Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Not Only Clients ... The DV Hater Presidents

DMG said ...
I can allege that our host is a known homosexual cross dresser named "Sweet Caramel DiVinity-The Blackest Man on the Stroll" who turns tricks down at Santa Monica Pier after sunset, and those pictures of him and his family are merely "Homoflauge" he purchased online with his Illuminati credit card he got because Louis Farrakhan himself co-signed for him.

CNu said...
Perfect Supreme Master Ninja Scroll type shot from a thousand yards out.., Entry wound right between the eyes, nothing but a fine mist of brain and bone hanging in the aether like a sticky red aerosol. Any yap, yap, yapping, thereafter from Congo Dandy on the Stroll was nothing but empty reflex twitching at the keyboard...,{somebody please bring a body bag and yellow crime scene tape}

Denmark Vesey said ...
Since it's on, I call my nigga Arizona Ron
From Tuscon, pushed the black Yukon
Usually had the slow grooves on

I'll be doggoned
You Plantation Negros must a heard me wrong
I blame the Benz turbo when I turn them horses on
My engine gettin' its Kentucky Derby on.
Color brunnette,
seats dirty blonde.

Ring The Alarm
Denmark Vesey - The Memetic Don
Alter-Ego Icon
This aint a blog
It's a magic wand
be like ... **Poof**
"Plantation Toms begone"

Jigaboo sentences run-on like the break of dawn
Got you peanut head Negros in a mental python
Freemasonic pawns 
corny peons with tits and tampons
eat like morons
microwaved food glowing like neon
dietary disease a conclusion foregone 

DV Superman.
Bitch Niggas krypton.
CNu a cheerleader
with tits, a fat ass and pompons
Pork flavored bonbons
generating Freudian fantasies 
of murdering the Digital Don
So I keep firearms in reach of the arms for fat jealous morons who can't let bygones be bygones till their brains are divided into ions protons neutrons and electrons


Anonymous said...

You back from your shift already DiVinity? Guess the economy is rough all around.

Joanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanna said...

so seriously..... how long have you three been BFFs???

Illmath said...

"nothing but a fine mist of brain and bone hanging in the aether like a sticky red aerosol."

Wow I might have to steal that one bruh..put that in some dialogue.. Damn!

CNu said...

It's yours brah...,

I spit visual mayhem like that more prolifically than DiVinity spits mouthfuls of semen.

{and you know that's some hellified high-volume spittin..,}

CNu said...

Denmark Vesey - The Memetic Don

coonin, and rhymin,

and still ain't said shit


Carol '85 said...

"Pork flavored bonbons" DV

really DV? really? hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes fewer words paint a more robust picture. Why bring someone a bunch of saplings, when you can plant a seed and grow a forest in their mind?

But I disagree with CNu. He took things too far. And I now have to admonish my brother.

Craig, you need to apologize. What you said was wrong, and tasteless.

You know good and well, he wouldn't risk spitting any of that, ahem, "protein" on one of his Paul Smith suits. The man has style, and takes care of his clothes. I will give him that.

I'm sure he washed it all down with Maca smoothie.

CNu said...

aight magne.

in the interest of letting bygones be bygones and all...,

but of course you realize we talkin bout the same cat who raved about the exquisite pleasure of quinoa seeds popping in his mouth?

I'm thinkin maybe earwax, d-smiff, or one of these countless manless MichaelBaisden show groupies may just be a highly effective dry cleaner or summin....,

Sarah Friedlander said...

Freemasonic pawns
corny peons with tits and tampons
eat like morons
microwaved food glowing like neon
dietary disease a conclusion foregone

aiy yai yai!

DV I think your considerable talents would be better put to use educating people about these dangers than insulting and humiliating them.

Is dmg really a doctor? Why don't you write a book with him to spread the word?

just my 2 cents

Anonymous said...

(Now look what you did? You done frightened Sarah...)

Sarah, dear, put down the mace and stop dialing 911. It's OK, we aren't going to hurt each other.

You don't come around here often do you? What started all of this DiVinity stuff was my assertion that anyone at anytime can say anything on this blog without having to back up the statement. DiVinity down on the Pier is one such example, and of course we had alot of fun with it. Our hosts shell is hardening. If it weren't for CNu and myself, he wouldn't have anyone with whom he could spar.

Now, about your book idea (please, keep the two cents, you may need it later), you REALLY don't know much about either of us do you?

