Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Does Dressing NFL Players Like Bitches Help Women Avoid Breast Cancer? Plantation Medicine Stupidity & Gratuitious Gender Blurring Symbolism

It is common to hear Plantation MD's parroting the nonsense that certain diseases are inherited from the family genes.
However a new study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research helps put this bullshit Plantation Medicine myth to rest.

Dr. Robert Gramling, associate professor of Family Medicine, and Community and Preventive Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), author of the study, found that regardless of whether or not women have a family history of breast cancer, staying physically active, eating well, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption reduces their risk of developing breast cancer to the same degree.

"It's important to note that a family history of breast cancer can arise in part due to shared unhealthy behaviors that have been passed down for generations," Gramling explained.


HotmfWax said...


AstraZeneca, which manufactures breast cancer drugs Arimidex and Tamoxifen, founded the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the year 1985. The aim of the NBCAM from the start has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer.

Nobel laureate, Dr. John Gofman, believed that 50% of cancer was caused by unnecessary radiation primarily related to diagnostic xray studies. Large population studies in Denmark and Canada have revealed that the death rates from breast cancer in women taking regular mammograms and women who have never had mammograms are identical. This probably can be explained by the observation that when a mammogram is positive for a breast cancer the tumor has been present for up to 8 or 10 years. This long delay before a tumor becomes visible in a mammogram allows ample time for the cancer to have spread by lymphatic and vascular channels.

An additional problem with mammograms is that approximately 10% of women who do have breast cancer will have normal mammograms. The false sense of security provided by normal mammography in these women obviously delays the diagnosis of breast cancer even more.

If this information is valid why are women still having mammograms? Mammography simply joins the long list of therapies and procedures where desire for profits and lowering of world population levels have superceded the welfare of our citizens.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Eating well. Not eating $40 bread and pink salt, but eating well. Just eating well. Actually, if you look at the abstract, type of diet isn't defined or assessed. It's maintaining a HEALTHY BODY WEIGHT.

The study was to evaluate the American Cancer Society's recommendations on diet, exercise and alcohol consumption.

20 minutes vigorous exercise 5 days/week
maintain a normal weight
Drink no more than 1 drink/day

(weakness of study is again, recall bias)

For post-menopausal women WITH a family history this amounted to 1 less woman per 1,000 women who adhered to this lifestyle change (6.97 women per 1,000 got breast cancer who didn't eat well, or exercise vs. 5.94 women per 1,000)

This was a study that looked at post-menopausal women, with late onset breast cancer.

The major risk factors breast cancer are:

1. Age (number one risk factor)
2. Age at start of menstruation
3. Age at first live birth
4. Number of first-degree relatives (mothers, sisters, daughters) with breast cancer
5. Number of previous biopsies (the biopsies don't cause the cancer, rather if there are recurrent suspect lesions)
6. At least one biopsy with atypical hyperplasia

Minor risk factors include but aren't limited to smoking, age at menopause, low physical activity, alcohol consumption, and high fat diet.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

This is RELIGION DV. The notion that people are born with these diseases is the secular equivalent of original sin. You were born with it and all you can do is go to the high priest MD's for their sacraments in hopes of salvation from that sin.

And if that doctor didn't mention the massive amount of estrogen in the food supply via soy and estrogen mimickers in household products, he isn't saying anything about what is setting off the epidemic of breast cancer.

CNu said...

In your opinion II, what IS the etiology of most cancers?

Because that's determinative of what you'd do about this out of control cell growth, once you found yourself afflicted with it?

What would YOU do if (heaven forbid) you turned up with an early stage breast cancer?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I'd imagine there are lots of reasons cancers come along, largely stemming from compromising the immune system in some way. Whether it is excess estrogen in the system leading to cancers of the reproductive system (and this, my aunt who is a radiation oncologist confirmed) or overuse of antibiotics that leads to overgrowth of yeast in the colon and cancer there, I would do anything and everything to get my immune system back on track.

And chemo does not do that.

If, heaven forbid, I got any type of cancer, I'd end up in Reno doing IV vitamin C treatments. :-)

CNu said...

Are you familiar with the Warburg Hypothesis?

Anonymous said...

Oh, II...give it a rest with the religion stuff. It just distorts the conversation and brings the nuts out. You are too smart for that, why do you constantly dumb your comments down?

If there were "massive amounts of estrogen" in the food supply then why aren't more men getting breast cancer?

II, you need to have a good long sit down with your sister, and your aunt...because that answer really shows that you don't have a firm understanding of the subject. Breast and ovarian cancer are "driven" by estrogen...but it's really not as simple as that. Last year, I would have sent you to a website with good solid information. This year...I don't really care to make the effort.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Dumb my comments down? Ha. That was some deep stuff that you are still trying to ponder or perhaps you wish you had thought of it first. Secular original sin.

For a member of a profession that holds Darwin's theories sacrosanct, isn't it amazing that, after thousands of years of so-called evolution, we live among some of the most sick, mentally and physically feeble people that have probably ever lived? You'd think ALL those genetic disorders would have been filtered out of the gene pool by now.

I had not heard of the Warburg Hypothesis before CNu.

If there were "massive amounts of estrogen" in the food supply then why aren't more men getting breast cancer?

Men do get breast cancer and I would bet that the massive amounts of estrogen also accounts for why so many men have so much sugar in their gas tanks.

Anonymous said...

I think it's as deep as anything you've said...except most of that has had the depth of sidewalk spittle in the middle of a heat wave.

First off, I don't give a shit about religion. I'll respect your beliefs, but I won't accept them.

