Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thordaddy said...

 "the light and the truth?" 
buttjew u faithless, doc 
an unambiguous self-rebuke... 
doods come to u cuz u got killa skills 
butt-up on DV, u justa fluke 
stay comfy in yur health zone 
smilin' at homosexuality while otha dood puke 

average life expectancy 
'bout MID-40's, ain't the truth... 
and the light? 
u a doc, butt buggery all right... 

Theez felines self-annihilatin' 
n u joinin' n they fight... 
u don't care 'bout that orientation 
euphemized by day/destructive at night... 
that's cuz u faithless doc 
u can see, but got no sight... 
what u think 'splain theez doods

...droppin' like flies???"


Anonymous said...

Theez felines self-annihilatin'
n u joinin' n they fight...
u don't care 'bout that orientation
euphemized by day/destructive at night..

not bad.

Anonymous said...

don't encourage him....think his brain is smaller than his balls...