Damn, DV. I ride wit' you on a lotta things, my dude, but putting Rick Ross and Weezy on the level of Huey P. and Fred???
I might say Pac, or Kanye followed in their footsteps a little bit, but even they've got some biiggg shoes to step in. Nah, mayne, I don't see it.
Denmark Veseysaid ...
The Doc! I feel you man.But you know my shit is cutting edge and a little difficult to grasp the first time one encounters it.
You are one of the fastest cats on the team, but I can see how this is a bit hard to swallow ... at first.
Let me see if I can speed up the appreciation process:
The Huey P. Newton / Fred Hampton political archetype was engraved in our minds as the epitome of black political experience. They have become icons of urban black resistance.
In the Post Civil-Rights era that particular ... meme ... served as the militant memetic alternative for brothers who couldn't completely endorse the sappy Plantation Negro fairytale marketed as "The Civil Rights Movement".
The IDEA of Huey and Fred was for the brothers who preferred Malcolm to Martin but weren't ready for the Muslim stuff.
Other than that.
They were rappers without beats.
Hip Hop without money.What's that you say?Wayne talks about guns? Huey and Fred talked about guns.What's that?Weezy, Rick, Jay and all those other rappers talk about money? The panthers talked about money. Lunch program? Cash Money gives out turkeys every Thanksgiving.It's been fashionable for a decade now to appreciate the political potential of Tupac Shakur. Tupac mixed a little Panther rhetoric with a dab of urban anarchy and called it Thug Life.But cats weren't talking about Tupac's kinetic political potential back in the day, when he shot those two cops in the ass in Atlanta. Or after he was sent to jail on fake rape charges. (DV was)How many black people .... actually read anything Huey wrote? How many ever heard anything he said? If Fred Hampton was sitting at their breakfast table this morning ... 98% of black people wouldn't have any idea who the cat was.Huey P. Newton has 400,000 views on YouTube.Lil Wayne was viewed on YouTube 81,000,000 times... in just 1 video. He's got over 1 million videos online. The political power of Lil Wayne's memetic reach right now rivals that of Barck Obama. The Arabs have oil. Black people have Hip Hop. Hustle Hard.-
Did Rick like Rick when he was a CO? Or when he denied that he was a CO? I mean, shit, you can say a job is a job, but then why you so damn ashamed you deny it was you??
One thing is for certain, these ignorant Negroes will never have to worry about being assassinated by the State.
What are the odds that Wayne can serve three years w/o doing something stupid and violating his probation? How long did TI make it?
Only a hypocrite like DV would post a picture of the overblown, saggy-boobs, William Leonard Roberts--a poster boy for diabetes, w/o criticizing his diet, as he has done others with a similar physique.
[quote]The Huey P. Newton / Fred Hampton political archetype was engraved in our minds as the epitome of black political experience. They have become icons of urban black resistance.[/quote]
Brother DV - I am forced to AGREE WITH YOU on your comparison but then YANK AWAY your glory as I discount the viability of "Urban Black Resistance" as a movement.
You see DV - we now live in a condition in which FAVORABLE PEOPLE now control all of the key civic institutions from which our people receive our key civic services (education, public safety, economic development & planning).
It is rational, for example for brothers to be "Urban Resistance Soldiers" in a city like Detroit or Atlanta where the Black Progressive Overlay Machine ALREADY controls most of the power?
Where is the ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT flowing from EITHER the "Resistance" or the ESTABLISHMENT?
That which made us proud as they put on their black leather glove and hoisted it in the air against "Whitey" in the 60's does not map to the key challenges that we face as a community to-damned-day, DV.
In that sense neither Newton, Hampton, Carter or Roberts represent a level of community CONSCIOUSNESS that is going to allow us to leverage the present potential that is present within our community to the full advantage.
Just because the Panthers couldn't build lasting institutions doesn't mean these clowns are the solutions.
It's easy to be get attention if you're not trying to fix anything.
I love hip hop. I love the celebration of masculinity they represent. In an era where middle aged single black women and gay black men dominate mainstream black pop culture, we need them.
But they suck. They suck at what they are trying to achieve, let alone actually elevating themselves or black people.
Yes, 5 or 10 hardcore rappers make a lot of money(they rest of them will barely make a living). Almost all of them will die broke. Their children won't get shit. That's epic fail #1.
Yeah, i'll give you that. They can reach the people in a way that Huey & Co. never dreamed of. (Or never had at their disposal, either or.) And didn't Huey repeatedly turn down offers from Hollywood for acting roles or having his story dramatized. (On the one hand, I understand his reluctance to join "the machine", but on the other that sort of widespread exposure can do wonders for just causes.)
But I just don't feel like Wayne and Ross are using their voices in a way that promotes political awareness, or even encourages black youth to seize the potential at their fingertips for real change. Yes, it does teach them to "Hustle hard", but more oft than not, at the same unproductively Wolfish traps that have held black people down for decades. And no, i'm not advocating preachy rap, I know that that doesn't work either most times. What I do support is those who have these voices using them to offer practical knowledge that's just as applicable to the brother on wall street as it is the young cat shooting dice on the corner.
Ya'll Civil Rights Negros never understood how to use media. Or art.--DV
My dad used to say, no one knows you’re dumb until you open your mouth.. Given the fact that there were only 25-30 Black-owned radio stations; Muhammad Speaks, The Afro-American, and several local Black weekly newspapers, and no satellite, cable tv, or internet, it was the capability of the civil rights leadership to manipulate the MSM that played a key role in killing Jim Crow.
The few radio stations that Afrikan Americans did own did their job:
[In 1970, a two-person news operation at James Brown's Augusta radio station played a central role in bringing the city into the post-Jim Crow era. Under the slogan/logo "Truth and Soul," WRDW-AM News provided crucial coverage of the movement to integrate the downtown retail workforce, a campaign that led to general transformations in local race relations.]
Instead of “they say you're nobody til somebody kills you but where I’m from you're nobody til you kill somebody” and “cocaine running through my big vein” check out Black August.
[Black August is a study in the power and potential of hip-hop. MXGM uses hip-hop in a pure way, to bring attention and support to an issue that definitely won’t get much light from mainstream media. Hampton explores the way that the much maligned genre touched audiences worldwide in a positive way by showcasing the restorative and redemptive powers of hip-hop as an educational tool.]
I love you some times. Some times I don't understand where you are coming from.
I scrolled down, ready to call you out on your statement:
[quote]They have become icons of urban black resistance. [/quote]
But then I noticed that I HAD THE SAME DAMNED RESPONSE AGAINST YOUR CLAIM back in 2010.
Brother DV - WHO are the "Urban Resistance" RESISTING To-Damned-Day?
While your boy Weezy says "F#&# The Police" - REAL BLACK WOMEN are CALLING THE POLICE to seek protection from a Ninja with his pants hanging down and who is threatening her - his "I Don't Give A What" attitude influenced by Weezy and Ross!!
[quote]Cash Money gives out turkeys every Thanksgiving[/quote
DV!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP MAN!!!!
Why do you look at the Robin Hood that HANDS OUT TURKEYS from the back of their Maybachs - rather than CASTING AN EYE upon the NEGROES IN LINE and express INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY?
IF they are IN LINE FOR TURKEYS on DRY LAND in the Big Easy.............WOULD THEY fare any better in 2013 as the flood waters come than they did in 2005???
Come on bro!!! WHAT do you have your philosophy attached to?
The feds, CoIntelPro have not learned anything from Weezy or RO$$.
They learned from Malcolm, Ali, Elijah, Garvey, Huey, Fred, Rap, King, Jim Brown, Robert Williams. The overlords listened attentively. That's why the game has switched dramatically.
They turned around and listened to Cube, Chuck, Rakim, Boogie Down, Body Count. Lil' Wayne is safe rap dipped in street cred. He never had to go on Night Line, like Chuck, and explain to Ted Koppel and white America why his music is so "scary."
The overlords don't fear this: http://hungry4morela.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/lil_wayne_skateboard_accident.jpeg
They fear this: http://www.silverdisc.com/images/04/089353301026.jpg
In the 60's the overlords couldn't beat the viral influence of the Panthers, that didn't have today's social media, so they responded to these street thugs with episodes of Adam-12 & Dragnet to clean up the image of the police. That's influence.
The trick is to have you believe Lil' Wayne is black resistance the way they had black people believe Super Fly or Shaft was "black resistance."
What the overlords did to resistance in hip-hop music is the same trick they used on the march on Washington or voting for a Negro president. To march on Washington singing we shall overcome was staged resistance. Weezy is staged resistance.
If Weezy is mentioned in a room full of white folks, you don't get that uncomfortable silence as if you walked in with Nat Turner on your shirt. Weezy conjures the image of those old silver screen films with the African witch doctor in a grass skirt, tux coat and top hat.
[quote]The trick is to have you believe Lil' Wayne is black resistance the way they had black people believe Super Fly or Shaft was "black resistance."[/quote]
Applause, Applause, Applause!!!
If He Can Convince An "Officer Of The Law" to compromise herself BECAUSE she is a woman, what do you figure he'll do to "Ninjas Who Don't Have A Booty But With An Official Position That Doesn't Pay Much"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F06oJhdWrno
a civil plaintiff being deposed by defendant's attorney and having an attitude is sposed to represent REAL RESISTANCE?!?!?!?!
good thing your cornball-ass kept that isht "anonymous" - anybody so pissant peasant-assed that they're impressed with this petty, trifling and lame performance should be ashamed of himself.
It's shameful how rap artists have devolved. This is only 6+ minutes to bare of how it's suppose to be done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABy9BUV2ei8
The difference between the two is that one conducts himself as if he has an expensive lawyer on his side whereas the latter conducts himself as if all he has is his upbringing and wits. The latter is a 6 min. orientation with practical strategies for cats to learn from. The video you have submitted is nothing more than a lil' knuckle head cutt'n up in the principles office. They are manipulating your understanding of resistance and we think we're saying something.
This is not my work but this image is what helped make the connections clear.
Hypersexualize Bobby Seale and dilute his objective. See they talk about the Occupy Movement being without an "objective." They just want to pin down that objective in order to subvert it.
Follow me Anon.
Resistance is Ice Cube drawing parallels the between the spirit of gangster rap and what General Schwarzkopf did during the Gulf War. How many rap artists are sharp enough to get Negroes fast forward their thought process. This lil goblin Weezy can't even manage to draw parallels between rap and poetry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG2S9EUE0gA
Anon, think...you have seen people protest the police...but have you ever witnessed the police protest people? Ice-T's (Body Count's) Cop Killer song caused the police to protest and boycott Time-Warner. Anon, when a mofo got the police reusing confiscated picket signs you know niggas took the concept of resistance to some place between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. President George Bush had to address the resistance of Ice-T's rap; President Bill Clinton had to address the resistance of Sistah Souljah's rap; Dan Qualye had to address the resistance of Tupac's rap. The last popular figure I've seen offended by today's rap artists was this one: http://rgcred.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/elton-john-piano.jpg
It's imperative that you believe Weezy, Fiddy and'em are symbols of resistance so the only people you really scare are piano players covered in pixie dust.
It has nothing to do with resistance cornball. The entire ritual was a waste of his mothafuckin time and he let the man know thereby reducing him to the geeky white boy he actually is behind his degrees and ostensible pedigree. Shit that most folk (black, white, or otherwise) are intimidated by. We don't have to project anything else onto this save a man whose time is valuable making music that garners 81 million hits doesn't take kindly to anyone, fuck their title, impinging on his time. The only thing lame here is your inability to appreciate the intellect because you probably identify with Mr. Pete Ross, Esquire; you've sworn to defend the "barbarians from entering the gates." But please, do tell, provide an example of real resistance where YOU are the protagonist... Lol @cornball ass comment. Nigga please...
"The trick is to have you believe Lil' Wayne is black resistance the way they had black people believe Super Fly or Shaft was "black resistance." GC
Beautiful G. Beautiful.
See whachu Sayin'.
The genius of Lil Wayne.
The genius of Rick Ross.
