Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The History Of The Plantation Negros ... Sponsored By Budweiser

Dear President Barack Obama,

Please repeal "Black History Month".  It is making our people look ridiculous.  

"Black History Month" is a memetic tool employed to bookend and pigeonhole the history of our people. It distorts our self-perception and incorrectly defines us.

Black people are the aboriginal people of the planet. We are not just from Africa. Just as many of our ancestors were from the nations that populated the "New World" as our ancestors who came here during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

The so-called "Indian" Native Americans received land reservations and casinos as compensation for the treaties broken by the US Corporation. The United States broke treaties with Black Native Americans too. What shall serve as their compensation?

"Civil Rights" and a silly month of book reports about pre-approved Black "leaders" and entertainers is not fair market value for what was stolen from us.


Denmark Vesey


makheru bradley said...

Dear President Barack Obama, Please repeal "Black History Month". It is making our people look ridiculous.

LOL @ repeal Black History Month. Slim Shady will do no such thing in this election year. He’s trying to exploit Black History Month.

"This month we are announcing the 2012 launch of African Americans for Obama. I don't think there's a better time than African-American history month to consider the tremendous progress that we've made through the sacrifices of so many, or a better time to commit to meeting the very real challenges we face right now."

The so-called "Indian" Native Americans received land reservations and casinos as compensation for the treaties broken by the US Corporation.

Dayum! You consider reservations and casinos compensation for genocide and the theft of an entire continent? -- SMH

Anonymous said...

BD's Rule Nr 1: If you can't defend yourself and/or your property, you will lose your freedom, life, and/or property. You folks griping cuz you lost due to yer own *Weakness*

Amenta said...

@ Anonymous...We were ignorant. We never realized how wicked of a species you are.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

You have been strangely silent on the US saber rattling around Iran and now Syria.

I think that the key difference this time between Iraq and Iran/Syria is that:

* There are NOT going to be mass pre-emptive Anti-War protests to force the American Imperialists to tamp down on their "War Making"


* The New York Times is not going to be asked to apologize for serving as a propaganda machine on behalf of the western imperialist machine

and finally - The Prevailing Black Consciousness will have shown itself to be more beholden to WHO is in office than the principles that they claim to stand for.

makheru bradley said...

Big Don has a valid point. The Arawaks should have cut of the heads of Columbus and all of his sailors. Had he not returned the dumb-ass Europeans would have believed that Columbus had sailed off the edge of the flat planet and they would have been stuck in resource-poor Europe.

Anonymous said...

Corollary to BD Nr 1: In the eternal competition for Power and Stuff, nice guys finish last...

makheru bradley said...

In light of the mass incarceration we are experiencing today: