iPhone ringtone "I'm Big Meech. Larry Hoover. Gettin Work. Hallelujah."
It's my boy.
"My Man!"
"Deeee Veeeee! The Blackesssst Mannnn On The InterNET!"
"Ahhhh! What's happen bra? Where you at? The Crib?"
"Nahhhh. Man. I'm In Miami."
"Miami? No shit? Cool. What you doin' playin' golf? "
"You know it!"
"You Black Bastard! Should have called me! You scared to get a ass whuppin!"
"Nah. Nah. You know I would call you. But I had to put a little time in."
"Oh! My bad! My bad! You Got the wife with you?"
"Uh ... yeah. Ha. Well. Guess you can say that."
I know a couple of brothers. Who. For all intents and purposes. Have more than one wife. You know. It is what it is. I don't have any problem with it. Makes sense to me. It adds up.
Like my pops says ... 1 woman at a time, is enough for me. But I get it. There's actually some harmony in it when it is done well. The masculine feminine thing is ultimately about the exchange of energy. Everything in the universe seeks harmony. There is an abundance of feminine energy out there. Looking to get balanced. Little too much Yin. Some brothers seem burdened with the task of providing a little extra yang. Just to keep the world in order.
Just as decriminalizing and ending the war on drugs makes sense, doesn't decriminalizing and ending the war on polygamy make sense?
Imagine how much money could be saved on rent if women just went on and became Sista-Wives? That's $2700 per month saved in one little love triangle.
And if you dont need the rent?
O. Mahogany said...
"And if you dont need the rent?"
In that case, whether you end up sharing your man or not, will be a function of your gravitational pull.
lol. Damn straight....to each his own.
But what about her own? Do you think under the present "state of masculinity" it may be time for people to acknowledge that having two men might work for a woman?
"may be time for people to acknowledge that having two men might work for a woman?" O.M.
I don't know.
Can you point to an example where a woman having 'two men' has ever worked?
Do you know of a woman who wants two men?
"Can you point to an example where a woman having 'two men' has ever worked?"
You never KNOW when a woman has two men.
I suppose we should define "having two men". The details of your friend's relationship w/ miami hottie are a bit unclear.
Now we're talkin'...I've actually discussed this with a few chicks and surprisingly enough a couple of them have been somewhat responsive..
"You never KNOW when a woman has two men."
Most men like to believe that they can juggle two women but it never really works out like that. The women that Ill is referring to that are somewhat receptive probably hate themselves and don't think they're enough of a woman to fulfill a man.
I'd be cool with two as long as one of them has a f*cking job.
LOL any woman who's willing to share a man AND work is a damn fool.
"LOL any woman who's willing to share a man AND work is a damn fool."
LMAO!! LOL Agghhhhhh Pink is gutbusting comedy!!!
Okay.....okay....enuff already...DV you have opened pandoras' box... I don't think it is as much as "gettin a chick"... a brother can get a chick to go the movies..go to the club.. study together... the problem is "KEEPIN a CHICK"! Sistahs are the most beautiful creation on the planet...the strongest..and their perceptive abilities are so underestimated by men..she has made up her mind about giving herself to a brother before he starts his "mack daddy" bullshit and he might have a chance as long as he doesn't "mack too much...Polygamy has been around for a long time and most women have tolerated "illegany"( yea bro like in the movie "Baby Boy" " I know you was fucking Peanut I ain't mad about that..its the other hoes you fucking!) Most women are like sistah Mahogany..niggah HELL NAW!.. I knew these African sisters from Senegal who were discussing the acceptance of another wife until one of their husbands wanted her to accept another wife...SHE HAD A FIT...I asked her about the acceptance of polygamy.she wasn't trying to hear that..she was acting like a sister straight from the U.S. Most brothers cant handle one woman when I say handle I mean being RESPONSIBLE for her in everyway...PROVIDING...etc.etc.etc.They can not live in the same house without trouble..children creates a whole new problem...and women can not break the concept thats "MY MAN" get your own man ! However there are some men that "GOT IT LIKE THAT"...not the ones that live with they mama...want to move in with you...no income.. always looking to his woman to be his mama and still has the "nerve"to try to have more than one woman! the way its looking polygamy may be a viable option(white men created divorce to allow them to have more than one woman") Personally sistahs...are so the "BOMB" I want to be like the great MOOR Mansa Musa...multiple wives...100 concubines...plenty of gold..(ah the dream is still alive!) Women with two men...HELL TO THE F$#%KN NAW!!!
Let's be real...most people (men and woman) can't make ANY relationship work. So I doubt most have the skill to juggle even more participants.
Of course, folks do it all the time. Some badly, some with skills.
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