The genius of the hustler ethos.
Transcends the trap of the "Resistance" ethos which died with Huey P. / Chuck D. / KRS Hip Hop archetype.
"Resistance" is by definition a vic move.
Resist what?
To self identify as the "Resistance" requires one to assume a position of weakness squared off against a stronger opponent.
When one is tricked into assuming the role of "resistor" he loses before the battle begins.
It's akin to teaching Negros to think of themselves as "minorities".
you know?
Think about that example of mass mind control.
... ...
The MAJORITY of the people ... conditioned ... to think of themselves as "the" MINORITY.
Lost before they even began.
Anyway ...
Back to the genius of 3rd wave 'Get Money Fuck Bitches' Hip Hop.
Lil Wayne, Big, Jay, Ross, Yeezy ... are smart enough not to self identify as the powerless and the threatened ... they've learned to identify as the powerful and the threat.
Just as Obama talks about "hunting down enemies" ... "Rick Ross paints pictures of hunting down enemies and benefiting from the spoils of war.
Just as Wall Street flexes its memetic muscle with billion and trillion dollar memes of excess ... Kanye and Jeezy spin tales of Mossberg blasts and stacks of unlimited cash.
Black people have more than enough resources at their disposal right now to ACHIEVE anything they wanted.
But they won't.
Because they don't believe they can.
They don't know how to self-actualize.
Jay-Z models for Negros the art of SELF ACTUALIZATION.
Jay-Z talks about "I".
Plantation Negros talk about "Us".
"Us" never actualizes.
"If Weezy is mentioned in a room full of white folks, you don't get that uncomfortable silence" GC
That's right Gee.
The name Lil Wayne does not evoke a room full of lames to get uncomfortable and tame.
He doesn't make white people uncomfortable.
He makes them groupies.
They pay him homage.
They can lip synch the first 2 verses of "Lil Duffle Bag Boy".
Their children know more about Holygrove than they do Soho.
He makes them feel like the minority.
He makes them feel the way Bill Clinton makes Plantation Negros feel.
Weezy understands it's not about race.
It's about commerce.
Yes my friend.
That's the Lil Wayne Biggie Smalls Rick Ross contribution to the Black Liberation movement.
Fuck Bitches ... Get Money.
Do commerce.
Fuck bitches. Get Money.
That meme ... the anecdote ... the mantra ... the rallying cry to finally defeat "White Supremacy":
Fuck bitches. Get Money.
All that other nonsense ...
"droppin' knowledge"
all that X Clan "to the East My Brother to the East"
all that uncreative, unimaginative, retrograde "positive" (for the sake of being positive) anti-art rap bullshit ...
I respectfully disagree with your analysis. Bobby Seale is now pushing bobby-q hot sauce. Google it. That's a fact.
I'm not impressed by the ability to have anyone, let alone President Bush, Clinton, or anyone else "acknowledge" your words... Material conditions did not change as a result. 5-0 is still fuckin niggas up, harassing young black teens for the fuck of it. Clinton's acknowledgement isn't going to change that. Clinton's power is as imaginary as the next man's. Its one of the dynamics I disliked about so-called radical movements/communities. There was always joyous celebration when a person, community or an institution they despised acknowledged them. That reeked of some freudian shit to me. The only power I respect is the Most High. Everyone else is just that.
I don't believe "Weezy, Fiddy and 'em" are anything but what they express themselves as. I provide my own iconic symbolism. I don't "need" anyone else to nourish me in that way. That being said, I can appreciate it when I see it. All the world's a stage. Some people are aware enough to write their own script. Most just follow whatever is handed to them. Think of how many people willingly submit to this ridiculous line of questioning "thinking" the very things Wayne says. That's the difference between folk who profess confidence and those who perform it.
The entire ritual was a waste of his mothafuckin time and he let the man know thereby reducing him to the geeky white boy he actually is behind his degrees and ostensible pedigree. Shit that most folk (black, white, or otherwise) are intimidated by. We don't have to project anything else onto this save a man whose time is valuable making music that garners 81 million hits doesn't take kindly to anyone, fuck their title, impinging on his time.
ignant jiggaboo,
weezy IS THE ONE suing Quincy Jones!!!
