Monday, September 13, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Already Killied 1,000 Times More Americans Than The Nazis, The Klan & Al Qaeda Combined - DV University - Professor Ces

For You Plantation Negros Who Need To Hear Things From White Folks Before It Really Means Anything To You.

I Aint Sayin' No Names DMG.

1 comment:

Dr., Love said...

It is befuddling how the obvious remains the hidden, a socalled highly elected official confirms that thousands are dying daily because of pollutants and toxic food ingredients and there is no outrage from other professionals particularly the medical experts and the so called concerned Americans as it relates to health care(including OBAMA). The "hegelian head fake was the reference to the POTENTIAL of lives being lost due to TERRORISTS.This is like someone who knows he is in the wrong and tries to accuse the other person of the wrong doing...DV is a recent trip through the midwest I saw endless acres of corn much corn do you see people buying at the grocer or market????....PAY ATTENTION CLASS!