Thursday, October 07, 2010

WHO Admits H1N1 "Pandemic" A Hoax. Can DV Call 'em Or Can DV Call 'em?

Medical Doctors who rubber stamped the WHO & Big Pharma H1N1 Pandemic Hoax are worse than quacks.  They are accomplices to a terrible crime.  Cowards.
Remember when H1N1 was going to infect and kill everyone on Earth unless, of course, we all purchased Tamiflu©? Shocker: The "scientists" who drafted the WHO's governmental advisories to stockpile drugs were paid consultants to the drug's producers.
In two reports released this week—by the British Medical Journal and the Council of Europe's Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly—the World Health Organization's motives for fueling worldwide panic is called into question. The BMJ report says the WHO failed to disclose their experts' financial ties to Roche and GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of antivirals, while the Council of Europe's findings says the WHO's response was directly influenced by those companies.


Anonymous said...

Pssst...these reports were released in early summer. There's nothing new here. and potential conflicts of interest are not damning evidence of collusion.

Why do you continue to spar over the same points? I'm a bit tired of repeating myself. Maybe you can address the numbers instead?

Australia 2009 (prior to H1N1 vaccine)
22,482,198 Population
36,991 individuals infected
4,886 hospitalized of which
856 patients were admitted to the ICU (>15 times higher than the year prior due to flu)
186 deaths

1449 ICU beds available in Australia/New Zealand equipped with mechanical ventilation equipment.

These are the numbers. Refute them if you can. The difference between Australia/New Zealand and the U.S. is that we had a vaccine. The U.S. is is more than 10 times the population.

Illmath said...


Anonymous said...


That was the stupidest fucking piece of crap "interview" I've seen (if it weren't for Wax and Thordaddy, I would have said ever in my life).

If you are joking about this, please say so. Otherwise, sit your dumbass down. 20,000 motherfucking Chinese in North Carolina? Nothing pisses me off more than stupidity. If I had the power, I'd make stupidity a felony punishable by lifetime banishment or the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

DMG you make absolutely no sense. Are you aware of the existence of any real scientific study that would have led anyone to conclude there would be an H1N1 pandemic in 2009? If so please share. The organization that decided to characterize the threat of the H1N1 virus a pandemic has since admitted the studies used to justify the elevation of threat level were sponsored by the very companies selling the vaccines. No pandemic ever occurred in the US. In fact the H1N1 virus affected a only fraction of the people affected each year by the seasonal flu. The former head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, who was the architect of the government led push to announce a pandemic now works for Merk heading their $5 billion vaccine division. The CDC and the WHO operated as the marketing divisions of the manufacturers of the antivirals. Americans who refused the vaccine got no more sick than the people who took the vaccine. Why are you supporting a lie even the drug companies, the CDC and the WHO have since abandoned?

Anonymous said...

How many times does the owner of this blog have to tell you "Anonymous" cats to get a name, if you are going to get down? Damn.

Second, get YOUR facts straight. Define Pandemic before you type. If you looked at to the WHO definition, you will realize that all of the requirements were MET. Pandemic does NOT mean folks are dropping dead in the streets.

Third, how many times do you need to be told conflict of interest does not equate to collusion, prove to me collusion then come back and tap me on the shoulder...after you GET A NAME.

Fourth, if you knew ANYTHING about H1N1, you'd realize the people who had SEVERE disease, requiring ICU care, mechanical ventilation (breathing tube), or specialized advanced care such as High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation or ECMO weren't the extremes of age (old and very young), they weren't immunocompromised (cancer, AIDS patients) like seasonal flu, they were young, with normal immune systems. Ten percent were pregnant, close to 50% were overweight or had some chronic disease, but 1/3 were completely healthy.

"Americans who refused the vaccine got no more sick than the people who took the vaccine". Bullshit. I can name 8 people I personally initiated heart lung bypass on because their lungs failed.

Take a look at the Australia/New Zealand statistics. No, I mean read the journal articles. They had to shut down heart surgery because there was no room in the ICU's because of H1N1 patients. Perhaps you have no concept of ICU bed availability...but if the U.S. had 15 times the number of patients taking up ICU beds, like in Australia last year, the first ones to be screaming foul because all ICU beds were taken up by H1N1 patients and there was no room for grandma would be you.

You bitch and moan about vaccine conspiracies, but have no concept of watching someone slowly drown die of pneumonia--fighting for air.

