on Drugs, there has not been, nor will there be, another meaningful political action by Black men - as such - in America for the forseeable.
The most politically relevant action taking place right now among any men of color on the North American continent is the violent civil war that has been fought for the past three years in Mexico since Calderon declared federal war on drug trafficking.
Million Man March accomplished everything.
The goal was a Million Black Men Marching On Washington.
That's exactly what they did.
They weren't asking for "Johhhbs and Wurl Peas".
They weren't asking for "Civul Wights"
They weren't begging for an extension of the "Voting Rights Act".
They weren't asking for anything from anybody.
They were there for themselves.
They did it themselves.
No Jewish organizations like the NAACP leading them by the nose.
Just the brothers.
The glorious handsome young men of the NOI pulled it off.
Black men hating on Farrakhan have other issues.
The goal was a Million Black Men Marching On Washington.
Black men hating on Farrakhan have other issues.
Don't nobody hate on the Honorable Bro. Minister. Don't nobody particularly care about the Hon. Bro. Minister anymore either. He's a distinctive eminence gris about as relevant as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Cornel West.
He holds no office.
He's not accountable to any constituency.
Brother minister don't even sell no bean pies or white fish anymore.
The NOI's illustrious orator-in-chief has enjoyed a long, inspiring, entertaining and personally enriching run as a fiery and distinctive speechifier - and - he's exceedingly well preserved for a man of his advanced years.
This is all.
First of all DV, you are running a community here. You do realize that, right? Everything is group identity politics. What do you think a family is? It's a tiny little team. And you going out to work is you getting your team a larger piece of the pie.
Secondly, it doesn't matter if someone eats pork as long as he realizes that not everyone eats pork and that the non eaters have a set of issues that need to be addressed.
One person can stop the entire US Senate. If that one person has concerns and issues that need to be addressed, the savvy Senator trades his votes on other's concerns for their votes on his.
The Senate controls the money. So if your public schools need money or your neighborhood needs healthcare, you need someone that understands. That's where the voting comes in. You need that empathetic ear and vote.
As much as you wanna think that it doesn't matter, it does. No way around it. You may choose to retreat or run away from the reality of it, but it aint going away.
What is your true political will? Not sure you have one. Everyone running around with a bucket of clean water and a concealed weapon is not politics, it's policy.
My man!
I don't buy into the idea of "the Black community" (in terms of politics and voting). While Whites reserve the right disagree with each other and align themselves on real issues (such as socioeconomics, etc.), some Blacks still call for us to align along the relatively useless characteristic of skin color.
Truth is, if the Whitest racist on the planet found a way to fix the economy and allow me to keep more of my hard-earned money, I'd enjoy the benefits just as much as the next white-red-yellow-green person.
My issues don't look like Oprah Winfrey's issues. While her skin is an even deeper brown than mine, we're miles apart in terms of socioeconomic status, social status, etc. If given the choice to vote with me based on skin color or Wall Street Banker X based on their shared socioeconomic status... guess who'd win?
There is no way to fix the economy. All the kings horses and all the kings men...,
How (not to) to Organize a Community
As the community becomes more tight-knit, it changes in atmosphere and appearance, becoming more fashionable and desirable, attracting better-educated and more prosperous residents while pricing out the undesirable element. News of these vast improvements spreads far and wide, and the community becomes a tourist mecca, complete with food festivals, swank boutiques and pricy bric-à-brac shops and restaurants.
The undesirable element is forced to decamp to a less desirable neighborhood nearby. There, it has no choice but to suffer with high levels of crime, but is typically afraid to ask the police for help, having learned from experience that the police are more likely to harass them then to help them, to arrest them for minor offenses and to round them up and deport them if they happen to be illegal immigrants. They also learn to be careful around members of local gangs and drug dealers. Since official jobs in the neighborhood are scarce, they seek informal, cash-based employment, contributing to an underground economy. Seeking safety in numbers, they self-organize along racial and ethnic lines, and, to promote their common interests, form ethnic mafias that strive to dominate one or more forms of illegal or semi-legal activity. Growing up in a dangerous, violent environment, their children become tough at a young age, and, those that survive, develop excellent situational awareness that allows them to steer clear of dangerous situations and to know when to resort to violence.
When the fossil fuel-based national economy shuts down due to the increasingly well understood local ramifications of the global phenomenon of Peak Oil, both of these communities are harmed, but to different extents and in different ways.
"He's a distinctive eminence gris about as relevant as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Cornel West."
Sharpton, Jackson and West combined couldn't get 100 black men to show up in Washington DC.
Let alone 1 Million Men.
Barack Obama can't even do that anymore.
The fact that Farrakahan can and did do that is a testament to his relevance.
Your attempt to reduce him is a turrets like impulse to hate on brothers with the slightest bit of swag.
"He holds no office." CNu
So ....?
... and?
Office? What is that?
He doesn't have a Plantation job.
He's not a peasant bureaucrat.
He's not a technocrat.
He's not a spiritless cog in a faceless institution.
He's a real person.
"He's not accountable to any constituency." CNu
Come on Bra.
Name a man more accountable to his constituency than the Honorable Louis Farrakhan.
The Nation of Islam is the only black institution in America that aint totally punked the fuck out.
No Bishop Eddie Long shit in the temples.
No obese 15 year old boys with tits in the FOI.
The Nation is the ONLY organization black people have in America that is not completely coopted by the Plantation.
The R! said...
"First of all DV, you are running a community here."
I hear you R.
I think you are right about that.
There is something of a community here.
Now, let me ask you ... which ONE of us should be elected to be "THE VOICE" of this community?
Who can speak for us ALL?
Who can go out and get for us what we ALL want?
No one.
Anyone who claims to speak for us or claims to be able to get what we "all need" is by definition a fraud.
"The Senate controls the money." The R!
No my friend.
The Senate does not control the money.
The money is controlled by the Federal Reserve.
Our "votes" have NO CONTROL over the Federal Reserve.
Again ... voting is a pacifier. It makes people think they have some say over their own money when they actually do not.
The Federal Reserve is no more federal than is Federal Express. It is a private bank which has taken trillions from the American people.
"So if your public schools need money or your neighborhood needs healthcare, you need someone that understands." The R!
What is giving more money to the Public Schools going to do?
If we DOUBLED the money to public schools would young people become better readers, writers and thinkers?
We already spend more money on education than the rest of the world combined.
Yet our people are less and less well educated every year.
The government has NO INTENTION of educating the peasant class.
It needs them dumb and dependent.
Voting gives them a mandate to continue the farce.
Healthcare is a myth.
A fiction.
The government WILL NEVER be able to provide Health to its constituents.
A vote for "Healthcare" is a vote for a glorified Insurance scheme that takes your tax dollars and pays it directly to the insurance companies who pay it directly to the drug companies and silly doctors who prescribe that poison.
They tax you ... wait for you to get sick ... offer you "healthcare" and help you pay for your "medication" with the money they took from you in advance.
Drug Dealers Dream.
After the Titanic hit the iceberg ... voting for a new captain and ships officers would have been insane.
Voting for elected officials of this government today is just as insane.
The country is bankrupt.
14 Trillion.
The dollar is collapsing.
"Voting" perpetuates the fraud.
The Nation is the ONLY organization black people have in America that is not completely coopted by the Plantation.
Then go join it jiggaboo.
Let us know what corner we can catch you on in your double-vented Brioni, Paul Smiths, bowtie and stack of Final Calls.
Join the Nation?
If I did that CNu, who would be left to lead fat diseased Walmart eating peasants like you to the Promised Land?
The Nation doesn't even talk to Negros who still eat pork.
Just sayin' ...
'fat diseased Walmart eating peasants like you'
You go too far Denmark Vesey. Maybe this man doesn't understand what diet does to our minds but speaking to him like this does not help him. You are far too harsh. Just a gentle reminder for you to use your talents to help not to hurt.
You go too far Denmark Vesey.
Fret not anonymous.
I take pleasure in puncturing the brittle facade of this gasbag.
The "Blackest Man on the Internet" is a consistent (though mostly unintended) reminder of the long term effects of feminine high-maintenance and arrested psychological development.
The "Blackest Man on the Internet" is a consistent (though mostly unintended) reminder of the long term effects of feminine high-maintenance and arrested psychological development.
lol ... yeah Negro but you got tits.
What's more feminine than that?
I'm just trying to steer you to a healthy diet of natural food that will reduce the quantity of estrogen in your genetically modified body.
Instead of taking the good advice and running with it ... you create little pseudo intellectual polysyllabic rationalizations for your weak minded tendency to hate your betters.
I am helping this brother.
He feels me.
I doubt he still feeds his children processed pasteurized cow's milk.
That is the first step to preventing diabetes.
He won't admit it or give me props because of his little fragile ego.
(people who eat pork tend to be insecure)
I sleep like a baby at night knowing I'm able to help even the most recalcitrant Plantation Negros.
I'm embarrassed to send long posts, but it's only conversation. Read it if you want to wear your eyeballs out.
These aren't conclusions reached alone by my own experiences but cats been in it longer, including the Denmark/Cnu convo.
People investing in the vote are not encouraged by the federal government. If Prop 19 had passed, Attorney General Holder would not have recognized the majority vote to legalize marijuana. Those in power have a conditional love or recognition for “majority rules.”
Defining the “black community” in terms of being self-sustaining, having inexhaustible loyalty, dedication and support as well as accessibility to local common people, I believe is best exemplified by the institution of the church. I DON’T believe they have any direction or substantial solutions for the preservation of the “black community” and it’s generations. They are fickle when it comes to generational challenges. Crumbling under the pressure of media, concerned about popularity poles with the very groups that weren’t interested in their wellbeing to begin with. Whenever the media launched a belligerent campaign against the black youth they seem to join the lynch mob. Sort of like a parent taking the side of school administration against their own child. It’s no wonder the following generations search for a “younger version” of Christianity or abandoned the religion all together.
The Nation has sustained the tradition of loyal supporters. Naturally since their members share the same indigenous histories. However I think their creed makes it difficult for most black folk to assimilate into. That was over looked at a time because you could see them as the “black church” but only with a voice that charges black self-esteem while providing the concept of building an institution taking full responsibility for their own cosmologies and definitions of how to reassess the world.
The change of atmosphere I believe has made a lot of the doctrine the Nation offer to appear outdated or unsubstantial. Because not only because of race but the challenges of western science. Today’s generation won’t be taken back by a War of the Worlds broadcast in the same manner the original broadcast had received.
Sunni Islam has centuries of successful civilization that is even responsible for an existing western civilization. The Nation revived those concepts amongst black people. A concept that had become viral throughout the so-called African continent because it gain a reputation for standing on the side of the oppressed, establishing justice and an unflinching check of abusive rulers. That was the platform of the Nation extending into the movements of Warith Deen and black sunni Americans all owing their origins to the African Muslim slaves but the latter two owing their beginnings to the Nation.
Warith Deen’s community didn’t have as much as a cultural impact within the neighborhoods as the Nation and the black sunnis such as the Dar-Salaam Movement. They created a comfortable atmosphere for immigrants to bring their traditional clothing out of the storage trunks. However having ties with both the Nation and Sunni groups, Warith Deen seemed to function as a liaison between the two. Unlike the Nation and the black church the sunni groups dealt with a lot of identity issues. Going through a period of abandoning their indigenous heritage for immigrant influences. This created a devastating impact on their relations with the black communities throughout the late 70’s and early 80’s.
They spent so much time trying to prove their differences between true Islam and the Nation, concerns for the rehabilitation of a spiritual and moral code became secondary. A self-sustaining movement was still in effected but devoured itself by approaching solutions of the landscape through the eyes of immigrant Arabs and Southeast Asians. That had devastating impact on their success. Now there is a confederacy taking place between the Nation and Sunnis. Not in belief but as a need for the two to combine efforts that was initially obstructed by the hard core stance in creeds and Malcolm’s death.
If the black church can stick to a theology and confederate with indigenous American Muslims for an understanding of the preservation of a unique cultural identity, then they will move away from the ineffectiveness of the popular system of existence.
