Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Moorish Science 3 Plantation Science 0

Processed Food Is Chemical Warfare
Remember Where you heard it first.Remember Where you heard it best. DenmarkVesey.Net


Amarie said...

LOL. It looks like she has 4 titties without nipples on her back. That is not cute at all.

the good nurse said...

...what i don't understand it the delusional thought process that surrounds the idea that wearing a halter top or any other item of clothing that reveals your body in that manner is a hot look...when you have all that extra adipose tissue to contend with...if i were obese i would understand that that is unattractive and gross.
have to admit i am a bit vain...so shoot me.

the good nurse said...

check it...


Anonymous said...

where do you get your images from DV? did you take these pics yourself?

Amenta said...

"I hear that Boars Head kills more than nuclear war heads..." RZA, Wu Tang

Sasha said...

this is disgusting...


Anonymous said...

I've heard weed causes those back titties