With his ignant, humanzee fucking antics, the only person whose time he's wasting is his own. Not only that, but his cartoonish behavior wasting the court's time could wind up with him losing yet another big block of his own time in jail.
clearly your monkey-azz doesn't even know what fucking time it is - mebbe you need a little faggoty pink watch like weezy wearing to help you figure out what time it is too?
You sound real emotional bro. I'm going to step away because I don't deal with men acting all emotional. You are intelligent enough to know Wayne did not call a deposition on himself. Its a common bullshit technique by lawyers to use your words against you by asking you asinine questions and trying to force you to be in your head wondering if you are incriminating yourself in any way. In other words, its a circus. Lil wayne understood that and flipped the script. He's also sending a message back to the dude who he is suing that he's coming after that ass. At the very least, the shit is entertaining as hell. The question is why are you so up in arms?
...Faggoty pink watch. Smh. My dude, whatever space you in just know you chose it.
If, by the inclusion of a few exclamation points and text formatting, you permit your automatically functioning imagination to simulate real emotional content, THAT would explain why you confuse weezy's humanzee antics with real resistance rather than simple, self-defeating niggerishness.
Lil Wayne, Big, Jay, Ross, Yeezy ... are smart enough not to self identify as the powerless and the threatened ... they've learned to identify as the powerful and the threat.
Who exactly are these entertainers threatening?
Just as Obama talks about "hunting down enemies" ... "Rick Ross paints pictures of hunting down enemies and benefiting from the spoils of war.
Rick Ross "hunt down" any white boys in his videos, or are his imaginary predations (like the Hon.Bro.Preznit's REAL predations) focused exclusively on niggas?
Black people have more than enough resources at their disposal right now to ACHIEVE anything they wanted.
niggas couldn't drill an oil well, manufacture a smart phone, or extract a rare-earth mineral if their very continued existence depended on it.
But they won't.
Because they don't believe they can.
They don't know how to self-actualize.
They won't because sports and entertainment are the only large scale vehicles of individual (not collective) self-actualization permitted to them.
The nigga-rich can't even organize themselves to establish institutional investment funds or banks and participate in the global financial markets.
Weezy understands it's not about race.
It's about commerce.
Yes my friend.
That's the Lil Wayne Biggie Smalls Rick Ross contribution to the Black Liberation movement.
Fuck Bitches ... Get Money.
The only counterinsurgency more devastating to the black american body politic than Madison Ave's engineered subversion of black cultural production, is the Ford Foundation's careful and multigenerational subversion of black academia into politically correct and racism-chasing afrodemia. Channel the best-trained, best educated verbalizers into race studies programs and let them wage a darwinian struggle amongst themselves to see who gets to feed off the crumbs of massa's 24/7/365 cable talking-head table and become a counter-insurgent pundit for the big bucks.
At no point in our American sojourn have negroes ever been as tuned-out, turned-out and sold-out as they are at this very moment.
DV, our primal instincts tell us to get the birds and the bees while charg'n niggas fees.
Tell'n cats to get sexed while stack'n annuit coeptis is like telling cats they need to sleep and eat food.
Prince been talking and doing the first half of that mantra. We already know Ben Bernanke making money, literally.
But as the Last Poets put it:
"Niggers don't realize while they doin' all this fucking They're getting fucked around And when they do realize it's too late So niggers just get fucked up"
Niggers talk about fucking Fuckin' that, fuckin' this, fuckin' yours, fuckin' my sis Not knowing what they're fucking for They ain't fucking for love and appreciation Just fucking to be fucking. Niggers fuck white thighs, black thighs, yellow thighs, brown thighs Niggers fuck ankles when they run out of thighs Niggers fuck Sally, Linda, and Sue And if you don't watch out Niggers will fuck you! Niggers would fuck 'Fuck' if it could be fucked"
Feel the Last Poets or not this is in 1970. So they talking about niggas that held to that mantra then. It's not like these new school mc's just created this conversation.
