Saturday, September 04, 2010

Kale, Red Pepper, Cucumber, Red Onion, Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, Sprouted Barley, Pink Himilayan Salt - Why Are Plantation MD's So Afraid of Natural?

DMG said ...
"When you all are qualified to take care of more than a hamster, why don't you give me a call? MOTI I'm still waiting for your address so I can send you all of my cardiac arrest patients, since you can cure them with your sunshine and expensive salads. Hope you got scotch guard on your carpet."


cadeveo said...

*Sigh* I think the POINT, Dr. Knowitall, is that changing negative eating habits can reverse some of the damage done and restore some of the balance lost due to years of destructive habits; In that way, these folks never need to end up at your hospital, period. It's called prevention--it's very good and empowering for your would-be patients. Can't understand any reason to be so deadset against that. (Actually I can, but I'm holding my tongue. Feel free to react, I mean, respond.)

Your favorite conspiracy theorist,

cadeveo said...

*Sigh* I think the POINT, Dr. Knowitall, is that changing negative eating habits can reverse some of the damage done and restore some of the balance lost due to years of destructive habits; In that way, these folks never need to end up at your hospital, period. It's called prevention--it's very good and empowering for your would-be patients. Can't understand any reason to be so deadset against that. (Actually I can, but I'm holding my tongue. Feel free to react, I mean, respond.)

Your favorite conspiracy theorist,

cadeveo said...

*Sigh* I think the POINT, Dr. Knowitall, is that changing negative eating habits can reverse some of the damage done and restore some of the balance lost due to years of destructive habits; In that way, these folks never need to end up at your hospital, period. It's called prevention--it's very good and empowering for your would-be patients. Can't understand any reason to be so deadset against that. (Actually I can, but I'm holding my tongue. Feel free to react, I mean, respond.)

Your favorite conspiracy theorist,

CNu said...

uh..., you realize you're responding to a straw man argument made up entirely and exclusively by Bacon Bey in order to have something (anything) to blog (argue) about?

DMG has never argued against either healthy diet, prevention, or any other healthy notion, aside from questioning the necessity of adopting the vegan/raw diet that Mrs. Bacon-Bey is experimenting with and that chicken-and-waffles Bey himself only half-heartedly flirts with notwithstanding his adversarially extremist exhortations on this blog.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

I try many of your recipes that you post. Keep them coming. I have hummus and fresh okra in my fridge right now.

I am trying to cut an increasing amount of meat out of my diet.

(Phuck KCnulan!!!)

CNu said...


hell hath no fury like a "ronald" scorned...,

Anonymous said...

Sigh, Cadeveo...

This post was originally put up MONTHS ago. And...SIGH...if you every actually read anything I wrote, you'd already know it's actually ME, rather than our host KAM, who has been pushing eating a healthy sensible diet....

ssssiiiiigggghhhh....what I'm dead set against is making wild statements about how pink pakistani salt will cure your diabetes, or make your hair slick and blond...or whatever he's pushing these days.

Pull your head out of your ass. Please. You see, I CAN be polite.

Sasha said...

So...I made quinoa yesterday. The whole rinsing process was a pain, but: delicious in the end. So versatile, so good, and so easy to prepare!!

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