In Chicago the death rate for Black folks and Latinos (the group least likely to be vaccinated because of asinine conspiracy websites like this) was more than double than groups more likely to be vaccinated.

But, keep it up. There's always pertussis.

CNu said...

Not to mention the expectation of hemorrhagic influenza like during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 which killed millions (and reported instances of the same in the Ukraine last year)

Denmark Vesey said...

"Why are you supporting a lie even the drug companies, the CDC and the WHO have since abandoned?"

.... hello.


Bra. Welcome to the spot.

And allow me to introduce you to the concept of "Le Plantation Negro".

During slavery ... occasionally ... the Plantation manor would catch on fire.

With no fire department in those days, the owner of the plantation who hoped to save his property would, have to fight the fire himself.

Usually this meant throwing water on the fire bucket at a time.

Luckily, a large plantation had many people, family, farm hands and slaves to collect water from wells or streams and to toss onto any fire.

Of course the plantation owner, because his interests were at stake, was normally the person most diligent, energetic and focused on the task of putting out the fire and saving his home.

However, there was also the curious phenomenon of the negro slave so loyal to the Plantation and to his master that he actually ran harder and faster than the master to collect buckets of water to fight the fire.

Imagine that.

That's like being incarcerated in a prison, the prison catches on fire and you fight the fire to save the prison instead of escaping.

AtlLaw, DMG is one of those types of Negros.

The WHO, the CDC and even the drug companies are attempting to separate themselves from the H1N1 Pandemic hoax ...

Yet this "doctor" is STILL sticking to the script by parroting the drug company disinformation and pretending there was EVER scientific reasons to announce a pandemic or a scientific reason to inject children with a largely untested and toxic antiviral For-Profit product. (don't dignify that poisonous cocktail by referring to it as a "vaccine" or as "medicine")

Anonymous said...

AtlLaw? Is that your handle? If you are an attorney, then I'm sure you are familiar with logic and rhetoric (or perhaps not after reading your post above...). There are several characters here

Our host (DiVinity, KAM, MOTI): Has committed every fallacious argument known at some point, but whose favorite is the Bare Assertion Fallacy

Wax: Resident nutter. Favorite fallacy is Proof by Verbosity, but also enjoys using the Red Herring, and

Thordaddy: This one seems to like the Regression Fallacy (everything boils down to...what is it TD?)

You'll fit in nicely. Hope you have a tough shell, because we don't pull least I don't.

Sasha said...

I heard on the radio the other day that in California the whooping cough vaccine will be mandatory for 10-12th grade public school students. so scary....

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG ... bra.

I owe you an apology.

All this time, I had no idea, you were insane.

Forgive me.

"Fallacious Argument"?!?

LoL ... DOC. The H1N1 "Pandemic" IS about as fallacious as it gets.

You fell for it ... because you believer EVERYTHING the Plantation pumps into your peanut head.

You were wrong to endorse the H1N1 Hoax.

You know you swallowed the Big Pharma disinformation campaign hook line and sinker.

Instead of being a man and chalking it up, learning something and moving on ...

You want to play little bitchy games and come up with increasingly corny names nobody uses except you and your little chubby cheerleader CNu. (And he's just gassing you up).

Come on Bra ...

Denmark Vesey said...

"I heard on the radio the other day that in California the whooping cough vaccine will be mandatory for 10-12th grade public school students. so scary...." Sasha


What you think about that Sash?

Would you allow your son to be injected with a "vaccine" because the drug companies pressured the government to make their product "mandatory" and spineless "doctors" endorse it because they do what they are told?

Or are you willing to tell the schools, the drug companies, the governments and the doctors to 'kiss your ass' and to keep their toxic chemicals away from your son's immune system?

Anonymous said...


So, you are afraid of a Whooping Cough vaccine...but the idea of Whooping Cough doesn't bother you in the least?


CNu said...

DMG, the cull's coming via the perennial favorites war, famine, violence and pestilence anyway.

So why not just quietly move aside and let DiVinity and his Darwin award nominated camp followers go ahead and reap the zesty returns that their assiduously cultivated investment in conspiracy theories and gibberish have in store for them?


In fact, some of what they believe should be strenuously encouraged as it's likely to hasten the process of God's Work and help clear the decks of some pretty useless detritus.

Anonymous said...

I get it. Our host doesn't know what "fallacious" means.
So, now he's proud of his ignorance.

When cornered with direct questions you run.

Therefore, the only bitch here is you...and an ignorant one at that.

CNu said...

Trust me brah, there'll still be plenty enough a'these jiggaboos around peddling Tahitian Noni and Moorish Science that you needn't worry about them going extinct or anything like that...,

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have. But with Whooping Cough, it's not the Darwin award winners who's the kids too young to receive the vaccine..who are infected by non-compliant idiots.

Sasha said...

Injecting my son with drugs "just in case" scares me far more than whatever could possibly, might, maybe, theoretically, perchance happen to him. So no, DMG, it doesn't bother me in the least. Neither did H1N1, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, rotavirus, seasonal flu or any of the other shots that are now "recommended" for children.

I gave him the "scheduled" vaccines when he was an infant and then I stopped. I signed the waiver form when he started school acknowledging I had opted out of certain vaccines for him. I will continue to sign such waiver forms until he graduates high school if necessary. No one is going to force me to inject my son with anything. If, as women, we are entitled to relative autonomy over our reproductive health (which is fine), then the same rules should apply to parents authority over their minor children.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So why not just quietly move aside and let DiVinity and his Darwin award nominated camp followers go ahead and reap the zesty returns that their assiduously cultivated investment in conspiracy theories and gibberish have in store for the ..."

Whatever nigga.

You got tits.

How smart can you be possibly be?

Anonymous said...


So what you are saying is you have an irrational fear of the word "drugs". And you base your child's health (and that of innocent bystanding children with whom your unvaccinated son may come in contact) on what exactly? Your intuition? Your fear of something you don't understand? The words of a blogger who peddles low information bullshit?

Because we all know that the act of getting pregnant and pushing out a child imbues the mother with graduate level understanding of subjects as varied as the theory of relativity, advanced calculus, immunology, surgery, bacteriology, and social psychology.

"What's your qualification to teach advanced genetics, madam? Oh, of course. I didn't realize you were a mother. By all means take the podium".

Well then. Carry on.

Whatever happened to people taking a well thought out rational approach to decision making? Weighing the best evidence before making a choice...asking questions about bits you don't really understand? Oh, that's right. Americans get all of their information from blogs, YouTube, and Oprah.

Denmark Vesey said...

"If, as women, we are entitled to relative autonomy over our reproductive health (which is fine), then the same rules should apply to parents authority over their minor children. " Sasha


"So what you are saying is you have an irrational fear of the word "drugs". And you base your child's health (and that of innocent bystanding children with whom your unvaccinated son may come in contact) on what exactly? " DMG


Sasha said...

Sigh...DMG, you bore me to tears sometimes.

What I take vehement opposition to it the MANDATORY aspect of this entire issue. I do not tell other parents what they should and should not do with their children. If they choose to vaccinate, more power to them. I don't have a fear of "drugs." I fear them being forced down my family's throat by the government. I fear they way they are peddled to people without consideration or appreciation for other treatments.

I make decisions for my household that I think are best. That is what it means to be a parent. Interestingly enough....About a month ago, my child had a persistent dry cough. couldn't shake it. Since he had a runny nose, pediatrician diagnosed it as post nasal drip. (School thought "for sure" it was asthma. Whatever...) But the doctor wrote a prescription for an antibiotic "just in case" it didn't clear up in 3 days with the OTC nasal spray he told me to buy. We left the state to visit relatives. I didn't fill the prescription. Cough lasted past the "third day". But, my child got tons of fresh air, sunshine, green trees, and fresh juices while we were away. He was just fine when we returned to L.A. Without your precious drugs....

Anonymous said...

Parents DO in fact have limited authority over their children's health, unless their lives are in danger because of their parents stupidity.

Example? Attempts at faith healing instead of calling an ambulance, for their 16 year old with a gunshot wound to the left upper chest after a suicide attempt.

And I could care less if I bore you. I just want to take away that "nobody warned me" excuse. Don't worry, I'll be there cleaning up your mess and bad decisions, based on your childish oppositional-defiant behavior rather than a sober weighing of facts.

The fact of the matter is you know far less about YOUR child's health than you think. Sure you know alot of the basics, likes, dislikes, reactions, etc. But the details about cause, course, prognosis, best evidence at prevention, like most parents (...and adults) you seem to be clueless. No matter how many times you tell them. Ignorance of the structure and function of the human body is epidemic.

Your decisions affect more than your child.

CNu said...

Smart enough not to write;

you be possibly be?



smart enough not to buy any of your ignorant nonsense or overpriced tahitian noni...,

carry on though, you working the credulous chickenheads remains as entertaining as it ever was, and, I'm forced to admit - it's a good angle on God's Work.

the more of these simpletons you mislead with your gibberish, the more of them that will punch out early and leave the threshing floor in better shape for the minimal regrets.

Anonymous said...

Can't blame people's skepticism. Some people believe the harms of vaccines are apart of some conspiratorial plot, some believe it's due to the recklessness of a society that is becoming more and more profit driven. Especially, when you see huge numbers involved. We all know if a woman goes to the mechanic, most likely she's getting ripped off. Not interested in correcting the problem as much as collecting a check.

Medical industry has the same potential. Only difference is, with a car, if one mechanic effs your ish up, you can go to another, or just beat that one's ass when he gets off work. With a child, once something is in their system, you can't open a plug and drain it out. It is in their. Parents are concerned about that.

So what the general populace is shy 10yrs. medical experience. These rednecks in Texas didn't need to know what a sacroiliac was to know Republican Gov. Rick Perry making it a requirement that 6th grade girls take an STD vaccine, was more about his ties to Merck & Co. than about some true concern for people.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Not vaccinating there children is not a sign of responsibility. It's a sign of not understanding, and listening to low-information types...because of course Playboy Playmates, comedians, and bloggers are at the cutting edge of research.

Anonymous said...

Parents are being very responsible and logical. I worked in community centers in 3rd Ward.
The most responsible parents were the ones that prepared their childrens lunch.
Wanted to know the teachers personally that taught their children.
Didn't do vaccinations etc.
Not saying the only responsible ones, but those were identifiers in that majority black community.
A lot of it was due to doctors either sharing a history with the Panther Party or the Nation.
However, on the other hand, the kids that came there with all kind of personal issues they brought from home, their parents did vaccinations for their children with the same level of complicity as fulfilling a school supply list.

So at least those who have chosen against vaccinations is through some level of investigation as oppose to those that do it based off of the state saying "I said so or we don't babby sit your child for 8 hours."

Anonymous said...

Well damn DMG, the mofo's got a bad track record. People ain't just making shyt up. Harriet A. Washington, Edwin Black and 'nem ain't writing 400 plus pages on teenage romance.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I got my son vaccinated (when he was a toddler)because of my scary family. What happened AFTER he got vaccinated? He got seizures with his eyes rolling to the back of his head. You can throw out whatever logic you may think, but his health took a turn AFTER the vaccinations. After that, what ever doctor started up about completing the other vaccinations, I looked at them like they were BLOOD and my CRIP brother just got shot from someone from their set and told them what happened.

It's the same logic you use "if there is a God that he makes a lot of mistakes." OK, well others are entitled to that logic. If there is any good in western medicine, they make a lot of mistakes. People want to be able to get medical attention. They don't want to deal with the pressures of their family tripp'n. But if a person has doubt in their heart about something, you can't tell them to dismiss it.

Anonymous said...

Gee Chee,

It's probably human nature to assume cause and effect. But that's an improper assumption.

What if you found out you had a brain tumor after the best sex of your life? Would you assume really good sex will give you a brain tumor? No.

Stubbing your toe will cause pneumonia?

That's how "wives tales" get started. Fear of the unknown and inability to explain what happened.

Did your son have a fever during his seizure? Has you son had seizures since? (Of course you don't have to answer that on this forum...these are questions to ask yourself). About 5% of children have seizures when they have fevers...which are often provoked by illness such as ear infections, chicken pox, etc.

On what do you base your diagnosis of "vaccine-related seizure"?

Your gut? Well, I wouldn't make choices based on an organ that produces shit....

Anonymous said...

"What if you found out you had a brain tumor after the best sex of your life? Would you assume really good sex will give you a brain tumor? No."-DMG

Poor example for one, punany will never go on record for being guilty of anything other than addiction.

If one man had a brain tumor after sex, and someone else had one, as well as others that experiencing the same phenomenon, then there is cause for alarm. However, they would investigate precursors to those sexual experiences. “What was digested, what was injected?” etc.

You wrongly draw parallels between the natural act of sex and vaccinations. Injection can't be compared to ejaculation. Sex is not the product of a laboratory but vaccines are.

"Man-made" is the antagonist in this situation. If a building fails to stand, true gravity pulled it down. But what part of the building collapse had to do with it being "man-made." The poor architecture or an intentional demolition being the factor or just natural deterioration. But gravity is not the lone factor.

In my case, a foreign agent “man-made” vaccines were factored into the equation.

Anonymous said...

In The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults by Randall Neustadter

Vaccine Facts:
All vaccines carry risks of adverse reactions.
Every parent has the legal right to exempt children from vaccination.
The vaccination campaign has traded infectious diseases of childhood for chronic autoimmune diseases that afflict both children and adults.

“ALL of the vaccines have significant adverse effects…”
“…Immediate reactions include fevers, allergic responses, deafness, convulsions, paralysis, central nervous system disease resulting in temporary or permanent disabilities, and death.”

Now if you are one of the many ignorant blacks and Mexicans in line to vaccinate your children unaware of possible risks because medical professionals have judged a dumb general populace would use that information irresponsibly ie exempting their children from vaccinations, then those parents are in the right to attack the medical industry if something were to happen to their child. However in my case, or any other parent that becomes informed of the “lies by omission,” we can only blame ourselves if something were to happened. If I knew of the argument that says, vaccines can cause “fevers, allergic responses, deafness, convulsions, paralysis, central nervous system disease resulting in temporary or permanent disabilities, and DEATH” I would not have made that uninformed decision.

Agree with it or not, my decision was uninformed. Trusting those that say it’s safe and helpful. On my part assuming no risks aren’t involved. Their is no campaign to inform people that there are risks. Because you can't tell a parent that DEATH is a risk and not expect everyone to say eff it.

Anonymous said...

So they allow you to decide, but doctors bully parents into vaccinations despite ‘thousands of vaccine-reaction case reports and studies of averse effects of vaccines in the medical literature .” pg. 39

School nurses tell parents their children can’t enroll without shot records. The conspiracy is in the lying. Not sharing the full scoop with people who are putting their children’s lives in the hands of some greedy bastard of a company. Being all secret squirrel with shyt. Either that or these doctors and school nurses are ignoring some harsh realities of their job.

The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults by Randall Neustadter

Adverse Vaccine Reactions pg. 37-56

CNu said...

School nurses tell parents their children can’t enroll without shot records. The conspiracy is in the lying. Not sharing the full scoop with people who are putting their children’s lives in the hands of some greedy bastard of a company. Being all secret squirrel with shyt. Either that or these doctors and school nurses are ignoring some harsh realities of their job.

School nurse got nothing whatsoever to do with lying, bullying or anything else related to vaccination, EXCEPT, ensuring compliance with the applicable STATE LAW(S) requiring vaccinations in all 50 states...,

So these the muhphukkaz you need to be crying to right chere GeeCheeVision, instead of ryding on DiVinity's Tahitian Noni express of ignant-assed jiggaboos who need to duped, fleeced, and crammed into Gawd's mechanical separator asap....,

dumbassed DiVinity got folk ignantly hating and fearing the good doctor - when what they need to be doing - is agitating down at the state house in Austin.

CNu said...

Instead of teaching you who/what/where/how to effectively engage the issue of compulsory vaccination, Moorish Science taught you EXACTLY THE WRONG THING with regard to safeguarding your rights and responsibilities.

DenmarkVesey is Jiggaboo University.

Accept no substitutes....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"DenmarkVesey is Jiggaboo University. Accept no subst" CNu

Um hm.



And CNu is a man who eats such a poor peasant hormone soaked diet of GMO and cloned factory meat ... that his body has begun to resemble the animals he eats.

Fat. Yellow. Sick. Diseased. Mentally Ill.

Oh. And it has made him grow tits.


CNu said...

Um hm.




You finally admit it.

everything else is subject changing misdirection....and that weak shit ain't foolin nobody anymore...,

Denmark Vesey said...

everything else is subject changing misdirection....and that weak shit ain't foolin nobody anymore...,


Got me again CNu.

I've been trying to 'fool' you Plantation Negros into eating natural food for a long time.

My tricks just aren't working.

Most people are leaning your way.

Food from Walmart is the way to go.

CNu said...

My tricks just aren't working.

Most people are leaning your way.

Food from Walmart is the way to go.


Where I EVER say I bought a dayyum thing from Walmart?

Where I EVER recommend anybody else buy a dayyum thing from Walmart?

Post a link ____________ trick!

or stop telling that tired lie in hopes that it'll cover up for your daily exploits in the realms of stoopit, ignant, and just plain wrong...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"Where I EVER say I bought a dayyum thing from Walmart?" CNu

The tits gave you away.

Anonymous said...

lol so wrong dv. you are so wrong!

suckafree said...

Bernaysian method to sell drugs.

Publicize the health "pandemic." "Solution" then sells itself...