But why specifically Lil' Wayne, 50, R0$$ and'em? I mean they celebrating dudes other than other than themselves. They don't even reference each other, they reference John Gotti, Bill Gates, Trump or even fictitious cats like Tony Montana. They don't believe in their own selves being archetypes. Their fan base naturally takes lesson and wish to be the heroes upheld by these lyricists.
Professah, I'm aware that Bobby Seale has a BBQ sauce. If Malcolm was alive with a clothing line called "By Any Jeans Necessary," I would still fail to see how their philosophy is disturbed by their business.
As for being recognized, Huey made it clear that he was uninterested in the attention given by the media or the powers. He was clear with Bobby that he exploited being in front of a camera so that black folks see what a real thug is.
I heard criticism from white socialists, feminists and others, but show me a 17, 18, 19 or 20 year old today that can mobilize and excite the masses from California to China. To do that without Clear Channel packaging and distributing some jig hambone image is phenomenal. Academics can't pick up on the depth of their ability to get things done.
My brudda DV, passing out turkeys? They doing what they saw on some Denzel Washington movie. The Panthers had a free breakfast program, health clinics, nutrition classes...Chuck D came up in those joints, Afrika Bambatta came up in those joints.
I understand your position of what resistance is. Hip-Hop wouldn't even exist if the founders cared about opinions from outside forces. They didn't wait on Stax records or Barry Gordy. They just did it. Hip-Hop by the nature of it's existence is rebel, doesn't care who values it. That's why what Lil Wayne offers is of no significance.
DV, X-Clan, Chuck, KRS was telling me and millions of youth from other communities that the education system was broke before John Taylor Gatto start dropping bombs on the mic.
KRS told youth about processed meat before Michael Pollan put out a book or before the beef industry (Big Pharma in disguise) took Oprah to Austin.
Ice Cube told me about America's imperialism before Naomi Wolf or "Pulitzer Prize winning" Chris Hedges published any book.
Yeah its all talk and all that talk reached me and many others before anyone else's talk did. What makes it anti-art rap bullshit when the info is converted into rhymes?
To do that without Clear Channel packaging and distributing some jig hambone image is phenomenal. To do that without Clear Channel packaging and distributing some jig hambone image is phenomenal. To do that without Clear Channel packaging and distributing some jig hambone image is phenomenal.
the hustle-hard jig-hambone minstrel collective is EXCLUSIVELY a product of Madison Ave. packaging and Clear Channel distributing...,
absent this other man infrastructure, these apex memetic "predators" couldn't or wouldn't rise to the level of south-side Chicago community organizer.
Professah, tomorrow Wayne & R0$$ could start talking like Fiddy how they support Bush and I could care less. The convo is simply about these archetypes being more politically significant then Huey or Newton. I don't think anyone is having a problem with hip-hop artists, it's a debate about the assertion. That's all.
Personally I don't like Wayne as a person nor an artist. I love Primo as an artist but dislike him as a person. I'm not a Bun B fan but I like him as a person. I like Chuck D as an artist and as a person; Charlie Ahearn as a person and as an artist; Crazy Legs as an artist and a person. All of them are hip-hop artists. None of them are the embodiment of hip-hop. So don't get mix it up b/c Wayne is not everybody's top choice.
Myself, I think it's all good Lil' Wayne doesn't care about that session. But Anon was attempting to bring clarity to Dv's position that NWA already made popular over 2 decades ago. That niggaz got attitudes and don't care. OK...that comes from where? It comes from a legacy of being criminalized and thrown in jail for challenging authority. And? What's the ground breaking revelation that Wayne and R0$$ offer? Hip-Hop, not just rap artists, has always been about bravado, attitude, resistance, manhood, aggression, floss'n, sex, politics, battling, money, getting over, crime etc. Punk Rock has exalted some of the very same subject matter before hip-hop's inception.
If it was said about NWA's political significance or PE's political significance I get it. If we say Wayne & R0$$ make more money than any other rappers have ever made or got more youtube hits, I get it. I'm sure Lady Gaga got more hits than Billie Holiday, Donna Summer, and every female artist that's ever been at Motown rolled up in one. But if the issue is that Lady Gaga will hold more significance than Cathleen Cleaver or Assata Shakur then like others, I'm curious how the bases of that assertion is derived.