People think of their existence being contingent on western classification of modern advancement. How can voting for better resources for schools beat out black people building less churches and facilities for home schools. If they will do that but still poison them with the same concepts public school provide then what’s the purpose. They look for the “black face in the right place.” In terms of ethics the black Muslim communities are becoming the larger segment of black people pulling their children out of public education in attempts of damage control with the minds and spirits of their youth. However because of the many outside influences and interpretations obscuring cohesive communities on the scale of the black church they become lone crusaders without institutional support.
So the potential and alternatives for being a self-powered peoples is obtainable. The real CoIntelPro is in ourselves.
“Truly, God does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves.” (Quran 13:11)
Even if one doesn’t believe in God still the initiative has to be there first. Voting is not an attempt to fix a situation YOURSELF. It is asking for someone to do it for you. And if they don’t do it for you, you sit and wait to vote for another to do it.
You can’t convinced people that there situation will change with a vote. They feel good when they are there amongst other people in high spirits but when it fails they are still eating 40 cent noodles and looking for a job. The majority of people have to see something immediate. Cats on the corner patrolling to deter crime, neighborhood food programs, employing youth for neighborhood activities. Don’t tell them they owe their neighborhood, give them employment before they are even old enough to work that is directly involves them in rehabilitating their neighborhood. So the adults do the community service for free and the youth are paid for it. These are very human actions that begin to create investments for a supported youth while you work to change your conditions. You have to feed people. That is the quickest way to the hearts. In feeding them hold workshops on proper eating habits. Preparation of food. The right foods. At least they can begin to associate the liquor stores and fast food spots with their own destruction.
That is what all these Negroes that come together to make their institutions rich every Sunday. If anybody should be voted out of office it’s the Negro in the pulpit that is a broken record player every Sunday. Pressure him not the politician. The politician got his pressures from the cotton or logger industry giving kick backs to insure marijuana remains illegal. But that pastor is right there in knuckle reach.
Col. Prouty said, “Nothing just happens, everything is planned.” Voting is contingent on that your representatives aren’t going to take a payoff, that the majority of people aren’t influenced by a media monster scaring you into supporting war over your neighbor. We look at youth with their pants sagging while annually dressing children to look like zombies and Harry Potter. But that doesn’t have to be us. We can create group fasts. Group turn the tv off for a week. Comes off extreme for humans riding the media trolley to King Friday’s castle every day.
Most all of what you said is truth GCV, particularly wrt negroes in the pulpit.
I have only two concerns to note to your attention;
1. The quality of exposition you shared down here in the bowels of larouche noir is sadly and utterly wasted. You know jiggaboo jones and chickenhead crew can't hold up their end of this calibre of discourse.
2. The elite establishment has its crosshairs firmly trained on al-islam, for reasons rooted in its measured potential coherence, and, because of the unfortunate location of irreplaceable natural material resources under muslim occupied soil.
American Black folk need to figure out and construct an independent 3rd way free of negroes in the pulpit and desert semites in the crosshairs whose culture has been targeted for global destruction.
Oh, and that 3rd way needs to be an evolutionary leap beyond the early 19th century hokum of the NOI, the Moorish Science temple, or the many and sundry kneegrow greek letter organizations, all of which have shown themselves essentially useless as the basis for proper organization and implementation of a plan for generalized uplift.
Brother DV - I have to disagree with you on your original post. (I did not read the KCNulan rantings so I am not speaking to anything that transpired in the responses).
My Observations:
1) ASIDE from issues of PRIDE - there are no substantive differences in the POLICIES that are promoted by WHITE PROGRESSIVES and Black Progressives. Thus I don't accept the notion that an "All Black" legislative body is a mandate before we can expect better results.
2) I can take you on a world tour of cities that ALREADY have a "Mission Accomplished" sign hanging on their City Council / County Board chambers. When we go to the streets of these same places there is often no detectible benefit seen WITHIN THE PEOPLE from this "favorable array" in the legislature
3) From my vantage point in Metro-Atlanta the local MUCKRACKING television news or newspaper journalist does a more effective job in getting these "Favorable Elected Officials" to DELIVER for the Black people that voted them into office than does the local chapter of the NAACP, SCLC or Rainbow/PUSH.
The MUCKRACKING REPORTER is the new "Black Community Activist"!!!!
The other forces are too sold out to their permanent friends who are in office.
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