Second your analogy is off. Genetic predisposition does not mean you HAVE a disease. To date only a few genes have been analyzed that have a strong association with breast cancer. But for the majority of cancers there's no such gene.

Scientists don't hold anything "sacrosanct". If you can provide me evidence that you are right and I'm wrong, I'll switch to your team. To date, you all haven't come close.

"You'd think ALL those genetic disorders would have been filtered out of the gene pool by now"

This is the problem with debating this stuff with you all. You aren't caught up. You want to debate at a graduate level, but only have a high school knowledge base.

"Men do get breast cancer and I would bet that the massive amounts of estrogen also accounts for why so many men have so much sugar in their gas tanks"

Read my sentence again. I said why aren't MORE MEN GETTING BREAST CANCER. Not why AREN'T men getting breast cancer.

I actually know that breast cancer in men accounts for 1-2% of all breast cancers. The second part of your sentence is just stupid. I guess the reasonable Intellectual Insurgent has gone back to sleep.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I actually know that breast cancer in men accounts for 1-2% of all breast cancers." DMG

Uh ... Doc

What percentage of breasts do men account for?

What's next?

1% - 2% of women getting penis cancer?



These Plantation MD's can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.


I'll help you out.

Your Religion is Secular Humanism.

You just too pedestrian to realize it.

Look it up.

Anonymous said...

It really does pain me when I hear ignorant comment after ignorant comment day after day. It's really sad that some people are not only ignorant, but proud of their ignorance. Sit down, and shut up. No better yet, check your facts before you open your mouth.

Men have breast tissue. Not some men, ALL men. Including your ignorant ass.

3.4 Billion men.

Anonymous said...

Where's Cheir, and Her Side? THIS is what I'm talking about. Most people are ignorant of their own anatomy.

The man looks at his chest on a daily basis, and never wonders why he has nipples?

Never asks questions about the only body that he'll ever have. No intellectual curiosity. Only laziness.

And has the fucking NERVE to even look in my direction with a nasty word.

HotmfWax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HotmfWax said...

If there were "massive amounts of estrogen" in the food supply then why aren't more men getting breast cancer?

Yall need to understand that this guy is not a "real doctor" but a guy with a really nice vocab who is working for the plantation and ain't really trying to help. Just Dis-info and major bluffing and he expects you to cave.

Read the article above. See what they say about estrogen.

See what it says about the increase.

Then view this article below from the plastic surgeons making money from cutting it out:

I Quote:

"Male Breasts (Man boobs) and Cancer

Over the last decade, there have been increasing incidences of male breast cancer due to high estrogen in our food supply as well as obesity. Males may obtain estrogen from their diets as well as their fat cells which promote the growth of breast tissue. This breast tissue my undergo a transformation to cancer just like that of women. We recommend males with man boobs call our office for a consultation. We will order laboratories to check hormone levels; prescribe anti-estrogen medication to reduce levels; and eliminate breast tissue using Smartlipo.

Other adverse conditions linked to high levels of estrogen and obesity are as follows: micropenis, microgonads, prostate cancer, body hair loss, decreased sex drive, male breasts, and emotional liability to include depression."-end quote.

"Vaser Clinic."

If you are smart enough to know that it is the mammograms that causes most of the increase in breast cancers for females - then just start lining the dudes up and walla- we can be equal.

DV, can CNU qualify for some of this?:

I'll pay.

The number of breast reductions in England went from 323 in 2008 to 581 last year, which is an 80% increase, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Man, I am bummed I missed all this fun while corraling my two unsouled blobs of cells.

First off, I don't give a shit about religion. I'll respect your beliefs, but I won't accept them.

LOL!! Typical secular fundamentalist. You don't give a shit about religion and won't accept my beliefs, but you'll respect them???? Hilarious. I mean, it's cornball statements like that that belie your phony attempts at intellectualism.

All that Plantation P.C. secular dogma has fogged up your so-called rational mind Doc that you can't even see the contradictions. You'd be far more worthy of respect if you said you didn't respect my "beliefs".
Don't respect them. No one asked for your respect.

But for you to say you don't respect something that is different is to have an objective opinion and that violates one of the fundamental tenets of your secular religion -

One of the essential dogmas of secularism is relativism. Relativism tells us that truth is subjective and everyone's truth is different. What may be wrong for you could be right for me and vice versa. Relativism holds that no one religion has a monopoly on the truth.

A second dogma of secular fundamentalism is multicultural tolerance. Converts to this system of belief are convinced of the peace and harmony that can be achieved when one strips himself of any and all preferences for one's own culture. An untempered openness to everything, except of course christianity, is part of the fundamental dogma.

Anonymous said...

Keep on chugging away Wax. How's that electric diet going?

Anonymous said...

Yes, II. I totally respect your choice to worship whatever fantasy deity you choose. I totally respect your CHOICE to be a complete dumbass when it comes to medicine. What you eat...don't make me shit.
(did you TOTALLY skip the section of law school that taught you about critical thinking?)

What does any of that screed have to do estrogen, breast cancer or anything else we were talking about?

Thordaddy said...

Who cares about the breast cancer angle. It's entirely secondary to the main purpose of this emasculating campaign.

What I want to know is what is the fine for absolutely refusing to ever wear pink on a NFL football field?

Whoever thought that throwing pink onto the uniform of a professional football player in order to pull the strings of countless male fans obviously hates females.

Anonymous said...

"If you are smart enough to know that it is the mammograms that causes most of the increase in breast cancers for females - then just start lining the dudes up and walla- we can be equal."

Revisited your quote Wax. What does this bit mean:

"-then just start lining the dudes up and walla (..thats voila)- we can be equal."