Unlike "Dr" Phil, and "Dr" Laura and the rest, I'm actually a physician (surgery specifically). I deal with facts and evidence. I don't write popular "health" books. And if I did, I surely would not co-author one with someone who treats facts with such disdain. DiVinity, is pushing an overpriced unsustainable diet that most people will dump (literally and figuratively) soon after starting. Why? Same theme as always. There's no evidence that it works (or is healthy). My advice? Eat low fat, low salt meals that are high in fiber and balanced nutrients that provide you with the proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to perform at your peak, depending on your activities. Exercise moderately, don't smoke, or drink too much alcohol. I'm 42, fit and often pass for being in my late 20's, still have less than 9% body fat...I don't shop exclusively at Whole Foods. Again, not that hard...or expensive.

People already know not to eat like hogs, and know they need to exercise. They choose not to and pay the price. Try telling a smoker he needs to quit. It's not like nobody has told them about the danger of their poor choices.

Now, I'm unsure about how you all get down in your culture, but this is how we do...which is probably the reason you don't often see black folks running away crying that our "feelings got hurt" (my mother would have smacked the shit out of me if I came home talking that nonsense).

Don't worry, our host will come back with some weak ass comment soon enough. He may not be talented, but he's not fragile.

Illmath said...

Uh I'd have to say that was one of the illest joints you've spit so far.

Btw Im cookin up some homemade black bean soup (onion bell pepper, lemon, garlic blended up beautifully) with some sprouted quinoa cooked for about 15, then I'ma put some aguacate alongside my homeade habenero salsa... Cnu you might needs to fux wit this here mydude..

CNu said...

sounds good brah, but I'ma grill up some pork loin first with a little garlic-chili sauce, cut that up into nice fork or spoon size chunks, throw it into the beans so as to have something satisfying to chew on.

I'm not interested in having any spurted seeds go bust in my mouth...,

Anonymous said...

"I'm not interested in having any spurted seeds go bust in my mouth...,"

Simple and elegant, with a beautifully timed delivery. You see, this here is what I was talking about when I said:

"Sometimes fewer words paint a more robust picture. Why bring someone a bunch of saplings, when you can plant a seed and grow a forest in their mind?"

Her Side said...

I'm not interested in having any spurted seeds go bust in my mouth...,

LMAO! This quote in the sidebar brought me to the post for another look.

Funny... and I agree... "beautifully timed..."

Carry on. I'll go back to lurking on this one.

Anonymous said...

Got you peanut head Negros in a mental python
Freemasonic pawns
corny peons with tits and tampons
eat like morons
microwaved food glowing like neon
dietary disease a conclusion foregone

Denmark Vescey is not to be fucked with!

Anonymous said... says the anonymous mouth in the crowd with nothing original or of substance to add...

I believe Mrs. DV would be a bit angry with you riding her mans dick like that...

Anonymous said...

eat a dick doc

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...really? That's the best you can do? Come on, get a name and take another shot. I'll bet you are busy scribbling a rhyme. I'll give you a couple of hours. I'll check back after dinner.

Denmark Vesey said...

yo yo yo


Appreciate the appreciation bra.

But if you are going to get down like that you are going to have to choose a name.

Telling a cat to "eat a dick" while being anonymous is the same as sucker punching a cat and running.

Comes off bitchy.

CNu said...

"eat a dic doc"


anony jes rising to the level you set for her "DiVinity"...,

Anonymous said...

Pork flavored bonbons? hehe hehe!

Cheir Harmonie said...

I LOVE your blog. I've been reading through the archives and had to create a document to record some of your comments. One day there will be a Denmark Vesey books of quotes. The smartest, blackest, most brusque book of our time.

Denmark Vesey said...

Cheir Har Mo Nie!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you you very much. I appreciate it that.

Yes this spot is definitely different. Many strong personalities and dynamic intellects. Aint nobody scared. I'm proud of that.

And I've been checking you out on Facebook. Love your style.

Didn't you say something about having a white mom, being a vegetarian and still being the blackest person in the room?

Maaaaaan. You know I loved that.

That's what I'm talking about.

Denmark Vesey said...

Cheir, if I recall correctly, you mentioned you have a little girl.

I'm conducting a little informal poll of obviously intelligent people I encounter online.

If you don't mind me asking, did you allow your daughter to be vaccinated?

Did you take the flu shots last year to protect you from the "H1N1 Pandemic"?

You see, my man DMG and I have been having this rolling debate for over a year now.

He ... lol ... accused me of being "irresponsible" last year during the height of the manufactured hysteria, for discouraging people from receiving the vaccine.

I accused him of being a Plantation Negro Uncle Tom MD for representing himself as a "man of science" but endorsing a vaccine without scientific merit.

I was appalled that a medical doctor would trumpet the obvious disinformation of the medical industrial complex and a completely co-opted government bureaucracy.

(As you can see, I really find that some punk negro shit and I won't let him forget it until he admits his Plantation Emperor has no clothes.)

Anonymous said...

There's no debate. A debate would imply at least two sides presenting arguments with evidence to back the their assertions. Our host has provided nothing but "I said so", and runs very quickly when cornered and challenged. Unfortunately, he believes his own hype.

Cheir Harmonie said...


No, I did not have my daughter vaccinated. It was difficult to get around but fortunately our current Dr. (she was trained in India) understands and does not press the issue.

I breastfed for two years, eat healthy, homeschool, and live in a peaceful setting. My daughter NEVER had a sore throat, ear infection, flu, cold etc.

Anonymous said...

And your reason for not vaccinating?

Anonymous said...

By the way, if your doctor is an MD, she was trained here. She may have gone to MEDICAL SCHOOL in India, but her residency training was either here or Canada. Just thought you should know.

Cheir Harmonie said...

DMG, of course she was re-trained here. Prior to her coming to America, she was a medical Dr. in India. She is not fond of the overuse of medicine in America.

CNu said...

Then she must be crapping her pants about the overuse of antibiotics, poor hygiene and serial diarrhea in India that is making it ground zero for various and sundry superbug strains spreading throughout the Indian diaspora.

Prolly explains the overweening desire to get the hell away from there and be here instead.

Anonymous said... why did you emphasize (incorrectly) that she was trained elsewhere?

Anonymous said...


Interesting link. Thanks.

Cheir Harmonie said...

This "prolly" explains westerners overweening desire to go there and receive care instead of here.

Denmark Vesey said...

"This "prolly" explains westerners overweening desire to go there and receive care instead of here." Cheir Harmonie

Ahhhh ... nice.

Cheir Harmonie. The Blackest Woman On The Internet.

Anonymous said...

So, you want t travel to a country that hasn't mastered basic sanitation for the majority of their population to get your gallbladder removed? OK.

What's disturbing is that India is focusing on bringing $$ into the country rather than focusing on treating their own impoverished population. They have nuclear weapons but no toilets. Yes, indeed. Enlightenment.

So do you plan on traveling to that clinic for your long term follow-up care?

Cheir Harmonie said...

The medical establishment has moved off its given purpose of healing and now supply drugs like any drug dealer. You have been fooled into believing that these drugs handle all manner of illness, when in reality they simply drug the person into oblivion and oppress the soul.

BTW, my Dr. was initially an Ayurvedic practitioner.

CNU, You attached the entire health care quality in India to one article. You must be crapping your pants about the overuse of simple-mindedness you and DMG display on DV's blog every chance you get.

Cheir Harmonie said...

"What's disturbing is that India is focusing on bringing $$ into the country rather than focusing on treating their own impoverished population. They have nuclear weapons but no toilets. Yes, indeed. Enlightenment."

DMG, I don't give a shit about India's political, economic or social issues. What I care about is having a Dr. that doesn't prescribe a drug every time we sneeze or give me lectures about NOT begging her to inject my daughter with poison vaccines. I'm not worried about traveling for my long term follow-up care because I never get sick. And, if I did, I have money so I would get my ass on a plane and fly there. How else would I get there?

CNu said...

CNU, You attached the entire health care quality in India to one article. You must be crapping your pants about the overuse of simple-mindedness you and DMG display on DV's blog every chance you get.

No chickenhead. Having spent time in India, I know exactly whereof I speak.

I can also easily guess why your Dr. is MUCH happier doing her Deepak Chopra schtick here in the U.S. rather than in a country with 741 million grindingly poor peasants and where a literal hole-in-the-ground and no toilet paper passes for public accomodations in the heart of its capital city.

Cheir Harmonie said...

CNU, I stopped reading your comment at chickenhead. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...


No, my dear. YOU have been fooled into believing the fetid crap that's being peddled by our host.

But thanks for coming out and declaring yourself straight away. Skipping over your comments will save quite a bit of time. If you believe that every medication has a "drugging" effect (depressing the central nervous system) then you really are quite ignorant.

If you want to believe in Ayurveda, and not vaccinate your child, let me be the first to stand out of your way. I don't care, unless your unvaccinated kid starts coughing on neonates.

Do me a favor, please don't come teary eyed to one of my colleagues saying "nobody told me" if you find that you or your loved ones require our services. Otherwise, do what you want. We'll be there to pick up the pieces. We always are.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheir Harmonie said...


The host of this site has nothing to do with my beliefs. I only discovered this blog recently and I quite enjoy reading it especially when you repeatedly attempt to discredit DV to no avail. Additionally, I did not say my beliefs were in Ayurveda but that my current MD was previously an Ayurveda practitioner.