(Ed u ma cated Negros don't get it. Get embarrassed because they like to think of themselves as more intelligent than unschooled street niggers. So they feign scorn to mask their ignorance.)
In reality Lil Wayne is a much better writer than Langston Hughes.
Been telling cats that for nearly a decade.
Peep the archives.
It's true.
Rick Ross?
A master.
Boy can write his ass off.
But like most great artists.
The won't be appreciated by their petit bourgeois contemporaries.
Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people. Khalil Gibran
"I mean they celebrating dudes other than other than themselves. They don't even reference each other, they reference John Gotti, Bill Gates, Trump or even fictitious cats like Tony Montana." CG
Naahhhh G.
You missing that one bruh.
"John Gotti" is not a dude.
"John Gotti" is a symbol.
"Trump" is not a man.
"Trump" is a device.
These dudes are artists.
Using symbols to paint complex pictures that stimulates their audiences in ways their audiences want to be stimulated and to move them where they want to take them.
('Fuck you. Pay me.")
These cats are memetic alchemists.
Everyone else are simply negro politicians and irrelevant bureaucrats going through the motions.
That's the reason every kid, black or white, in America responds to Jay-Z and none of them can remember the name of that Black governor from Massachusetts.
SeeNew once posted that many disrespect Hip Hop the same many from the Boulle rejected Jazz a few generations earlier.
IMOHO - Hip Hop doesn't tell kids to become rappers, Hip Hop tells kids to get theirs without being concerned with being accepted by the powers that be. I'm no fan of Weezy nor Rick Ross (From experience I try to stay away from that life as much as possible and they have nothing to say to me to convince me otherwise) but I have to give them their due in that they were able to take advantage of a system which was created to destroy and/or exploit them.
I listen to this garbage as a father, and like UBJ, I stay strictly away from it and strongly discourage my son from listening to and repeating any of it. (that lil'zigga LOVES him some Maybach music and spits that shit line and verse)
To me, this is nothing more than trash pretending at art and a popular cultural template for somebodies left for dead and a predictable and regrettable future pile of casualties, as well.
I can't identify a dayyum thing worthwhile coming from this cultural "production".
Bottomline DeeVee, I'd wager that this is "art" that is not encouraged in your household for consumption by your own children.
So it always leaves me scratching my head that you ardently promote this shit to others online.
I have to give them their due in that they were able to take advantage of a system which was created to destroy and/or exploit them.
I don't give them that due. I instead believe that they've been especially advantaged BY a system which was created to destroy un ed u macated peasants in general and un ed umacated negroe peasants in particular.
The "artists" that DeeVee extols are the winners in an engineered darwinian derby for most toxic minstrel to poison the masses with...,
Poetry Bruddah DV? Here's an authentic "Exhibit A" Anonymous.
Jay Electronica: "I spit that Wonderama shit, me and my conglomerates Shall remain anonymous, caught up in the finest shit Get that type of media coverage Obama get, spit that Kurt Vonnegut That blow your brain Kurt Cobain, that Nirvana shit"
GCV: Weezy don't even think he's doing poetry. Poetry is when you can lace rap with Hip-Hop culture and shoot it over the heads of cats that think they understand the term.
Jay Elect: "Who gon' bring the game back? Who gon' spit that Ramo on the train tracks"
GCV: Spit: anonymous graffiti artist in the movie Beat Street Ramo: Beat Street graffiti artist that chased Spit and ended up dying on the train track Track: song]
Jay Elect: "That gold rope, that five-finger ring rap Runnin' with my same pack You can find the Christ where the lepers and the lames at Life is like a dice game One roll could land you in jail or cutting cake, blowing kisses in the rice rain
GCV: Poetry is when dudes can educate the lost unfound without them realizing.
Jay Elect: "Nice whip, nice chain, a closet of skulls The stench is like slave blood at Providence Hall, yeah They built my city on top of a grave Nigga die, nigga get high and watch the parade Back in the early '90s "Where they at, where they at? Get the gat, get the gat" was a popular phrase Bally Animals and Rugbys was a popular craze This the vivid memoirs of a obnoxious slave I pave ways like Nat and Harriet I blast on Judas Iscariot and peel off in the chariot I'm sitting pretty, spitting flames, gripping grains Ain't a damn thing changed"
They say "Candyman, Candyman, spit me a dream Blow a chunk of the levee out and spit me a stream Knock a man's house down and build a casin- A $2000 government check from FEM- I swam down shit's creek and came up clean With a new lease on life like Andy Dufresne"
GCV: Andy Defresne-Shawshank Redemption when the character crawled through sewer pipes]
Jay Elect: "Its the most poetical, Nat King unforgettable Clarence 13X Allah's rhapsody from Bellevue I'm splittin' atoms, spittin' flames Bringin' change, things will never be the same"
GCV: But wait...
Jay Elect: "I got the rap game singing "At Last" like Etta James Lames get they plane shot down like John McCain"
GCV: Come on DV...
Jay Elect: "It's a dream, it's a dream The flow is elegant like Miss Coretta Scott King A lot of kings seen death and turn queen Crack they 24-inch rims in the ravine Respect the architect, never test the Elohim Goodnight: this is Jay Elec, live from New Orleans"
Weezy, Fiddy, R0$$...these "bruthas" couldn't "write" like this if they flew planes.
I feel you Black but that could be said for anyone who is successful in life period. Hip-Hop culture just opened up a market that didn't exist. But it's a market that could've been our own NBC, ABC, CBS or as Chuck once put it the "black CNN."
Some government agencies and corporate entities more swift than us realized that. While the preachers were duped by corporate media other powers cashed in and seized control. It sounds like conspiracy but Bill understood that kind of power that's why he wanted to buy NBC.
"Oh Shit! ... GMO Food Sterilizes People ... And It's Really A Form of Population Control?"
"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."
Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider - founder Club of Rome - The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Were We All Kunta Kinte? Or Are We Also Mansa Musa?
Plantation Negros & The New World Order
Illuminati Want My Mind Soul & My Body - A DV Joint
Barry Goldwater 1909-1998
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "
Robert Mugabe Speaks To Thunderous Approval At Harlem's Mount Olive Baptist Church
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
"It Is Easier To Change A Man's Religion Than It Is To Change His Diet"
Private Prison Industry
2,000,000 human beings in American prisons and counting
The founders of the American state understood that the proper functioning of a democracy required an educated electorate. It is this understanding that justifies a system of public education and that led slaveholders to resist the spread of literacy among their chattels. But the meaning of "educated" has changed beyond recognition in two hundred years. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are no longer sufficient to decide on public policy. Now we need quantum mechanics and molecular biology. The knowledge required for political rationality, once available to the masses, is now in the possession of a specially educated elite, a situation that creates a series of tensions and contradictions in the operation of representative democracy.
Greater Display of Conspicuous Consumption?
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. P
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Louis Pasteur
"The Microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything."
Ask Denmark Vesey
Chris Hedges Warns of The Dangers of The "New Atheists" and "Secular Fundamentalists"
Beverly Johnson. Beverly Hills. 1978
Do You Consider Yourself:
"Bra! Tell Me About It!"
"Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes."
Is President Barack Hussein Obama The Driving Force Behind US Policy?
Ted Turner - CNN founder and UN supporter - quoted in the The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June '
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
"At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?"
Denmark Vesey For President 08
1. Troops Out Of Iraq Immediately. Like By Monday. 2. Money Owed To Haliburton and War Contractors Be Given Directly To The Iraqi People 3. Complete Electoral Reform 4. No Corporate Conglomerate Will Be Allowed To Control More Than 5% Of News Market 5. Federal Reserve Abolished 6. For-Profit Prison Industry Abolished
*George Orwell (1903-1950) English novelist, critic
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness... If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear... The great enemy of clear language is insincerity... The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it... To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle... For a creative writer possession of the truth is less important than emotional sincerity.
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society will be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski
God Don't Make No Mistakes
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Gordon Parks 1912-2006
"I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand."