KonWomyn said...

The best thing is dried fruit especially dates, mangoes, raisins and papaya. Fresh bananas are also the bizness, but as you're diabetic, how much of this stuff could you eat as
dates are quite sweet.
Agave syrup is a waste of calories, IMO unless it's being used in something other than tea or cocoa. Dunno if you can get stevia in the U.S, but that's another option. Fruit teas also worth drinking - iCant stand the taste of warm fruitiness, but some pple love them.
It's hard not to eat sugar if you see it as 'kicking a habit',
go natural as part of a complete lifestyle change, that's the only way to get over it. Once you start to eat the dried and fresh fruit you'll find you don't need a 'sweet fix'.
How about replacing sugar with honey. Is honey o.k.?
The best way to avoid diabetes mellitus, is to understand what it is first. You aren't going to get that here, from the host.
Honey is made up of fructose and glucose, in a ratio similar to that scary High fructose corn syrup...but don't worry.
I suggest you get your health advice from somewhere other than this blog.
What's happening Anonymous?
Don't mind the Plantation MD.
He's feeling a little irrelevant these days.
Intelligent people have broken the perceived monopoly on health knowledge by allopathic medicine.
Their entire business model is built upon the illusion that "Doctors" know things about health others don't / can't understand.
DMG proves that is false.
He is actually ... when you stop and think about it ... on of the least knowledgeable people about health on this blog.
For example ... Sasha ... an attorney and a mother ... took him to school today on vaccines.
She doesn't depend on the medical industrial complex to "care" for her son. She cares for him. She knows what works. She doesn't need some Bought and Paid For scientists / doctors to tell her what works.
The Plantation MD prescribes drugs, spreads disinformation and tries to frighten people into depending on his outdated quackery.
You asked about honey.
Excellent natural whole food.
Don't use it to "replace" refined sugar.
You never needed refined sugar in your life in the first place.
Think of honey more as a medicine than as a "sweetener."
Researchers in Manchester, England are treating mouth and throat cancer patients with honey, seeing if it will reduce their chances of contracting bacterial infections, especially ones that are resistant to antibiotics. Honey has been shown to have an antimicrobial effect against many bacteria and fungi.
A 1992 study also found that honey sped up the healing of wounds caused by Caesarean sections. Another study found that honey cured the intractable wounds of 59 patients.
A bounty of medical studies have found that honey can help heal ulcers, as well as offering relief from diarrhea, insomnia, sunburn, and sore throats.
This ancient remedy has recently been rediscovered by conventional medicine, especially when modern therapeutic agents fail.
Well, there you go. You can listen to a blogger, who cannot explain what he's talking about, outside of say this or that is "good" or "bad" for you, but cannot answer the most basic of science questions.
Go on KAM, explain Diabetes Mellitus to the good Anonymous. I won't even make corrections.
DV- OK, so if someone is already diabetic AND has a sweet tooth, what is a good sugar substitute. I have been relying on Equal for years and I KNOW that cannot be good for me, since it is pure chemicals. I heart that agave nectar is a good substitute that allows you to maintain lower blood sugar.
"I KNOW that cannot be good for me, since it is pure chemicals"
Joanna, read that sentence to yourself aloud several times. Ask yourself these questions.
1. How do you know it can't be "good" (or "bad") for you?
2. "Pure" "chemicals". Name one thing on this Earth (or Universe for that matter) that is NOT a chemical.
3. Do you understand your health condition (I'm assuming you do)? You do realize that sweetness you taste in Agave Nectar is...sugar? Fructose and Glucose (same subunits as table sugar, but in different combinations).
I'm going to assume you have Type II DM, or the insulin resistant variety. Before you squirt this all over your food, make sure you know how MUCH fructose and glucose percentages are in the brand that you are buying. Too much fructose can be "bad" for you and trigger a malabsorption type condition if you are so predisposed. Agave Nectar seems to have high percentage of fructose to glucose. Be careful.
As a matter of fact limiting yourself to 25 gms of "sugar" a day doesn't make sense. If a person limited themselves to 25 grams of sugar per day that would be 100 kcalories per day. The human body cannot survive on that little. Again this is a matter of definitions. I'm going to assume he must have meant 25 grams of ADDED table sugar per day. Which is perfectly fine, that's what is recommended by the American Heart Association for the average women. But this is based on "
"The limits, released in September 2009, were developed after considering the number of discretionary calories a typical American has left after fulfilling all nutritional requirements. A MORE ACTIVE person would have more discretionary calories".
Again, moving your body is key.
And who said "you won't get diabetes"? Curious.
"DV- OK, so if someone is already diabetic AND has a sweet tooth, what is a good sugar substitute." Joanna
What's happenin' Jo?
Good question.
My approach is a bit different than the Plantation approach, so well represented by the Plantation MD.
He has been trained to treat disease ... with the products their employer sells.
I'm not interested in "treating disease". That is for stupid people.
I am interested in avoiding disease.
Disease starts in the mind. So let's begin by strengthening your mind in regards to sugar:
1) There is no such thing as a "sweet tooth". There are only teeth. They are neither sweet nor bitter.
The craving for "sweet" is a craving for a drug. That drug is refined sugar.
2) Substituting "Equal" for "sugar" is like substituting "Crystal Meth" for "Cocaine". They both hurt you.
3) The idea that you "need" sweetener is an illusion. An abstraction. A meme.
The abundance of the sweet flavor in the modern diet is a relatively new phenomenon from an historical perspective.
Since refined sugar was introduced to the diet of human beings disease has escalated exponentially.
Stop thinking that you are trying to overcome a 'sweet tooth'. You are trying to kick a drug habit.
"I heart that agave nectar is a good substitute that allows you to maintain lower blood sugar."
Substituting refined sugar with agave nectar is like substituting cocaine with marijuana.
Just another drug.
Agave ultimately ... is no better for you than high fructose corn syrup.
Based on the health issues you have shared with us in the past.
My advice to you is .... "fuck sweets".
You don't need it.
Get it out of your life.
Stop craving it.
Stop "substituting for it".
If you don't.
The Plantation MD's are going to wait for you to get sick ... and then sell you drugs necessary to keep you alive for the rest of your life.
Don't let them win Jo.
The abundance of the sweet flavor in the modern diet is a relatively new phenomenon from an historical perspective.
Since refined sugar was introduced to the diet of human beings disease has escalated exponentially.
Stop thinking that you are trying to overcome a 'sweet tooth'. You are trying to kick a drug habit.
DiVinity try'na steal a page from the doctrine of dopamine hegemony.
CNu been school ever since.
Accept no substitutes.
Yeah CNu.
I got everything from you.
Except tits.
I neglected to acknowledge your specialness DeeVee..,
sorry dood.
my bad.
I'm prone to forgetting that I'm dealing with the sensitivities of an adolescent female - rather than the mature faculties of a fifty year old Black man...,
I got everything from you.
Except tits.
lol so wrong dv. you are so wrong!
I kicked my "sweet tooth", i.e. addiction to sugar, by going gluten free. A month or two into being gluten free, tastes for things changed radically. Give it a try.
The best thing is dried fruit especially dates, mangoes, raisins and papaya. Fresh bananas are also the bizness, but as you're diabetic, how much of this stuff could you eat as dates are quite sweet.
Agave syrup is a waste of calories, IMO unless it's being used in something other than tea or cocoa. Dunno if you can get stevia in the U.S, but that's another option. Fruit teas also worth drinking - iCant stand the taste of warm fruitiness, but some pple love them.
It's hard not to eat sugar if you see it as 'kicking a habit', go natural as part of a complete lifestyle change, that's the only way to get over it. Once you start to eat the dried and fresh fruit you'll find you don't need a 'sweet fix'.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. I have completely stopped buying sugary snacks, I eat fresh fruit as snacks, and have been for the past few months. But, I always end up adding like 4 packets of equal to my coffee in the morning. Maybe I should just quit drinking coffee (I never drank the stuff until about 2 years ago!)
I LOVE dried fruit, Kon Womyn, I used to keep them in my house and almost hope my sugar would go low so I could use dried mango to treat it!
Brother DV:
Truvia - is made from the stevia plant. It claims to be natural.
It has been incorporated into many "diabetes management diets"
Oh yeah: Phuck KCNulan
Maybe giving up coffee is a good idea. I drink tea and I can't stand the taste of more than one sugar in it. If you get really good teas you may not need the sweeteners because the flavor of the tea may be enough. Good luck!
Interesting comments from both sides...I am only interested in healthy facts..not "who's the best cop now Tommy..After months of being the guinea pig for the health course..not having to read labels about contents..eating fruits and vegetables..sugarless drinks..nuts..eating only when "HUNGRY"(shades of "EAT TO LIVE") non of that 3 meals a day bullshit..not worrying about 25 grams in a soda..just stop drinking that poison period...made fasting a permanent part of my lifestyle...excercising using some of same activities I enjoyed as a younger man..swimming..hiking..walking.. and I have never felt better. I did research when living in the Carribean and although the cuisine was healthy and delicious they actually are not known for the "sweet dishes" and many of my Afrrican friends did not cook cakes, pies, or cookies. I have to agree that after eating natural sweets you will eliminate the "sweet tooth" . Bon apetite!
Thanks for the shout-out, DV.
Jo: I agree with the other comments. Dried fruit has helped me tremendously. I eat a handful after dinner instead of desserts.
Truvia, I think, is disgusting. It takes just like the artificial sweeteners with the chemical aftertaste. I am now down to a pinch of raw sugar in my coffee.
DV, someone asked what about the carbohydrate intake that are in fruits. Don't they convert in to sugar as well? I need to go natural but i have to find food replacements that are filling and as tasteful.-Ab
Hello Ab.
Carbs? Fruit? Sugar?
Fruit is nature's candy.
It's full of sugar. Think about it this way ...
What we call "fruit" these days is a relatively new invention.
100 years ago.
Hell, 50 years ago ... you couldn't go into a store and buy oranges as big as your head or as sweet as candycorn.
Nature never made gigantic seedless grapes the size of golf balls.
Gigantic red... perfect ... Delicious apples ... are a manmade invention.
Hybridized, genetically modified and sweeter than designed.
I've cut way back on the fruit.
Kids eat it. But shit. They can eat anything now.
That's the $64,000 Question.
And something I suspect you are going to have to continue searching for on your own.
I am certain I will be refining my diet for the rest of my life.
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