"We'll be there to pick up the pieces. We always are."

Like they picked up the pieces when my father was on Vioxx and had multiple strokes? Yeah, my mom went crying to one of your colleagues saying "nobody told me" that Voixx would almost kill my husband. Or, when my late husband had a seizure and went into cardiac arrest after being prescribed multiple meds following an accident? In his 38 years there was no history of seizures or heart complications. Like my mother, I was crying to one of your colleagues too, talkin bout "nobody told me" that the combination of drugs he was given could cause a fatal side effect.

Now, I don't think all medications are bad, just 99% of them. And I don't think most doctors are either. Just those that allow themselves to be pimped by big pharma and prescribe meds like they're competing for bottom bitch status.

How can you say that vaccinating children is okay when some of the ingredients in childhood vaccines are thimerosal (mercury disinfectant/preservative), aluminum (additive to promote antibody response), formaldehyde (disinfectant), ethylene glycol (antifreeze) phenol (disinfectant, dye) benzethonium chloride (antiseptic) and methylparaben (antifungal, preservative)?

The trade off is not worth the risk.

Cheir Harmonie said...

Anonymous said...


You are ignorant because you choose to be. Carry on, you are unretrievable.

HotmfWax said...

Speaking of Vaccination and Antibiotics:


How we got here.

The Truth:

The Sick- morbid evolution of any cell has four stages:

Cellular disturbance can be caused by physical emotional stress;




and 4-mold produce acids when they ferment glucose, proteins, and fats;

Acids are the poison an the expression of all sickness and disease;

Red blood cells (non-nucleated) have the ability to de-evolve into blastema cells (nucleated embryonic cells) and become (differentiate into) any cell needed by the body for regeneration; e.g., red blood cells can become bone cells, muscle cells, skin cells, brain cells, liver cells, heart cells, etc.

The de-evolution (dedifferentiation) and evolution cycles (differentiation) of red blood cells are triggered by electromagnetic negative charge;

The Con:

The concept of specific, unchanging types of bacteria causing specific diseases became officially accepted as foundation of Western medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe.

Also called monomorphism (one-formism), it was adopted by America's medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the century where the legal system was used to destroy the competing homeopathic medical profession.

Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business.

Among other things, Your "God"-Pasteur is credited with improving and successfully using the technique of vaccination, which was blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner.

Jenner took pus from the running sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his "patients." Thus was born a vile practice whose nature has changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by Pasteur's theory.

The microbian doctrine also gave rise to the development of antibiotics, the first being penicillin in 1940.

An antibiotic is the poisonous waste from one germ used in the attempt to kill another. Penicillin is the poison from a fungus.

As a result of this development, most bacterial infections have apparently been "treatable" over the past 50 years.

However, there seems to have been a price to pay for this convenient, and unscientific approach. And it is interesting to keep in mind that these tiny life forms, as well as yeast, fungus and/or molds-are plants, not animals. Thus, we animals are essentially being taken over by vegetation.


HotmfWax said...


Antibiotics also play havoc in the gut. There is a crucial, delicate balance between two general types of bacteria, which we'll call "friendly" and "unfriendly" for convenience though it is not strictly accurate.

With the substances they produce, the friendly ones help control the unfriendly ones.

A major source of abuse of the friendly ones is antibiotics (exotoxins and mycotoxins, the waste products of bacteria, yeast and fungus), which reduce their numbers and allow a territorial takeover by the unfriendly group.

(An antibiotic does not really kill bacteria. It simply makes them enter a different stage of their pleomorphic life cycle-like they duck out of the way. In any case, the antibiotic cannot balance the terrain condition, and in fact worsens it.)

Taking enough poison to truly kill these powerhouses would kill you, because, in truth, they arise from part of your being.

Not only are they aggressive and stubborn, but pleomorphic morbid forms display another characteristic of higher life forms: a strong interest in self-preservation. This manifests in two aspects also common to higher forms: the reproductive drive and the power drive. The reproductive drive is like that of any other being: a process which results in new members of the form. The power drive is a very interesting ability of many of the forms to collect into groups, or colonize, thereby gaining strength in numbers. A group can consist of different forms which retain their individuality, or become a new organism.

As the terrain breaks down, red and white blood cells evolve into bacteria and then into yeast, fungus, and finally mold.

Bechamp proved that infectious symptoms do not arise solely, or even primarily, from external bacterial attacks, as Pasteur promoted.

HotmfWax said...

Techno Lies 101:

Blaming overpopulation for everything......

Overpopulation Lie!

Food lie

Kids lie